Depends on the gun and situation honestly, that's all that can be said. Headshots make a big difference, but the NC are typically heavily punished...
Wouldn't care if you guys were nerfing all the other MAXes too, but you aren't. As usual the few good things NC has gets nerfed into garbage....
We probably won't get anything. You saw what happened with the Auraximus directives, so the odds of us getting something is really slim. They are too...
Yeah basically anyone who didn't get all the unlocks has to start from scratch. Everyone that already earned it is good though.
Emerald is trashed too. I blasted a guy with tank cannon and he ran back around the corner then about a full 6-7 seconds later I got a hitmarker he...
Your point would make more sense if they didn't come up with more memberships, but they did so it's a moot observation at best. Besides it's a...
How does a digital distribution have limited supplies? Oh, right. lol :p
Don't get my hopes up like that.
Here I was debating on if I wanted to come back for this big update, but then I read these "balance" changes, laugh, and decide I'll have to pass on...
+1 Completely agree. I personally think they are a little too durable, being able to take too many tank shots before dying, but if you made the...
As long as you can actually damage it, yes. Small arms don't hurt Sunderers so you are unable keep the shield down with simple gun fire. However,...
You can do what breeje said by getting Demolitions Pouch or Mine Carrier on an Engineer. Use one of your C4 or Anti-Tank Mines to break the shield...
An option to disable it completely would be a good idea. Currently all you can do is switch to the Squad tab but that also hides Region (and I...
Oh don't play the censorship card, it has nothing to do with it. DB offers the ability to report people in chat for Harassment and Vulgar...
Separate names with a comma.