Call me when they nerf the TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChUnKiFieR, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. ChUnKiFieR

    ...And maybe I'll come back! Until they do something about the G20 Vulcan I'm out. This has gone on long enough.
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  2. CMDante

    Vulcan got nerfed preeeetty hard not too long ago, if you've got problems fighting it now they are your problem.
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  3. Oleker2

    Well the Vulcan surely feels stronger than other secondaries for vehicles. Not sure if is the high amount of people using it or its easy to use nature.
    Don't forget that harassers are in a very strong state right now.
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  4. adamts01

    Easiest to use goes a long way. I'd take the Vulcan over any other faction's top gun, it's definitely the most versatile. But I think the health of the Harasser is the biggest reason those top guns are thought to be OP.
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  5. typnct

    as an nc player you should be ashamed of yourself, your harrasers can kill any mbt on the battle without too much struggle!(arc over terrain and wollah he is dead)

    the vulcan is the ONLY decent secoundary on the tr as the gatekeeper(mr useless) and the marauder(mr i kill once in a while)
    are really not helpful at any tank combat(especially the gatekeeper - tried to kill for 30 minutes - 2 kills)

    the vulcan is only useful at high exposure - so if you expose yourself to it - you are the only one to blame for it

    but typ it can kill inf! - so does your anti tank secoundary.... and its like the marauder so dont complain!

    if you die to it alot then the pilots allllllot more skilled than you or he outstrategized you
    which means you f-ed up
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  6. Crash Bandicoot

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  7. ObiVanuKenobi

    Mjolnir is stronger than Vulcan right now though.
  8. adamts01

    Not against air, or distant targets, or for new players.
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  9. Ziggurat8

    This right here is the biggest issue with most of the TR arsenal but especially when considering the Vulcan.

    Harasser Vulcans are as successful as their drivers are skilled. The gunners skill level has a much smaller impact on the Vulcan Harasser when compared to other weapon system. You hold down the button and keep your reticle over your target. Simple. Effective.

    The other empire's harasser weapons require more from their gunners. Coupled with the fact that the harasser is a very erratic weapon platform with quick direction changes, bumps, jumps and turbo. The easiest to use weapon system (the Vulcan) shines the brightest.

    I'm not saying the other empire harassers can't be extremely effective. I'm saying the Vulcan Harasser requires a lot less skill/ability to reach the same level of effectiveness. Simply put - ease of use is what makes Vulcan Harassers so good.
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  10. OgreMarkX

    I dunno, to me the Vulcan is the most useful secondary on harassers, which may be why you see it so much. The other options just aren't effective.

    At distance the Vulcan does NOT shine (unless there are 4 shooting at the same target).

    Maybe the issue is you're getting killed a lot by Vulcans because as I stated above, it's really the only option to be effective vs novelty of the other options.

    The maurader feels like you're shooting bananas. The gate keeper can be good as a back up on a tank but not as a primary. Halberd is very situation. Bassie, well it's a bassie.
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  11. Atorum

    Mjolnir was always stronger than Vulcan, damage wise, demanding some targeting skill is what drove most NC players away from it.Its just not as easy to use as Vulcan.Most NC players would like an easy to use weapon with higher damage than TR, like, no....
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  12. Atorum

    Pre nerf Saron was piss easy to use, 2 clips and a dead harasser.Since Harasser are basically "rogues" of PS2 it mainly comes to who opens fire on whom first, there shouldnt be much complaining on that front considering its almost balanced now.
    Now if they would nerf Magrider we might have an actual balance in the game (ground vehicle wise).
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  13. Campagne

    Have you ever actually used a Mjolnir in combat? It's only stronger in theory.

    The Mjolnir requires near 100% accuracy (meaning all four grenades per burst) to achieve a slightly higher DPS than a Vulcan or Aphelion. Surprise, surprise, the slow, inaccurate, short-range, burst grenade-launcher loses effectiveness as range increases. The CoF blooms mid-burst, the grenades are slow and heavy, and it has the lowest RoF of all the short-range ESAV secondaries.

    The only situations in which the Mjolnir is any better is in CQC where the Mjolnir is firing at either the broadside of a sunnderer or is less than ten meters away from a stationary/very slow/parallel target.

    NC doesn't like it because it's awful, not because it isn't a point & click adventure game like the Vulcan is.
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  14. Atorum

    Ill presume you play Harasser, I play them on all 3 factions now (its so hard without designated driver/gunner, random are so happy just to shoot and oblivious to surroundings)
    There are 2 scenarios for me when playing harasser.
    1. its zergfest, life expectancy of Harasser is short.
    2.I ambush someone/ get ambushed, life expectancy is short.
    In both scenarios both Mjolnir and Vulcan is equally useful/useless.

    Also, both weapons are best used in CQC, Vulcan because of damage drop off and Mjolnir because of bloom, and accuracy at that range should not be a problem for any weapon.

    Welcome to "asymmetrical balance".
  15. Campagne

    Aye, gotta get someone you know you can trust to keep a cool head.

