Cyrious made a video about Skilled Players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ican'taim, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. JustGotSuspended

    guessing? Didn't you say that's your field of expertise? You should be able to tell us why and how they've suddenly become harder to spot.

    I guess you just don't know anything....

    I'll make another guess here....

    The guy isn't cheating!! :eek:
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  2. Demigan

    Actually my understanding of BattleEye is completely different.

    BattleEye reports activities to whatever they call themselves nowadays. When it detects a potential cheat it starts investigating. Even if it has undoubted proof that the player is cheating it does not ban it (yet). BattleEye will gather more and more information about the cheat and check it against other players to see if it can identify the same cheat there. Once enough information has been gathered about the cheat the developers can give an OK and let BattleEye automatically ban all players caught with the cheat. This makes it easier to detect them later, though offers no guarantees just an increased rate of discovery and subsequent bans.

    It's strange that you point out to a number of 6 bans, yet I don't know where they are comming from other than some nebulous "developer" and then tell me that I'm pulling secret numbers out of my rear end. Hell as Towie points out we used to have those server-wide messages that told us if players were banned on the server, and I've seen more than 6 of those already! On just my server! So your developer data claim is strange to begin with. I've even seen more than 6 video's on this forum alone of people who found youtube video's of players trying to sell cheats. As weird as it is to see a cheater for example hacking the observer cam and giving it a hitbox so they can ram people and insta-kill them this is what can happen with cheaters.

    Cheating isn't so easy to catch, the developers are always one step behind the cheaters and have to find a new way to exploit their own game system and then plug the hole. It's become a literal industry where companies can offer anti-cheat tools, it's not something you can put one or two developers on and assume that everything is A-OK. Hell even the cheating has become an industry. Just google it and you'll find dozens of cheats for sale from dubious people (who might just as easily hack your PC as help you with your game). 2 cheats for sale

    Saying games are easy to protect against cheats is like saying that anti-virus software has an easy time finding and stopping all virusses. It makes no sense and it's not true.
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  3. Towie

    Very true but top tip from me - don't bother engaging JustGotSuspended. He just throws around insults, fails to grasp the meaning of sentences (or anything) and has a generally obnoxious demeanor. He clearly has not learned from previous encounters.

    Let's all hope he doesn't have as much time on his hands when the schools go back.
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  4. Demigan

    I've had some good discussions with him I think. This is just one topic that he can't let go no matter what.
  5. DarkQuark

    Complains about insults then insults someone. That's totally not hypocrisy that undermines anything you say.
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  6. Towie

    Very true - apologies to all, I should not have stooped so low. My bad.
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  7. JustGotSuspended

    Well here, read up, maybe you'll spit a fact in your next reply. hacking is covered,unable to play the game.

    No, again, you have no clue what you're talking about, so you end up paraphrasing. Software is designed by humans. While antiviruses will notice and even defend against some viruses, they won't do against all. A human however will sooner or later find out his computer has a virus, because it leaves traces. Viruses can then be dealt with, some may require more time/effort/resources than others, but that's about it.

    As for the bans, cyrious literally has screenshots in his vid(s). Otherwise, you can take the time to dig up promptcriticalsoe's reddit posts from years ago. Either ways, that's more evidence than anyone else has provided.
  8. JibbaJabba

    They are very aware of this. Very. They love the game, invest in it, and do not want to damage it's health.

    Short of just "ok let's not have an outfit then" there is only so much can be done but they are trying. (suggestions with sincere intentions are passed along..)

    On Emerald for example, when was the last time TR got their weekly Friday night primetime warpgating and whooping VS? It used to be like clockwork and now doesn't happen after a discussion like this on reddit. I only mention one outfit I'm aware of. This was by design for them.

    One idea: You'll find them nonsensically dividing the map in half. It forces a double team and a fight but unlike a warpgate newer players or those wishing to avoid them can by going to other fights. Releasing a triple warpgate and going to the other faction is also something tried.

    Most of their ops they run deliberately as separate squads. They'll leave the fight if population becomes even or if a friendly zerg joins. They also frown on some of the imbalances..mass kill / low skill stuff. Hesh, A2G, limited maxes, etc.

    The newer or lower skilled players get tons and tons of kills against them (often with cheese but that's ok) and ultimately because such imbalanced fights are chosen on purpose the new guys frequently win!

