The tracers are going to lead them to you if they bother to look while the flashes will cause their eyes to fix on you right away. It just results...
I would actually use Slug ammo on my Jackhammer. Anything to make auraxiuming the thing faster so I can bury and forget about it.
I just want my Lightning's AP rounds to 1 shot ESFs. Doesn't feel good for a well aimed shot to only set them on fire.
I'd rather Engineers be able to pack it into their Turret slot instead so they can keep their Carbine for general work.
Yeah. That camo of their is why I originally stopped playing on Hossin. Couldn't see them worth a damn.
I've got some fun reactions while running around with a laser and silencer on my SAW.
I just treat "friendlies" who run in front of/through me while I'm firing as if the enemies put up destructable cover. They do it so often that I...
I've had the spawn system refuse to let me go to the Warpgate of all places. The spawn icon would either vanish entirely, or I'd select it as my...
It does suck to shoot someone instead of healing them as intented. On the bright side: It is faster to revive them than to heal them. ;)
I'm eventually going lose it and start to tank mine the lone ghost cap Sundies the game loves to drop me at. I have never encountered a more...
I don't have the certs to put into mine yet. That's pretty much the only reason I don't pull them often.
I saw one a few months ago.
I'm fine with them standing still if they have the sense to guard me while I patch them up. I've died one too many times to a lone soldier coming...
Patchwork engineer. I'll just roam around supplying/repairing things when other engineers are failing to do so, then swap back to something else when...
The Magrider with anchor... I just picture it falling to the ground like a brick. The image is completed by a cloud of dust/snow rising around it...
Separate names with a comma.