    Mjolnir is easier to dodge/miss however, and can't put out a steady stream of damage over range like a Vulcan or Aphelion can. (Even if they damage done is greatly reduced). Plus the Mjolnir blooms so badly at times the grenades can go above, below or past other harassers. :eek:

    "Asymmetrical balance" implies the NC get a leg up somewhere else, but I've yet to see it. Also, "In both scenarios both Mjolnir and Vulcan is equally useful/useless," implying the two are both equal while somehow in accordance with "asymmetrical balance." Which one is it gonna be? :p

    I've said in the past the Mjolnir should be re-released as an NS weapon and the NC should get a carbon copy/slightly nerf'd Vulcan. No one really stands to lose anything like that either; Everyone gets another option.
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  16. Pelojian

    in other words, do what SOE/DBG has done for years, take TR weapons that are good and ether modify them slightly then release them for all or nerf them hard.

    because apparently factions shouldn't have asymmetrical gaps in their arsenal, like TR does.

    NC and VS good AV is their specialty launchers (on heavy and MAX, ravens, lancers etc)
    TR's specialty AV is mounted on their tanks, the very AV that they copied to VS via alpelion.

    seems like asymmetrical balance is steadily being watered down to asymmetrical cosmetics(along with tanks generally being watered down).
  17. Campagne

    In this case, yes. Or perhaps they could just not give NC something stupid and/or awful (read shotgun[-like]). Take note I suggested a flat out nerfed version of the Vulcan if not a carbon copy. But hey, maybe if the devs. just gave NC and to an extent the VS a proper ESAV secondary we wouldn't even be discussing this.

    You and I seem to have different definitions of "asymmetrical." I can't think of any ways in which TR are lacking, especially compared to the NC. (I'm sure you might say "MAX" but I'm calling it now: We will disagree and not come to any proper conclusion. ;))

    At this point I'd settle for aesthetic differences only, but that's mostly 'cause I ain't got much to lose by making that trade. :p
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  18. Pelojian

    asymmetrical is where one side is better in one aspect in a particular way then another. one weapon serving in a capacity better or having different advantages to it.

    NC and VS heavy ES rocket type weapon focus is AV
    TR's rocket type focus is primarily AA
    heavy main weapons
    VS: lasher, good for suppression and killing
    NC: good CQC power with shotgun
    TR: chaingun with good suppression capability and decent squad support weapon.

    ^those are all asymmetrical.

    for VS and NC before their best AV options were infantry based: phonexies ravens, lancers, vortexes. TR's best AV was the prowler with vulcan for CQC. different weapons forfilling the same role with different advantages. there was nothing wrong with TR having a CQC secondary and NC, VS having a longer ranged one, it made them different.

    infantry can easily hide, which is very different AV wise then relying on tanks like TR does for their best AV tools.

    remember the striker? everyone has the swarm now aka striker 2.0
    remember the vulcan? VS has that too with a unique name and slightly different
    remember the repeater? everyone has that now via the pilot.

    see a pattern here?

    anything the TR gets, everyone else gets (assuming it's not nerfed hard, because TR can't have anything good)

    it's called TR gets raided for the conventional designs so NC and VS can have stolen TR conventional weapons while still getting unconventional ones.
  19. Campagne

    The Phoenix is more like an Anti-stationary-object weapon but I'd say close enough. :p

    ESHWs though...
    • Lasher - High suppression, good squad support, low killing power
    • Chaingun - Good suppression, good squad support, decent killing power
    • Jackhammer - Decent suppression, good squad support, low killing power
    All pretty similar in the fundamentals if you ask me. All are lower accuracy, lower lethality weapons build for supporting numbers.
    (RE: JH --

    Again, honestly can't call the Phoenix the "best" at anything, let alone as an AV weapon. Even as far as NC HAs go. Doesn't help that they nerf'd it twice. :rolleyes: --See the [GU10/24 NC15 Phoenix Nerf] for details.

    Can't comment on the Ravens or Vortex, but the Lancer has been a bit diminished following the CAI. Fractures were super OP at one point, again can't really comment on them anymore though. Prowler is and always ahs been the best AV & AI tank. Then the Vulcan and then the GK and you get the idea. Meanwhile the TR has the exact same infantry AV options as the NC & VS outside of the ESRLs. (And GODSAW and the mother-fncking Spiker, fnck the world that saw this act of abomination.)

    Infantry are also pathetic against vehicles with the use of contact-explosives regardless of faction, though. Don't forget that little tidbit. :p

    Aye, I remember the Striker. It was bllsh!ttedly overpowered, never broke a lock, and passed through all terrain. Was left in that literally broken and OP state for quite a while.

    Ah, the Vulcan. How could I ever forget it? Seeing as that's what this thread is about. :p The objective superiority of the Vulcan is what lead to the generation of the Vulcan-type and r-tarded Vulcan-type ESAV weapons we have today. Then the TR got the Gatekeeper. Remember the GK? Oh I bet you do. ;)

    Repeater =/= Pilot. As an avid pistoleer I am almost insulted that you would make such an absurd claim. Have you used the Pilot before? I assume you've used the repeater obviously, even I have and I play NC almost exclusively. Really though, weak claim. :p

    Pattern? Yeah, kinda. TR's OP stuff was balanced and then rough copies were made. Kinda like how the GK was created as a superior Enforcer and still kind of is. Just has a burst mechanic now.

    Nah, I'm thinking of a better name than that. It starts with "lazy" and ends with "dev. syndrome." There's a few obscenities in there somewhere. ;)
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  20. adamts01

    I'm all for asymmetry, but PS2 just can't get it right. The Vanguard is such a 1-trick pony, I'd take either MBT over it. I'd absolutely take any ESF over the Reaver. I'd take the top guns from either faction of NC's. I'd take either MAX over NC's. Asymmetrical balance only works if each faction has something they do better than the other, and NC just falls short everywhere.
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