Honestly... this is a joke, right? As an outfit leader (since early days of PS1) I've constantly tried to get the old comrades into PS2 and that...
Ruffnex werden 10! [IMG] 10 Jahre für die Terran Republic, 10 Jahre Seite an Seite gegen den Feind, 10 Jahre Gemeinschaft, 10 Jahre Ruffnex Ein...
The point is, that the package is offered for a base price of 3k SC even I already have everything expect one item included (which is available for...
Ok, so SOE made a big Cert refund some weeks ago for equipment bought twice. Could someone please explain this to me then o_O : [IMG] Shouldn't...
Just watched the FNO 33 Esamir change sneek peak and have some concerns regarding the shown dome shields I'd like to share. The build that is shown...
[media] bump :) http://www.ruffnex.de/
I kinda expected, no I hoped for threads like this when I came aware of our 6 month free PS playtime ;) PS2 is a great game imo and I like it,...
Separate names with a comma.