Close Quarter Snipers out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OneShadowWarrior, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. OneShadowWarrior

    In the first Planetside, Sniper rifles were common pool weapons. How the heck did infiltrators get them?

    A few suggestions and I know the CQC Exploiters will whine. First of all, implants added a whole new dimension. After that, so many characteristics with nerfing Heavy Assault and Nanoweave that drastically effected Light Assault, Medics and Engineers and then headshot central was born.

    Infiltrators have submachineguns for in close as well as SOAS, Stalker, Artemis, Tomoe for these mid range shots.

    Why should any sniper rifle be allowed any at range with a scope lower than 6X on top of that why should they even excel up close at all? A sniper rifle should excel at distance, not inside a capture point, it makes zero sense to have so much firepower in the other classes and be dead before you can ever react in a capture point.

    It's the infiltrators that are controlling the lanes in capture points not the Heavy Assault, Medics and Maxes, like it should be.

    Why are snipers or scout rifle users allowed to even cloak, especially with Nano Cloak? They get their flick shot on and just run away before you can do anything reaction time wise.

    The time to kill for these classes need to be reviewed by the developers, it's getting exploited.
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  2. Magma52

    The penalty for infiltrators has always been the 100 less shield health - that's a huge penalty for the ability to cloak. Infiltrators also received a massive nerf several months ago with the introduction of the 'death cam', which completely ruins stealth in the game. Heavies still get the most kills per minute, and infis are fine as they are.
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  3. Demigan

    100 shield is a tiny penalty for arguably the best infantry class ability in the game: Cloak.

    Death Cam isn't a good thing for the game, but for infiltrators it's not a nerf. It's only a nerf for clueless people who think that "stealth" means "sit in one spot and shoot enemies from afar/from the same position with stalker". A good infiltrator will move a little, A great infiltrator will move good distances between shots and the best infiltrators will use enemy knowledge against them: The enemy saw you at X when they were killed, but when they look there you are at Y, which has a nice vantagepoint on the X position or on the road towards X so you get an easy second kill.
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    I think what instagib mechanic should stay in game, peoples spend years to train muscle memory for being able to cqc bolting and dominating even heavy assaults (which actually is ez mode class with "I won" button). However i don't think what giving this power for infils was a good idea. Cloak alone provide very strong advantage in fights, no matter in small or big ones. And fighting against cqc bolters isn't fun, because, if they skilled enough, you can't do anything except equipping resist shield or redeploy to another base.

    So i hear idea once, what may look crazy at first glance, but, what if we transfer sniper rifles to engineer class exclusively? Imagine how entire sniping and counter sniping meta would change. Engineers the most underpowered class in terms of infantry vs infantry. Their special ability isn't cloak, extra health or ability to fly. They just have a bit shorter downtime for shields (6sec cd instead of 8) and thats it. Spitfire turret can act as motion spotter. Infinite ammo is not a problem cause we already have ammo printer in game, so it wouldnt be OP (and even if not, whats the problem to restrict ammo packs from engies who carrying sniper rifle?). The only thing what should be changed (and refunded) is ASP perk for shotgun secondaries.

    I really want to see planetside with engies acting as snipers, that might be a lot more fun, untill then, i gonna play cqc bolter myself, because i can, because i spend years to train my muscle memory, because with average fps below 35 this is the only way for me to be competetive in gunplay.

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  5. Atrus2g

    Knife only infil here with about 13k knife kills, for 1000% certain the deathcam nerfed snipers disproportionate to the other classes. My k/d as a knife only infil hovers around 2.5 to 3, not elite at all but im not a camp and snipe n00b either. If im working an area, the fact that the death cam follows me gives away my position and trajectory to the person i just killed, and anyone else in that persons squad. So what happens? Like clockwork, out comes the light or heavy assault with a darklight flashlight not going just to my specific location (thats fine), but sweeping where i killed them AND the entire swath of land where i was headed (with the occasional assistance of motion detect darts).

    Of course I can counter, but it ruins the dynamics of sniper play. Either squat over the kill until the cam stops following then move, feign a direction that you're NOT going for 6 seconds then head to your true next position, or put enough distance between yourself and your last kill that finding you becomes highly improbable. Deathcam, darklight flashlights, pain barriers in constructed bases and being the weakest class makes it quite challenging. Not complaining, but as a 6 year vet i've seen some classes/playstyles watered down to the exclusion of the more popular classes (HA/LA).
  6. xMeserionx

    I'd like to add, the cloak is not really a cloak, its more camouflage. If the infiltrator is doing anything other than holding still while crouching, they stick out like a sore thumb at close range. At night and at longer distances the cloak works much better. If you spot a "cloaked" infiltrator in CQC, you have the advantage because it can take them about a second to decloak and line up to fire if you get the jump on them. Not OP at all.

