I just posted this in another thread. The XP and Resource boost doesn't help severe overpop situations though. This morning on Connery TR was 62%...
Connery had an 62% TR most of the morning. The resource bonus definitely doesn't make it worth staying logged in on the under-popped faction. This is...
Actually I believe 90% feel they are OP until they are attempting to fly and then feel they are extremely UP. I spend far more time flying than...
Feel free to do so, and please make a video of you trying to demonstrate how easy mode ESFs are.
Around in circles we go.
Yeah, clearly this is going nowhere. Just keep rolling off on your own if that makes you happy.
Those same hornets get destroyed in dogfights, so in exchange for the ability to punish you for overextending - they are a sitting duck to any...
No, 3 people to create a zone where you can fend of a handful of ESFs and create your own personal killzone. And yes all AA weapons are...
And Bravo to you guys for it. It is a ballsy move for a reason. If it really bothers you, have you considered finding a skyguard buddy to...
No, I consider anyone who ignores their surroundings an idiot. When I play ground on my alts, I always try to keep a mental note of where our...
Now if you want to ask for better "going deep" tank loadout options, that is fine. But going deep in tanks will always be risky. There are too...
What? The only kills ESFs can get in large battles is by picking off stupid people... and that requires further nerfing an already beleaguered...
Find the list of top ESF pilots showing those numbers. When you do, you will still find that they turn better numbers in tanks. Let's just...
Very true. Most vehicle kills are just cleaning up the edges of a battle. Air does occasionally make hail mary passes at the tailpipes of tanks...
I can't even get past this. There are plenty of secondary options that punish ESFs hard for trying to solo you. Now if you are up against 2 or...
Separate names with a comma.