infiltrator class is to strong

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by catabolise, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Heavy Assault
  2. ElvishSlayer


    And to person that said we shouldn't be playing infiltraitor as stalker guess what some of us want to play an infiltraitor not a sniper and if a problem is that cloak is camoflauge than cloak should be invisible (ONLY DEEP CLOAK) not just a camoflauge it was done in PS1 it can be done in PS2 and before someone starts whining and starts saying that it would be op you have darklights buy them use them and if you don't want them on your primary you can buy them on your secondary you'll still have advantage over infiltraitors due to their squishiness.
  3. eldarfalcongravtank

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  4. Jubikus

    there is 3 different ways to play infiltrator only one is long range
  5. Jubikus

    Cloak= only class ability in game that can be completely nullified with just being experienced (gaining an eye for just noticing it)
    Infiltrator = only class with less shield than the others
    Infiltrator = only class with no anti vehicle options
    What do we get for this trade off? we get sniper rifles and recon the CQC infiltrators cannot go head to head with anyone of equal skill and expect to win we get a recon device so we can ambush people without the recon device we would be worse at ambushing people than light assaults because they can get into many weird places and well they have a normal health pool so they can go head to head with anything other than heavys.

    If you think infiltrators are Overpowered i suggest playing one for a while so at the very least you will see the weaknesses of the class as thees will be the areas you fail and then can use that knowledge against infiltrators in the future.
  6. Jubikus

    Video quality and game quality are different things what someone sees in game wont necessarily translate very well into the video.
  7. breeje

    smg infils? stalkers?

    if you take my infils smg i go HA with smg, now with one do you prefer?

    i use it for the rage and hate tells i get, it's one off the funnest classes to play if you know how :D
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  8. Campagne

    --Not completely, and at longer ranges it's simply impossible.
    --True. But they get a barely noticeable speed boost.
    --The class that should have gotten the archer.

    Now this is simply not true. I go head-to-head with my pistol incredibly often and win a lot. Against heavies, SMG infiltrators, and everything in between. There is no reason why an infiltrator should not be able to win any CQC engagement.


    I am insulted. :eek:
  9. Campagne

    HA with SMG. That way I can take my HA with my SMG and have fun in a fair head-to-head HA SMG duel. :p
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  10. Demigan

    The first video is 1080P and the only one where they spot an infiltrator at some range. Regardless, the stealth is still much easier to see on very large screens.

    I meant why people use stalker cloak, Aside from LA, I'm enjoying the Infiltrator class immensely. I already got the aurax armor for him.
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  11. ezaroo

    I've had some serious hate tells recently because apparently infi hate is a thing again, I thought we had moved past this.

    We are everything from useless cowards who don't kill anything to OP invisible cheese monsters that kill everything by just willing it so.

    Here is a point, I have recently auraxiumed all the smgs, with 95% of the play time for them on infi - I do not engage from the front I attack from the side or behind. I can get to the same places as any class almost as easily.

    If you are unaware enough that a cloaked person, who is just as visible as anyone else and can't fire back and makes a hellishly loud sound when cloaking/uncloaking, can get behind you then a max could walk up behind you and play

    The problem is very experienced players are very good at using postitioning to kill you. They will do it as a heavy, they will do it as a LA and they will do it as an infi. The infi has a slight advantage in being able to hide easier.

    The reason infis can seem op is because only good players will do well with them so they will stomp you if you aren't also as good.

    But look at unexperienced infis, they think they are totally invisible and try to run past you, they have the same lack of situstional awareness as everyone else - the motion spotter doesn't help you if you don't use the map anyway...

    The class takes a lot of experience to play effectively but that same experience would mean the player could play any class the same.

    Experienced players are too good not infiltrators or heavys or any class...
  12. Crayv

    Infils are annoying but not OP. Annoying and OP are not always inclusive of each other.
  13. Ballto21

    oh i know this, but coak is in no way op. i dont want it to be total invisibility but i would like it to not be visible at 20-30m+ if you decide to move a bit considering sidearms and SMGS cant really effectively shoot that far. Except maybe the NS ones, but even then youll be outclassed by almost any carbine.

    the second video i was doing a drive by on a flash at max speed. there is no way that a half second of seeing him (less) should have given him away even though i didnt notice until i got down the hill.

    the third was a point i was making about deep cloak not being totally invisible which people have in fact assumed, and the last was me deep cloaked against solid background and getting a bit buttmad at the time. i still use it to further prove the deepcloaks visibility though.

    as for my monitor size i actually dont know the measurments but i play at 1920x1080p if that means anything, im kind of derp when it comes to that technical nonsense.
  14. Ballto21

    is that jared padalecki?
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  15. Demigan

    Cloak does need some looking at. The fact that large-screens allow you to see cloakers up to maybe 150m is ridiculous, just that fact should be looked at. From 20-30m (preferably 30m) cloak should be 100% invisible if you are not moving... as Stalker. In other cloaks it should still be visible or have a short time before you go completely dark after going stealth, which is already in the game. Stalker cloak needs some love, but I think that the other cloaks need at least some short period where you can see them if they fire&cloak to avoid detection, especially the snipers.

    Why shouldn't it have given it him away? Even on a Flash, someone running at less than 10m distance, even when cloaked, is simply visible. I don't see a problem with that.
    If you had seen him while he was standing still and you were doing your high-speed flash drive-by, that would have been a problem.

    As a show that deep-cloak is not invisibility, they are great examples. But as a show that cloak is useless I'm against it. You have more than enough experience to know that cloak is not stealth but a great camouflage, but I am trying to get it into everyone elses mind that it's not stealth, and that it has never been stealth, and that it shouldn't be stealth in close quarters.

    My brother has a bigass smart-TV we used to watch some of the video's I made on. And compared to the screen I have (which isn't small either) it's a night and day difference. There's infiltrators that neither of us noticed on my screen (or the laptop we quickly watched it on as well) that were visible at ridiculous ranges without problems on the big screen. I don't mind small differences, but this was so good you might as well have used an ISP hack or whatver it's called.
  16. Dualice

    And thus the heavy epidemic is perpetuated.
  17. SamReye

    Awareness in a battle can easily solve your problems. If you hear an enemy cloak, be alert; if he throws an EMP, retreat into an advantageous position. I've never had a problem dealing with any kind of infil except for in the first 5-10 hours of the game, and after far over 1000 hours, I have essentially concluded that there isn't anything to be annoyed about.
  18. Jubikus

    I did say of equal skill nobody in this game has exact same skill levels if they did the infiltrator would lose with the enemy with a sliver of health or a tie but thats unrealistic theres always the rng factor of weapon bloom i was simply pointing out that if both players were same skill head to head they should land the same amount of bullets and the one with less health aka the infiltrator will lose especially against those bunny hopping med kit popping heavys.
  19. Campagne

    Still better than the squads of VS SMG infiltrators that used to be around when SMGs first came out.
  20. Campagne

    Assuming both players are of equal skill then their equipment would be the determining factor. But as you said, it is very unrealistic to expect two players to be of equal skill.

    Nanoweave also helps to make up for the shield difference. Higher levels even put them on higher ground than other players.