NC has two now, Atleast give the other empires one and before you say no, lol
haven't seen you on ceres in ages!
I only get 100/150 a week D:
how was all access? did you get to sample ps2 on ps4?
yeah my title's abit stupid sorry i ment to put it's easier to do know
Sorry Mr Zoran, i ment to write it was much easier at 10 meters inwards, thanks for the videos btw i'm actually still learning the game and...
forgot to mention the jackhammer wasn't buffed
i don't know if you were aware but all your shotguns were buffed, all of them, tighter pellet spreaad across board :) you can OHK with a pump now...
Ah the regular Forumside crew, well atleast half of it, let's wait for tommy, hoki and just about everyone else to make this...
Separate names with a comma.