didn't we have this thread 6 years ago?
RenderQuality is downsampling and changes the internal resolution. So f.e. if you play in 1920x1080 and set "RenderQuality=2" the game...
Overhyped much? I had to quit 2 minutes in because you're really a bit too much on the happy-side here. No content patch ever will make PS2 what it...
I'd like that the most, since it would make the Lasher viable for more situations as it currently is. Usually, as CoopTang pointed out, the...
Well yeah why not, but who cares in the end? The charge mechanic as a VS trait was a mistake in the first place, and every change that takes...
Well on the other hand, charge is entirely UP and is by far the worst mechanic in the entire game and the most unsatisfying as well. For a...
You are aware that they didn't even made the VR Training puppets move despite the fact that would be quite possible? That should speak for itself...
Akimbo for regular infantery has no place in PS2.
The card has and always had full 4GB physical memory, the issue is a different one in how the VRAM is handled. Usually it should be just fine...
It's more about the lack of competition nowadays, and other factors, and you usually have to hit a certain window in time if you want to get a...
Yeah in that case why not. I personally wouldn't go near the 970 since its VRAM limits (and in general, I wouldn't go in 1GB steps only for THAT...
Sounds underwhelming to say the least...
Separate names with a comma.