    That said, sometimes the pain hits. I recall the platoon forming up before ops on hossin as a waiting continent. No leadership at all for about 10min and the unstable alert going on forced everyone to just a few fights. They were not underpop fights like is usually sought out. Not fun at all for the other side and I recall a vet complaining legitimately about the noob experience. He was right.
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  9. JibbaJabba

    Not what I heard.

    If anything it would be more helpful if players who know better speak up about the hackusating. This game is NOT riddled with hackers. It's out of control and damaging the game.

    I got into some 10min ingame argument with a guy that was accusing someone else of hitbox modding. He saw shots fly in and miss but died. So he's hackusating and telling everyone all these outfits are just cheaters.. .soon people are joining him.

    here's the rub though - the shots you see flying in are not the actual shots. It's just rendered by your local client to give you some idea you're being shot at. He's a noob and doesn't know this. The vets know better but nobody is speaking up.

    It's out of control and it's caused severe damage to the game over the years.
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  10. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah most vets do their best to help others and be friendly. Ofc if you're annoying them by cussing them out, hackusating or wishing harm/death on them for being better than you, they might ignore you. Some people actually disable their tells because of this.

    That said, you can usually ask for help either through /tell or /yell, and real vets, those who actually care about the game, those who are seriously good - will respond. Even sweaty super tryhards stop by to help me - without me asking - when they see me struggling to climb or whatever. After all, they play for a challenge, they want to vs people as good/better than them to keep improving. And typically they don't mind joining your squad/inviting you to their squad since they run squad boosts half the time anyways.

    I do think there should be a place like VR or Koltyr that's properly constructed to nurture more casual/newer players. But at the same time it's entirely possible for both skill groups to have fun. A lot of the issue I feel is that some people don't want to swallow their pride and ask/receive help from people that are better than them.

    The amount of hate, accusations, salt and threats I receive AS A BELOW AVERAGE PLAYER is mind-boggling. There's some sessions where I seriously turned off tells/ignored and/or reported such mentally disturbed people. Barely a week ago someone wished death on me for "maining" heavy. Not cheating, not whatever. For playing heavy. My most played class is light assault by the way. But that dude kept sending me disturbing tells for my whole session. For the following days, he kept messaging me mean things in game. I didn't have him as a friend either. That means the dude didn't know when I was on/off, yet he was regularly manually sending me tells.

    There's also dudes who hackusate me and some skilled players I played with, yet have no problem playing with us - they even invite us to their platoons/outfit when we switch to their faction. You can't despise an enemy for being a "hacker" and then be completely approve when these "hackers" switch to your side.

    Now if I can fill a discord channel with hate tells with my miserable stats, just imagine how elite players are treated. Seriously, it's absurd. I feel if the community as a whole started better understanding each other, or at least being honest with themselves, the game would be more fun for everyone.
  11. JustGotSuspended

    Well what happened when you spoke up? What happens when me or anyone else tries talking sense to people who obviously have no idea what they are talking about? Nothing. At best you argue back and forth for a bit, ridicule the guy in the eyes of knowledgeable people, and get branded as toxic and ignored by those you attempt to reason with.

    The truth is that a majority of these guys don't want to know. Obviously, the guy probably doesn't believe there's 1000 cheaters paid by DBG constantly hunting him down. But it does provide a safe place for him to fall back on when he sees he's constantly dying to the same dudes without being able to fire back. He eventually forces himself in this fantasy bubble, and rejects any attempt of reason. Partly because he knows there is nothing to argue, partly because he can't.

    Vets have tried reasoning with these people. They've tried being nice, mean, making youtubes, streams, tutorials, rage montages, parodies....nothing works, because these types of people aren't looking for explanations or truth. We both know we're wasting our time even bothering to reply to the nonsense that gets written in these cheating threads. Some vets prefer not to waste their time and have given up on those toxic parts of the playerbase.
  12. JustGotSuspended

    it was probably a subtle insult only a hacker would've noticed.
  13. JibbaJabba

    Yeah same thing in these forums.

    I've replied to enough hackusation forums that now I'm labeled a "hacking apologist" and attacked ad hominem.

    You absolutely positively cannot convince people there is no hacking. Anytime there is evidence there is also evidence the hacker got banned or something. Anytime there's not, it's deemed a "subtle hacker" and the burden of proof is shifted to you proving otherwise.

