If the winner is meaningless then why bother to change it? It wont get cancelled.. it cant be reliably changed. So... you just have to suck it up...
I can see why you are saying that.. but The last 2 times they have tried to change the score system mid event it has led to an auto win for...
Luperza, I am aware that you didnt personally come up with the scoring system so dont take this as a personal attack. But SOE has screwed up...
Ok looks like I managed to resolve this myself but after trying alot of things I eventually resolved this with a FUll system restore to the 25th Dec....
I was going to write shell updater but must have mistyped.. and you cant edit a thread title.. Anyway I have been playing planetside since beta.....
Hi there Im getting an odd error On launching the game Im getting a box saying launchpad shell installing updates then the main window pops up...
I think I can answer that. Northern Indar seems to be the answer. Its the place I like to fight most (and I will fight through other places to...
Things to do: 1 Buy a microphone. (even a cheap one from poundland) communication is everything and it means you can ask questions 2 Find an outfit....
Separate names with a comma.