Why does Wraith Flash have onboard weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by orangejedi829, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. TeknoBug

    While we're at it, let's open up the primary weapon slot for stalker cloak.
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  2. Moridin6

    everyones got the damn flashlight out why not
  3. ALTRego

    lol, I've been using this for a long time. It was in the original but most of us just went HA looking to close the gap on unsuspecting targets. Yea wraith is kool. It inspires thinking outside the box like many other aspects of the cloak game. I personally like and applaud the original thinkers.
  4. FateJH

    I'd agree with this. All I need is a Cycler (not a T1 Cycler, mind you, but an actual Cycler).
    That wasn't in PlanetSide Classic.

    haha i destroy flashes all the time they suck #1manarmy
  6. Kcalehc

    Make cloaked flashes show up on Proximity and Scout radar (and recon darts/motion sensors), like cloaked infantry do, when moving. Not a perfect counter, but certainly more useful than not; make them a bit more wary of entering heavily populated areas.
  7. Moridin6

    im always wary of high pop areas, youre suprisingly EASY to see, yet, those high pop areas are where the good roadkill/fury runs are..

    so . yeah. its like this.

    run 1: find target rich area get a few but die
    run 2: die before uncloaking
    run 3: die before uncloaking
    run 4: get like 2 guys take ap round to the face
    run 5: die before uncloaking
    run 9: massive group kill as i plow through a group of enemy around a sundy, pumping nades into them, lumifiber ablaze before disappearing around a corner elf horn giggling
    run 10: friendlies have swarmed the area and targets are gone OR die before uncloaking
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  8. DeadlyOmen

    If you were a proponent of metagame, you would celebrate player creativity, not curse it.

    In a game without immutable physical laws and an infinite amount of asymmetric, variable encounters, talk of balance is nonsense.
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  9. bLind db

    Honestly, I think Flashes should be equipped with portable nuclear devices that kill everyone in the game that isn't on your faction.

    I'm sure it will be balanced because you can avoid it by not logging in, or by killing the flash-user first. Totally makes it 100% balanced, too.
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  10. Moridin6

    make the mushroom cloud faction colored and make it 10k certs to buy, im in
  11. orangejedi829

    Creativity? If I were an infiltrator with a pre-nerf PA shotgun and I walked up to you, invisible, and blew your face off, would that be 'creativity' too?

    No game is "without immutable physical laws". The very definition of a game is an activity with certain artificial rules and constraints. Just like real war, without the rules, consistency, and balance of a game, there is no fun. What you're saying is the only nonsense here. On the contrary, balance is paramount.
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  12. orangejedi829

    Hahaha, right!?
    "Got vaporized by a thermonuclear flash? Should have had tank mines down. Also flashes are hard to use and you die a lot while driving them so it's okay. And maybe you should have listened for the engine and jumped out of the way of the blast radius. Go back to Planetside 1 if you don't like the new nuclear flashes."
    SMH >.<
  13. Moridin6

    was doing some wraith flash pairs tonight. you get seen, you get heard, and you get killed. a lot. youre not invincible any more than youre Really invisible . .

    and also i personally saw killed/helped kill several enemy W flashes.

    youve much more to worry about from the things that cant cloak. harasser pull sup on you i Promise it can out dps you unless it lets you c4 it, but youre worried about my flash with my FRAGILE little infil sitting on top?

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  14. orangejedi829

    The harasser would have been blown to bits instantaneously if it had wandered anywhere near the area where I was killed by the wraith flash in the clip.

  15. Moridin6

    so, then the flash that got there did good. he avoided lots of eyes that could have easily seen him, though granted not as easily as an uncloaked flash, avoided spinning out in the road because of a tiny bump, avoided mines, avoided getting run over by any other vehicle, avoided falling wreckage and rounds meant for something else entirely . and killed some infantry that were caught by surprise.

    i dont see the problem.

    we were taking out AP lightnings earlier, with our 2 wraith flashes only drivers. yet its still not where near OP, more often than not wed get wrecked before we uncloaked. they were listening for us, watching for us, and i LOVE how some of these tankers can spin that cannon 195 degrees to Exactly my face

    im trying to get the aurax trim on my flash. its fun, but its anything but op
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  16. orangejedi829

    - You're trying to insinuate that driving a flash that's completely (yes, completely) invisible from more than 15 meters away is somehow just as difficult as driving a harasser or tank through enemy territory? Don't make me laugh.
    - Just because you "die a lot" on a flash does NOT automatically justify any weapons/abilities. That's a logical fallacy.
    - Not OP, just cheap and annoying and bad for players' enjoyment of the game.
  17. Moridin6

    you can totally see them! i see them all the time

    i Get seen all the time, by people who are driving and shooting at something else (say DISTRACTED) and they Still see me and shoot at me even though im way more than 15m away..

