wrel is probably giving it more time on the ptr so people can submit feedback, not many have given any feedback from the ptr on it atm (he said as...
cutting a long short its a bloody good weapon right now 6 shots in semi before, 2 shots in bolt action mode before cooldown semi mode: the recoil...
im guessing its been updated since that time, in short its a bloody good weapon right now 6 shots in semi before, 2 shots in bolt action mode...
From an infil standpoint: Trap-M1: Increase the mag size by about 3, reduce recoil slightly on x2/x3, reduce recoil a reasonable amount on x1 Amp:...
Bugs aside, if this was a legitimate addition to the Valk.
Return for no onboard weapon systems, effectively making it a cloaked transport like the Phantasm in PS1. Thoughts?
I can understand Vaphells frustration, hacking is indeed rather lacklustre at this point in time, and we have been plagued with cloaking bugs and as...
this vid from paqu pretty much sums up where the new pistols are at: [media]
Couldnt help but think of this. [media] Sworaven, good fellow, always seems to catch me on the hop :)
The issue is the fact that the BSAR rifle aim settles well before you can actually fire again, i suspect its there soley to increase the autospot...
even with straight pull on the rifles, im still wondering what benefits the compensators will give to them (given we have never had them on BSARs...
i wish they would as well, but given this is tied in to this directive stuff its more than likely going to happen.
higby has stated that they are weighing up allowing us to chose the scope another thing to note it'll have those funky glow in the dark skins,...
Separate names with a comma.