    Infiltrators can invest in nano-armor cloaking which gives them +100 shield at the cost of a shorter and also slower recharging cloak.
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  7. Yavimaya

    Idk. I think the reason that infiltrators use CQC rifles is that most of the game is effectively CQC.

    I've been working towards the Moonshot. I auraxed the Railjack, Gauss SPR, and NC14 a few years ago when Indar was effectively the only continent because of pop. I'd say over 2/3 of indar is ok for sniping, but on the other continents, well...
    Esamir? Get run over. Also the bases are exceptionally cluttered with walls and buildings.
    Hossin? Every 40m a tree or inexplicable plateau.
    Amerish really depends on the base. People might think the mountains offer good vantage, but they also waste a lot of time to climb, and they're too far away from the action in a lot of cases to use even the railjack.

    Most action also takes place inside bases, when it isnt exclusively inside a biolab. Sniping from the outside offers you vantage on only one side of a base, if its even possible to do so at a particular base, and you dont get to pick which side you snipe from generally. Any fights that happen inbetween bases happen in vehicles.

    I've been trying to brute force my way through the Longshot and LA80 and... its just not as fun as it used to be. I cant bring these guns to most fights unless I try to use them at completely inappropriately short ranges.

    Long range sniping also imo has almost 0 impact on the course of most fights these days. No-deploy areas on most bases arent actually large enough to give you a zone of suppression from which to defend a base. I dont see nearly as many rocket heavies, or turret engies as I used to. I cant snipe vehicles. There's very few bases where I can actually snipe important locations like the control point.

    People complain about CQC bolt actions as if I have other options.
  8. Ssidistik

    There is always a hard counter to any class/build in the game.

    IMO more landmines less infiltrators inside. A infil will only snipe me once indoors then I do everything I can to hunt them down. Its one of my fave times, punishing the infil who wants to bolty indoors.

    Looks like people not understand what "CQC Bolters" mean.
    Here is a perfect example, our God Elusive1 (he is like Moukas for c4 fairies)

    As CQC bolter you don't care about map or location, don't care about A2G or HE spam. You just slaughter people and this guy didn't even use cloak to have advantage of first shot, he peak decloaked everytime. Cloak only helps bad players like me to get closer to his skill level, it's a useful tool, too useful. And this is not because his sniper rifle have acess to 1x-4x scopes, i prefer x12 even for indoor fights (i am myself a prove what such flickshot level achievable even with X12 scopes), probably because my mouse sence is too high and i skip pixels in scopes with lower magnification, i just used to it.
    Problem in cloak, what allow more people to get results what elusive1 had without it. And as i said, you can't really do much, i usually switch fight, because it is very hard to counter and why i should risk my precious KDR if i can just flee? :D
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  10. Yavimaya

  11. Praetor411

    90% of bolt babies can't aim at all.
    i agree with the general opinion that infiltrators are cancer, but once you learn how to deal with them they're not that big of a deal.
  12. TRspy007

    100 less health is a HUGE disadvantage for a class that can TURN INVISIBLE???? The reason they don't need that health is because they can avoid being shot at. Also, sure they have a little less health, however let's look at what they have to work with:

    • EMP grenades. By far the most powerful grenades when used correctly. Goes through walls, blurs vision AND TAKES OUT HALF OF PEOPLE'S HEALTH (more for bionics implant users, none for carpace users ofc). That more than levels the playing ground for the infiltrator.
    • Have access to 1hk sniper rifles when going for the head, no matter what the target is using (heavy shields, nanoweave), and assuming you are bad, they are 2 shot kills anyways, or you can opt for semi or even FULL AUTO rifles (not to mention critical chain implant).
    • Have access to the nano-armor cloaking which basically negates the effect of not having 100 more hp.
    • Have access to mines, 1htk knife indefinite cloak and the same pistols as everyone. This means they can snoop around and place mines in groups of enemies, or instagib them with knife, of even pick out ppl at a terminal with 2hk pistols.
    • Infils also have recon devices, which means they basically can't be surprised, unless they are really distracted.
    Sure infils may not get the highest kpm, (and I'd like to see some stats because I don't think heavies do either), because infils are by definition not meant to have high kpm. They have high kdr instead. Their ability to not be seen combined with their tools mean they can pick their engagements and slowly but surely "farm" a high kdr. Anyone who says otherwise is simply not admitting the facts. You'll see the infil mains will have much higher kdr than even the best heavy assaults.