    cheap and annoying.. lol

    so, how do you feel abut air units? about ohk bolt action headshots? about getting hit with an AP round from the next hex? about the engi AV turret? about prox mines and bb's?

    most of those kill you before you see them or you see them and know youre dead. remove them all? why/ why not?

    getting destroyed by something you had very little chance to counter/avoid sucks. but you know what Is fun? avoiding it the next time.

    preparing for it and ruining Their run.

    actively hunting them and ruining Their run.

    learning from their tactics and applying them.

    all of the things i mentioned above are valid parts of this game, valid parts of this WAR were fighting. its Not unavoidable or Uncounterable. its not cheap(fairness) and if it makes you want to go boohoo and not play anymore than maybe war games arent for you. or at least not this one. go play some vanilla B.S. where everyone abilities can only hurt you if you see it coming from a mile away and sign three permission slips accepting the damage, AND your mom approves it within 3 business days..

    seriously im so sick of these gdmn baby IT KILLED ME TAKE IT AWAY cry cry cry cry threads.

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  18. DeadlyOmen

    No, that would be a kill.

    You don't understand. It's ok.

    We live in the age of the cry-bully. They don't need to understand, they only need to need.
  19. Rikkit

    The Flash has it's strength, yes, it's fun to use, but is it OP? I don't think so, as it isn't that hard, to defeat it.
    With a keen eye (and above potatoe setting) it's fairly easy to see within ~50m
    With a scope, and if you know the general location of the flash, you can spot it within ~80m
    Adding the loud and unique engine sound, you have a window of like ~2+ seconds to spin around, and spot it, before it's in effective weapon range, uncloaks, and fire some shots on you. (If you listen to music, or if you're preocupied, it's not the flash to blame)

    So as some seem to struggel, when they need to fight a cloaked flash, here are some tipps, from a Flash addictive idiot:

    If you are gunning a Basilisk or a bigger Gun (including most infantery rocket launchers), you should aim for the Flash, as it's easier to hit, and you most likely have a shorter ttk on it, as if you aim for the driver.
    If you are gunning a Kobalt or a smaller gun(including infantery Rifles) you should aim for the driver, as he takes way less bullets compared to the flash.

    If you are the target of the Flash, it will drive towards you in a almost straight line, giving you a great chance to return fire.
    But on it's way out, it may drive some curves to mess up with your aim, so it's harder but far from impossible to hit.

    In general, a Weapon with a high fire rate, is more dangerous to aflash, than one with a low fire rate. (For example it's almost impossible for a flash to win a 1v1 vs a vulcan Harasser, while it's manageable to win vs a halbared Harasser)

    If there is a flash farming you at your Sunderer, hop inside the Sunderer, man the Gun, (most come with a Basilisk, which is a good gun to fight a flash)
    deploy some tankmines in the area (watch from where it's comming usually, and which path(s) it uses to escape,)
    use the yell or regional chat to make everyone aware of this flash.
    leave the flat ground, as a flash has a hard time hitting targets above it.
    If you're in a tank, be aware, that a well certed fury flash can deal ~50% damage to your tank if it attacks you from behind. (takes around 3.5seconds to unload the whole magazine) So stay ready to defend yourself while on low health.
    If you're still not abel to kill the flash, get a Harasser and a gunner, one of the better Options to hunt a Flash.

    A Flash needs the moment of surprise, to deal damage, so if you get killed while you're a sitting in a vehicle you have to work on your situational awareness. and if you're on foot and in the open: what the hell are you doing there? Learn your lesson and come back(or don't) with proper equipment.

    PS: To be fair a fully certed Fury-Flash with a Decimator-Havy and some other kind of av weapon is farly strong, as it can Kill almost any Tank within 3.5 seconds, but this requires a havy cert investmend and a decent amount of teamplay and the moment of surprise. Remember, the Tank has a window of 3.5 seconds to turn around and shoot an almost stationary Target at close range.
    And this scenario includes, that the Flash-Crew allready managed to cought the target by surprise.

    PPS: if a Vanguard pops his shield, he has most likely won, if a Magrider triggers it's afterburner, he has also a great chance to survive, and the Powler has an aditional Chance to hit the Flash.
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  20. DeadlyOmen

    We need more people like this posting.

    Great breakdown on how to deal with Flashes in-game.
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