    It's tireless.

    That guy I argued with ingame that was hackusating others? I sent him a squad invite, offered to help him. Nope.

    When this game dies it won't be because of hackers. It will be because every noob that joins gets told he can't win unless he hacks so he quits.
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  14. pnkdth

    Yeah, the Dunning-Kruger effect is hecking real. In previous threads on this they reverse engineered anything into a suspicious behaviour. I mean, why did that player look left there?! Was it because he knew where to look? Oh wait, he stopped?! He must have know there was someone behind that wall. Always stuck making excuses and looking outwardly for something to blame.

    But such are the times, frontier justice with social media and call out-culture is what the mob seem to enjoy. It is not so hard to imagine how witch burnings once were a thing. I wonder how many "subtle witches" they accused and burned because something is clearly off with her, isn't it? Can't prove it but it is obvious, right? Look how she moves and talks... Just look at her. Bit of a dramatic example but the mindset is the same.

    So the question is, if these cheaters are so incredibly subtle we cannot even notice it what is the actual impact on the game? Always so elusive them subtle cheaters, eh, so crafty...
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  15. JibbaJabba

    LOL "subtle witches". Bro you got me with that ****. hahaha.
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  16. Demigan

    So... I was right? What do you think the "constantly evolving" thing is about? Or who do you think is governing that code of conduct? That's the developers right? Not owners of BattleEye. On top of that it proves my point: Cheating is proliferating so much that it allows entire software developments to be worthwhile.

    Yes, software is designed by humans. So is the antivirus, or the hacks. Does that mean you can make the game perfectly able to withstand all hacks? Ofcourse not! The BattleEye developers practically scream it at you: Not all games can be protected. Why? Same reason as always: You can't spot every cheat.
    A virus uses exploits to get in, does it's thing and does not necessarily need to leave a trace. It's just that many viruses are aimed at long-term infection like a botnet so you can still find traces. A cheat is designed to use an exploit to either manipulate the player's behaviour or the behaviour at the server. BattleEye tries to spot what's going on in the player's PC, but you can't catch everything unless you know what every single cheat and exploit does.

    Cheats and anti-cheats are always evolving. You patch one hole, another is found.

    I didn't watch the video, and if there were only 6 bans years ago while I've quite literally been killed by a dozen teleport-hackers just in the first year of the game alone you know that the anti-cheat is horrible.

    The problem is that cheaters have existed since the dawn of online video games. Yet everyone has now the opportunity to slander anyone who asks the question of "did this guy cheat? Could we investigate?". This is especially true for the "hero's" people have picked. For some reason no one is allowed to even point out something that could easily be cheating because... I'm not even sure why not. But defend them they shall! And they'll be as toxic about it as they can be! And what does toxic do? It makes other people also toxic! And we now have a situation where no one can even think of saying "this guy cheated!" unless the guy was flying and doing 6 kills in 1 second with a sniper and another 4 kills in the second after, and even then there will be people going "oh my that could have been like lag or something don't hackuse them they are just so good".
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  17. OldSchoolD

    I'll state some facts to try and help the discussion

    - There are different kinds of cheaters in virtually every popular multiplayer PC game.
    - There is no way for us common players, to tell how many cheaters are playing PS2 currently.
    - We all agree that obvious cheaters get banned rather quickly
    - We all agree that so-called subtle cheaters cannot be big in numbers in this game, otherwise they would be ubiquitous
    - We all agree the game is very playable inspite of it's cheaters, and most faults in the game lie not in them, but in the producer's vision and direction

    If we can agree to the above statements, we should be able to agree also that whatever cheating is going on in this game, whatever it's proportion, subtle or obvious or anything in between, imagined or real, it is here probably to stay, it has no way to be exactly measured and thoroughly addressed, and that it doesn't majorly taint the player's overall experience of the game.
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  18. DarkQuark

    Only a cheater would not admit to being a cheater...
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  19. That_One_Kane_Guy

    It's to the point where I legitimately use the term 'subtle cheater' as a touchstone to determine whether I should take what a person has to say on the subject seriously or not.

    Also fun illustration on how easy it is to lead these people by the nose: the three chars in my sig all have roughly the same stats, yet only one has been hackusated with any consistency.
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  20. ZorcTheAbomination

    But where can i get the ”good stuff”?
    Asking for a friend

    - as long as there's a demand there will be product
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