Bumped, edited, updated.
Great times to be had Hossin coming soon!
[TENC] has got a great spot for ya! [media] Check out our website www.templars-nc.com, go ahead and drop us a line or hop on TS3 tonight during...
I was playing exactly one year ago and I will be playing exactly one year from now and past that. I do not understand your initial question or the...
Those purple guys? Nah you want something more like this [media]
Hello there, A Bounty has been issued in [TENC] for SentientOne Hope to see you on the battlefield! -Josh
I would disagree based on hearing from the outfits to the north what the situation was, the VS zerg on the ground outside of B and us doing...
K/D = Only thing bro. Don't even look at the SPM. K/D is ALL that matters in this game, empowering 200+ other people to do their job effectively...
Our outfit used communication and teamwork to take a base from two other outfits where we were outpopped (2x) and also being told we could not...
Hello there, A Bounty has been issued in [TENC] for LARXXX Hope to see you on the battlefield! -Josh
When you are done looking around and ready for the real game, hop on with TENC for awhile. See you later, -Josh
Join an outfit that already has a group of dedicated infiltrators. "Oh Josh, which outfit is that?" You ask.... Templars may be looking for more...
Negative, sir It is even considering adding things like vehicle animation cutscenes to a action mmo fps that will verifiably choke my computer...
Separate names with a comma.