Why is there no customization feaures for free players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wetto, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. wetto

  2. wetto

    all the items should have daybreak coins and cert amounts.
  3. Campagne

  4. MarkAntony

    yeah. because programmers work for free and servers don't cost money...
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  5. Sternguard

    It's a Free to Play business model. The game needs money to stay up for players to play and Devs to put food on their table and a roof over their head (for their families too). Cosmetics have no in-game effect so they're a good thing to monetize, at no loss to players who don't have them.

    There are some directives that give cosmetic items as rewards as well. Also directive weapons.

    Maybe at some point Devs can think about events that award cosmetic stuff.
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  6. Silversharp

    like please very much?
    or even double please?
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  7. Campagne

    Charging for your work is completely fine and reasonable.

    Offering nothing for free is just lining their pockets more so than before.
  8. MarkAntony

    offering nothing for free is "lining pockets"? a fun game constitutes nothing?

    I have to ask you a question: do you know you're stupid?
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  9. FocusLight

    Because, you lazy little scrub, SOMEONE has to pay for employer's fees, server maintanent, game developemnt and balancing, and you have decided that it sure as heck won't be YOU.

    Suck it up. Some things will have to be pay-only, and you have the audacity to show up in a game where you get 100% of the relevant and meaningful content for free. As in ZERO PAY NEEDED to download, start up and play the whole game. There is no first-time payment, there are no expansions that cost money, there are no subscriptions required - those are optional - and while you can pay for weapons and attachments you sure as heck do not have to.

    Suck it up. If you want to look fabulous while you go about Auraxis you pay the damn prize, and if you can't be bothered to that, you will have to deal with looking like a second-rate, greedy pleb.
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  10. BlueSkies

    You mean aside from... the game, the weapons, and well.. anything not purely cosmetic?
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  11. The Rogue Wolf

    "Nothing". Like... the game? The servers? Every weapon in the game aside from cosmetic variants (gold, platinum, black, etc.)? Camos and armors available via directives?

    C'mon, just come out and say it. "I want everything for free."
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  12. ColonelChingles

    Really cosmetics aren't even that expensive if you go after sales. Today, for example, all infantry gear is 30% off. And last weekend I think all vehicle gear was 50% off. They have pretty good sales at least once per season, if not more often for other holidays.

    If you're smart about it, you can end up paying only 25% of the sticker price through both sales as well as SC/cash promotions. It's not hard. All you need is patience.

    Finally if you absolutely must be a freeloader, you can get this nifty helmet by spending your time on certain announced PTS events:

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  13. BlueSkies

    Wait.. what am I even talking about...

    You can get a helmet for doing the leadership directives, you can get armor upgrades for every class by completing the class directives, you can get shiny weapons for the weapon directives. You can get free lumifibers for your vehicles by completing the vehicle directives.




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  14. Campagne

    My how fast people stand up to justify their purchases.
    (I kid, but seriously, three responses in less than five minutes? I could have liberators are UP and gotten less flak for it! :eek:)

    That kind of abuse is uncalled for! :(

    Free-to-play games make much more money than pay-to-play games ever do, usually. Having players playing for free is merely a consequence of this sort of business model.

    As for being able to grind for new weapons and such, this I believe is to bring in more new players and to retain the ones that have already joined.

    Take subscription-based games for example. While one can play for free, they only get to play half the game, (usually), but if they buy a subscription, they can do everything. With games like that, players either get bored quick and leave, or buy a subscription and stay.

    If one could only use default weapons without having to pay, player gain and retention rates would drop exponentially. Good luck competing without AP weapons, no AA lock-ons, non-NC semi-auto rifles, Gauss Saws against Orions, et cetera.

    Directives require a lot of time to complete. Personally, I dislike the auraxium plating, so I don't care about those at all, but maybe if the gave me one free cosmetic of my choice... As for the white camo from the Objectives directive? Nigh impossible. 200 deployed sunnderer kills!?

    Having everything for free would be awesome. It'd be like having unlimited trials, with access to attachments. :p

    But no, that is not something I would specifically ask for.
  15. Archiadus

    I guess they're going through rough times at the office, word on the street(s of Auraxis) is that they even took out the free camo for creating a character. :(
  16. Campagne

    That is too bad! :(

    They've been having though times for a while now though, it seems.
  17. Joseph L.

    Just play in PTS instead of Live PS2, and you will have all but directives stuff for free.


    You will be almost alone. But that is a small price to pay for ALL stuff for FREE
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  18. Dudeman325420

    So you're totally cool with the game requiring a subscription to play? Because that's what would likely have to happen if cosmetics could be bought with certs.
  19. Campagne

    Yes I would be, assuming the subscription price was reasonable.
  20. Pelojian

    OP there are free customizations through directives, the PTS event helmet and the 5000 cert helmetless helmet.

    as chingles said if you are patient you can get a better deal or a great deal. i don't remember the last time i bought a cosmetic that wasn't on discount at the time.