Discussion: Game Update 1 Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archaegeo, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. MistaN

    So "defending" means that you camp a sunderer inside the tech plant with 300 of your teammates all huddled around 2 doors spamming grenades at the attackers?.....lol sure
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  2. Pella

    Sort the Render Distance then many will be happy.
  3. Metsuro

    If you are using the lock on AV launcher. You are already doing it wrong. Because again, they'll just roll down a bit behind the hill.

    Again they didn't change how the launcher works. It travels from you to the target. The AV launcher should fly up than come down on the target.

    The lock on launchers are terrible at their roles. But when they had dumbfire they were somewhat useful. Because if you HAD to use it to lock on. It was an option. Until they change how they track, these arn't buffs.

    Shield diffuser. Tech plants were never a problem. It was the lack of people trying to use the tools.
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  4. HadesR

    Only way I'd be happy about the change is if they covered the whole base in a Bio dome shield to keep air and tanks out .. Make it an Infantry only combat area .. Building to building fights would be fun ... But can imagine it wil just end up tank's camping spawn/gen rooms and another base easier to capture than defend ....
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  5. HMR85

    I am so pissed off about the changes to the Tech plant. I really enjoyed the fights to get in and down the generator. I feel like the cert points I dumped into the sundy to bypass the shields on the back side of the tech plant are now useless. Great job SOE on screwing this one up.
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  6. r.Tek

    "They will just roll a bit behind the hill"

    Yeah, because this game contains nothing but hills, right? We might as well rename this game to Hillside 2 or Coverside 2 because everywhere you go in this game, there will always be some type of hill or even a tree that a tank can just hide behind in order to avoid a missile. Might as well remove rocket launchers all together then because if a lock-on rocket launcher can't hit a tank hiding on the other side of a hill, a dumb-fire missile won't either!
  7. Liger Zero

    Well, for example there is only one Australian server. That means I can only have one character on a local server, and the others would have to be located on the American West servers. With this change it means I can play all my characters on the same local server, which is obviously better for me.
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  8. orionX65

    No, "defending" is sitting in the spawn room that is being camped by 30 tanks.
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  9. Sparks

    I can't believe they caved so easily to make one of the few things you could actually defend undefendable once again :(. Too many people want all the reward without even a single inch of effort on their part.

    I'm quite sad about the tech plant change now :(.

    I thought beta was over!
  10. MistaN

    Nope, I'm 1 of the idiots who takes out the sunderers using my mosquito and shooting through the gaps. Having 2 doors to enter from is a terrible idea. Having the shield gens INSIDE of the building is a horrible idea. That's like having the SCU inside of a spawn room...it makes no sense.

    You're just mad that you cant turtle into 1 building and farm kills.
  11. Metsuro

    Not sure why this is a hard concept for you.

    Dumb fire shots travel on a curved line, due to drop off.

    Lock on shots travel in a straight line. Because they are locked on. Which means if you move down even just a bit the path changed. Which is why AV rockets seem to hit bumps alot. Because its a straight line from you to the target. If they move down so does the line. They pathing for lock on rockets is beyond bad.
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  12. Goomba

    (Spoiler) it's a buff to shield breaker because now the entire defending team won't be inside.
  13. Metsuro

    There are 5 doors, and an elevator. 3 of the doors require a 100 cert tool.

    Not so hard.
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  14. Mietz

    The shooting through the gaps thing is overrated anyways.

    If people were competent they would park the sunderer in the back of the facility near the rear shield where nothing can hit it.

    But there are still viable ways to get into a tech plant, the problem lies with the funnel of death at the main doors that is too enticing for new players. Not to mention a Lightning can park there inside and camp infantry forever with HE.

    The base needed a redesign, unfortunately the "fix" isn't really what was needed.
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  15. lonegunman

    I am sad. I bought a walker anti-air gun for my tank the other day because Matt Higby said they were buffing them. But there's nothing about it in the patch notes. :(
  16. Mishkel

    It makes me laugh simply because both of those are true.. depending.
  17. MistaN

    Sure you can...bet you didnt know that you can hit a sunderer through the shields with a mossy :p
    I've been at dozens of tech plant fights and I've seen & used the gate diffuser tactic. It's not a valid tactic against 100+ ppl hunched together inside of 1 building...especially when AV mines are placed around the shields and when they have tanks camped inside waiting for you.

    There shouldnt be 1 way to attack a base. They dont need to make it easily taken and they still need to make it defensible but having the generators inside the main building is not the answer. That's horrible design. They definitely need to address the problems that we'll face with the spawn room being camped though. They should elevate the spawn room.

    Also, they're putting teleporters in all of the tech plants anyways so you can just teleport directly into the main base so the spawn camping wont be much of an issue once all of them have it.
  18. Metsuro

    You missed the point. A sundy in between the shields is not the correct location for it. its actually in between that and the rear shield.

    Which means those you are attacking have no clue what they are doing.
  19. r.Tek

    These issues can be improved in future patches.

    What I don't understand is why you're complaining about a lock-on range increase. This is still a buff no matter how minor it may seem to you. You're making it seem as if the only time you engage tanks in this game is when they are coming over a hill which they can simply reverse back down if they are being locked on too.
  20. JohnnyMaverik

    Mostly bad update is mostly bad. Haven't solved the lolpodding problem at all (yay, less splash damage, but with that many missiles coming down one is likely to direct hit, and that's against a single infantry), nerfed a bunch of other stuff that didn't need nerfing, buffed anti-air so now the only reason you'd want to use a one man craft is to lolpod, dogfighting anywhere near enemy territory is now a no go, Liberators were already easy enough to hit and take down as it was, and why would you use a Galaxy now?

    Can't believe lock on launchers are now lock on only. Tech plant update makes little sense as defending against lolpod spam is going to be impossible now everything requires a ton of running around in the open. The solution was simple, split the anti ground pods into 2 weapons, 1 effective against ground and stationary armour but slow ROF and no splash damage so it's crap against infantry, the other high ROF and splash damage but does minimal armour damage, meaning if you want to go hunting sundys and tanks you can but you better be careful, same for infantry, and you can't make yourself a one stop hit and run solution against everything on the ground.

    Everything else could have stayed as it was.
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