Very funny lazaruz... anyway its because the servers are locked and not exactly open, or at least thats why i didn't have mine last time, so pretty...
Petitioning is against forum guidelines youknow i just saw a mod close another petition down 10 minutes ago...just puttin thatout there..
OR, you could just find the right server if you want nice TR cobalt might not but others may have :D...i haven't found any since i a Loyal VS...we...
We'd probably make the reapers from mass effect...yup..sounds about right. also i personally Dislike the TR the...
I use my Ursa on a heavy hitter loadout and my lancer on a accurate weapon loadout (accurate for long periods of sustained fire)... and i am...
[IMG] Is not Underpower.
You can take the ones that TK you inside a spawn room when you a near dead max x.x Please take them... i nearly lost hope until a medic revived...
I agree to having all the BR 10- going to a different vanu needed server :D i have been on woodman since its my first char, and i am not letting go...
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