Reaver does NOT have the highest potential with the current state of inertia. The limiting factor of the skill ceiling is game mechanics/physics not...
I love my Gauss Saw for engagements 25m+ it's a 6shot kill (not including headshots). When firing the Gauss Saw you need to be still I can't stress...
Reavers!!!!! I don't care how much AA gets buffed - at least i'll be able to play to some of the Reaver's strengths - Afterburner & Air Hammer.
If you're a badass and love your GAUSS SAW advanced forward grip is a must have.
Infantry will blow it up. C4 is available to Light Assault, Medics, Engineers, And Heavy assault. Engineers also get mines. Heavy assault also...
Agreed I play on Helios and I've played way more than i'd care to admit. Aside from the first day Indar has remained Uncapped & Neutral. Esamir...
You created a new char and want special treatment because some guy is killing you?
Vanu: Easy Terran: Medium NC: Hard Thats it and thats all. It should have been advertised like this from the beginning.
Rare footage of Genocidal Rampaging Zebras has been found! We now have a website at:
We don't have Sanctuaries as in PS1 and they wont be added either. Ps1 is not Ps2 , its not even a "sequel" its a "re-imagining" Ad Hominem: You...
A nice idea for a different game. Here is why: "Use weather as an EXCUSE" You said it yourself you're looking for an excuse to not die to...
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