    If you actually think this through, you'll see this makes sense. The heavy assault shield decreases movement speed by 25%, and when aiming down sights this means the heavy will lose 75% of his movement speed. The shield does not do anything for headshots, and only absorbs damage from 2 body shots. This means in a 1v1, sure, the heavy can win the fight if he knows when to activate his shield, but it doesn't do much against a skilled player, and a medic with the nano-regen device is just as good.

    The shield also makes the heavy light up like a Christmas tree, and the movement speed penalties make him extremely vulnerable. Good players will be able to make use of the heavy's ability, just like they would of any class. I as a light assault and engineer main, heavies are just as easy to kill as any other class when you start landing headshots.

    Infiltrators are more like air vehicles: they can kill you without being in the fight. They can snipe you from miles away, and there's nothing any class can do to stop it. This thread is about CQC sniping though, so let's discuss that. Planetside 2 is all about positioning. The light assault and the infiltrator are the best classes to do this. The LA can attack from weird angles, and the infiltrator can simply cloak at a choke point, aim where he thinks the player's head will be, and get the instagib as soon as they turn the corner or whatever. Also, most of the sniper cone of fires are actually really good considering they're sniper rifles. People can grab a bolt action or semi-auto and land some interesting shots without even aiming down sights.

    The infiltrator also knows when to fall back thanks to their recon tools, and can become pretty impossible to find. The cloak lasts long enough so they can redeploy when cloaked if they have to, and allows them to avoid more bullets than a heavy shield could take. Seriously, try finding a cloaked infiltrator in general, and then remember that nighttime and Hossin exist. Yeah, even with the darklight they can be a huge pain to find, not to mention once you switch to your darklight pistol, you are engaging the infiltrator at a disadvantage, since he sees you but you can't, and you're not using your primary.

    Overall infiltrators are by far the most powerful class. They weren't this strong in beta until the changes to nanoweave and the addition of stalker cloak. They can really be a pain since there's not much you can actually do about them, and they have better weapons and abilities than the other classes. I've been playing heavy for the directive now, and I can tell you the cloak is better than the shield when used properly. To put it in simpler terms, when I switch from my butcher heavy to the default infiltrator, my kdr jumps at least 2+. That means by using the default infiltrator (i really haven't certed into this class at all on most of my characters), I get a higher kdr than my maxed out heavy. Now you're gonna tell me that the fact the infiltrator is missing 100 health is their biggest weakness? No, their biggest weakness is that they cant use their primaries with stalker cloaking.

    PS1 had it better, all classes could use sniper rifles, the infiltrator could not cloak when using sniper rifles, the infiltrator could only use pistols and knives when cloaked. I shouldn't have to say the infiltrator is in a broken state, and instead of looking on paper "O iNfiltRaTorS hAvE 1o0 leSs hP, tHeReForE tHeY mUsT bE tHe weAkEsT cLasS", play the game for 5 minutes and you'll see the problem.

    And don't even speak about the deathcam, that thing is a joke, literally never works, everyone just instantly respawns before the thing even loads anyways, and no one asked for it in the first place. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone would pay to get it removed, not just the infiltrators.

    Here's some extracts from other people:
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  13. TRspy007

    Also I'd live to point out the speed at which these snipers re-chamber shots, and this guy isn't even using critical chain. Pretty sure their refire time is quicker than a pump shotgun.
  14. That_One_Kane_Guy

    You'll notice if you look at his stats how he is representative of the top ~5% of the population and should in no way be used as a benchmark for what the average CQC sniper is capable of in this game.

