I've told SOE on twitter several times that they should just make a public-facing Foreglight engine editing kit. Imagine if the community could lay...
We are recruiting new and old players alike that are willing and able to learn and grow as a community with Planetside 2! If you're looking for a...
I agree, waiting can really just turn out to sucking more often than not! However, in the case of this game, there really is a reason and that's...
Think about it this way, if you were actually fighting on those "preferred" continents before, what were you hoping to achieve? Now, when a faction...
Honestly, if you aren't having fun with a particular form or playstyle, switch it up! That's what this game does best is having a decently diverse...
If you're looking for a fun, active outfit with a smaller experience with a dash of competitiveness, we're that outfit! We have a lot of solid...
Blue Dream Mercenaries will be there, so count Genghiskron in and get me the info where the meeting will take place.
Post Friday Night Ops Recap Last night was our Friday Night Ops which started at 7 pm CEN / 8 pm EST and we really kicked some ***. We spent most...
Fun fight at Kwahtee Mountain Complex round 10 central last night with xCOx. Blue Dream Mercenaries had a blast with the back and forth. We'll have...
YES Drew! We are always accepting new and veteran members alike! We enjoy when a person takes time to come and find a home either in game or via the...
Thanks for your interest guys! @Light5song - yes our website is no longer a thing, we use our Steam group page and group to stay in contact with each...
The game took a severe dive in terms of player activity in the recent months. I do project several members returning in the next few weeks to take a...
Here's a bumpity bump! With the impending release of Hossin, Continent Locking, and the new outfit based content, Blue Dream Mercenaries plan to be...
Snake AND Penguin, I'm not sure why you'd expect me to rewrite an entire paragraph about how we choose to play. If it doesn't fit with what you...
Snake, why do you insist on bringing irrelevant topics and trolly nonsense to other outfits' recruitment threads? It's completely unnecessary and...
Separate names with a comma.