Call of Duty is an arena game. Battlefield is NOT. And yes they had maps that were more FPS deathmatch and ones that had battles with vehicles...
First of all, i never said change the entire direction of the game away from MMOFPS. I said "they need match """modes""". There can be built in...
Yup, always been a numbers game. Psychologically i've personally never have been able to get passed that. It's why i generally quit after a few days....
I've always felt this was one of the major downfalls of the game. It's soo chaotic, and especially off-putting to new players. Giving us advanced...
Considering they've essentially done nothing to discourage team killing by a second account, i've refused to put any money into this game since about...
Or at least make the queue 30% for 15 minutes.
If you want people to take you serious. State the name of your weapons. Need more details.
Yeah... The player disconnect is strong in PS2 in the past year. The serious players go to the forums when they are annoyed to discuss this game....
Especially harassers. He may have been deaf.
The right build will protect against Lancers much easier than phoenix's.
Some of that video of the PC player is fast forwarded i think.....
Whether its Placebo or not, glad some people are enjoying this game...
All 3 ideas were interesting just poorly implemented.
Oddly enough the only time i seem to have trouble with GK, is at the same base in the video. It may just have to do with that location being easy to...
First i have to ask. Is this the only event that you're basing your facts on? Realize that bullet spray is random. And yes once in a blue moon the...
Separate names with a comma.