    Dying to a skilled CQC bolter is like a shark attack, where dying to a skilled heavy assault is like a car wreck. Both will kill you but one is a lot more common and still kills you just as dead.
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  15. Yavimaya

    I'm not actually sure what the point of investing your epeen in this game really is, considering that actually playing the game and trying to secure territory for your faction nukes most of your metrics. Whereas anyone can sit in a biolab nonstop and artificially inflate all their metrics.
  16. Demigan

    Ah yes, the guy of which I proved that 2/3rd of his hits should not have hit in a single of his video's (and a bunch of shots in other video's), which he was unwilling to look at because it was "just the nature of drag-shooting", a term that mysteriously disappeared again. And that he had a few shots where the bullet path never even connected to the head of the target (once even with about 1m distance) and still got a headshot. That is bulletpath, not bullet. As in even if the bullet became a OHK tripwire the target never even touched it.
    Then when the bighead exploits were discovered and fixed he disappeared for a while. Isn't it strange how these coincidences happen? I really don't understand this deification of someone, even if he hadn't been cheating.
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    Words of true "Objective player". Most of objective players are bad at this game and shooters in general, so they find different goals, they desperately need purpose for their existance. You see, "Tryhards" just want kill more and die less, very natural desire. If you can't kill more than being killed, you gonna give up on your game, or find different way to have fun. Thats why there is so many peoples who play in trash squads where all it's members are below 1.0 KDR. They have fun by cooperating and communicating, shout jokes etc. This is totally fine. So if you don't understand something, this is not nessesary a wrong thing. Think outside the lines.
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    I can repeat what he doing, but can't record, my potato PC doesn't allow me to do this. Just trust me what this is possible, i call it a flick shot.

    Whole idea is to counter strafing by aiming very fast. Time between starting to aim (pull your mouse towards enemy's head) and pressing the trigger must be as short as possible. So when your opponent spam ADADAD your flick shot must be performed before he change his direction. ADADA(flickshot)D(at this point he already dead). In this scenario he will die while holding A. It is achievable, you just need a lot of practice.

    I saw technic when you slide your mouse across the board and when your crosshair connects to the head you perform shot, but keep moving mouse without stopping it. It seems to hard for me, so i figure out another way of doing this. I just aim to the chest and when i decide to shot i pull my crosshair up in single, lighting fast move, connect it to the head and press the trigger. Usually it works fine.

    By practice i mean not only just playing, but actually spend hours in VR training room, shooting dummies.

    P.S. did you know what while your bullet traces fly from your barrel, the actual projectiles spawns from your head? This simplifies a lot of things, thats why we actually almost never shot obstacles like rails. Technically you shot from your eyes, guns just for show. That can explain what "bullet paths won't connect", because they are fictious and not represent the real projectile trajectory.
  19. ReeferBOT

    Dear RPG:

    Take my money.

  20. Demigan

    When I was younger I was perfectly capable of doing dragshots myself in several other games. However I did actually hit the head. With Elusive's video's you can see that a lot of his shots starts either too soon or too late.
    Example: He is about to pass over a head from left to right. On frame 0 nothing is visible and he's on the left side of the head (or shoulder, he has this uncanny ability to score headshots when you see a hit on the shoulder), on frame 1 he is still on the left side and the animation of a shot begins, on frame 2 he has passed over the head.
    The thing is, we know that somewhere between frame 0 and frame 1 the shot must have happened for the animation to begin so the bullet cannot have a trajectory through the head. So only when we see nothing happen on the frame before he passes over and we see something happen on the frame he has passed over do we know that he had a chance of a hit.

    This was the core of my proof that his shots weren't possible. Consistently there would be shots that happened a frame before or after he had passed over the head (without the target walking into the shot). He claimed that I should use Google Chrome as that would use 60FPS instead of 30FPS and that would show the missing frames where he would hit. Unfortunately this would only add 1 frame inbetween the existing frames, and would not suddenly move his shots to the moment he passes over the head but put more frames inbetween the moment he passes over the head, causing me to find more shots that weren't hits at all.

    Additionally there were multiple instances where a single shot of his would produce 3 impacts. One on the left side of the head, one on the head itself and one on the right side of the head without other players being present to generate these impacts. This was again shoved aside with "that's just how dragshots work". But the notion that drag-shots triple the chance of a hit by creating 3 seperate hits even if you would have missed normally isn't one that I would be very proud about. I would even try to help the devs figure out how this can happen in the backend of the game, and also this nagging question of "why does it only work for me and can someone else not reproduce this weird thing, it makes it look like cheating". So not only did he admit that something was going on, he indirectly admitted that easily more than half of his kills were undeserved and caused not by his aim but by a "fluke" in the system that just so happens to only work for him as I've never been able to reproduce it, even if I used high-ROF weapons and just started twirling around at the maximum speeds of my mouse with maximum mouse acceleration this effect was suspiciously absent upon later frame-by-frame inspection.
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