Kylerr... The two or three times a week the rest of [N] shows up to fly their mossies. That's about it. (Does NNGT count? I don't think it...
No. The problem here is that this false-analogy of "Liberator team vs ground peasants" is not a realistic balancing construct. Let me give you...
Fabulous post. You're 100% dead on, and this is a serious game design issue for SOE, not a balancing issue. The Skyguard of PS1 would have a much...
The fight is heavily slanted in favor of the lib ONLY if the ESFs don't know what they're doing. If you're not in Hover mode fighting a Lib, you're...
Air/ground vehicle loadout swaps at terminals is something they've wanted for a very long time, but according to various devs would require a rather...
The design of this weapon is hopeless as a damage-dealing, cert-generating piece of equipment on a Liberator. However, as a UTILITY loadout, there is...
Can't play anymore until they fix this, getting FPS drops into the 20s from 50-60 every five to ten seconds, makes playing effectively impossible....
Yes, lets return to the good ole' days of Reaver AB-pulsing for sustained 400+ KPH cruising speeds while happily deploying steel rain down on the...
Separate names with a comma.