Hooray for ad hominem, yeah? While I wouldn't want to play with him due to his character in-game, he's objectively a relatively good player and he...
Ragdolls are on the roadmap, and I personally think that having extra immersion/polish from ragdoll physics is well worth potentially unreachable...
The TRV is definitely effective far beyond 30m. The recoil is incredibly easy to manage as it's smooth and unidirectional, with minor jitter that...
Have you even seen them in-game? Sure, the body may be the same but the front parts are the predominantly visible portions of the weapon in...
TR guns are fine.
Have you tried the TRV? It's more accurate in ADS (which is what you'll be using most of the time anyway), deadlier, faster, and has the same iron...
It has better hipfire accuracy. In theory it should perform better in CQC, but after a few hundred kills with it I've found it to be worse than the...
You have to remember that you're a Combat Medic, not a Medic Combat. While one of the primary functions of the medic is his/her ability to heal and...
I'm not sure to what extent the flash suppressor affects weapon bloom, but the TRV already blooms out pretty quickly and I don't want to hurt that...
Saying it's "terrible" at close range is a gross overstatement. It's more than capable of holding its own at all ranges, and with a laser sight it's...
Yep. I have ~2,500 kills with it (out of 5,000) and I absolutely adore it.
Yes, it is more accurate on paper. It simply didn't feel "right" the way the TRV does for me. It's designed for close-/mid-range engagements,...
Separate names with a comma.