[Vehicle] Flying-control change

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by See0507, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. See0507

    Hello guys,

    is there no way to change the flying-control, so I can turn the bird horizontal with my mouse and the barrel roll with A and D, I am frustated, I cant fly with this strange control:(!
    Please help me!


    (I am sorry if my, English isn`t he best, I am german:) .)
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  2. Thurwell

    Just fly around the VR for a while, takes like 10 minutes to get used to.
  3. See0507

    I did this already, it helps a little bit.
    Anyway, I don`t understand why the control is like this, i mean usually you look around with the mouse, why you can´t move the tip/forefront with it.o_O
  4. Ryoken

    I'm inclined to agree. In all games we aim with our mouse, forcing yourself to aim in the vertical plane with your mouse and in the horizontal plane with (inaccurate) button pushes is counter intuitive.

    Practice does make perfect, but binding yaw to mouse movements would make flying far more accessible.
  5. The_Blazing

    "Bind yaw on MOUSE_Y"

    This has been a top request for freakin' ages. I wonder if SOE ruled it out entirely because accurate controls are too OP, or if it's just too low on the priority list, or too hard to do because of bad engine coding.
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  6. Hatesphere

    its just low on the list of things to do, but it is on the list.
  7. Thurwell

    Shrug, the ESFs in this game yaw so slowly that you don't really want yaw bound to your mouse anyway because then you'd have no way to fine tune your roll rate. Which is what you need for aiming.

    Why the devs don't add the option anyway I don't know. Maybe they figure people would just complain even more if they let them learn to fly the wrong way and then realize they'd wasted 100 hours and have to start over.
  8. Leeloo

    These are hover aircraft. So strafing and mouse aiming in all directions should make the most sense...

    ... you know, just like in Planetside 1 ;)

    I really cannot fathom the rationale behind this current flight control. And just because you can learn it, it is still stupid.

    Just like hiding vehicle terminals in bases. Why do I have to play rat in a maze to find them???
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  9. Uncle_Lou

    This. 1000x this. Every other PC game I have ever played that includes aircraft uses mouse aim to point the nose and the keyboard for things like throttle control, etc. Some people will argue I am limiting myself, but I flat out refuse to fly in PS2 until they allow me to set up the controls the way I want to. I just want this (basically just like infantry):

    Mouselook/aim - controls where the nose is pointing
    W/S - throttle up/down or forward/reverse
    A/D - strafe
    Q/E - roll
    and maybe something like F/C ascend/descend

    I just think it would be so much more intuitive than the current control method.
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  10. Diilicious

    While i want this to change so i can bothered to learn to fly, this change would make it easy for anybody to pick up flying, so there will be dozens upon dozens more aircraft flying around.

    I expect that this will result in weapon nerfs.
  11. Uncle_Lou

    I think making flying easier for everyone to learn would lead to a significant short-term increase in the amount of air. But I think that would be a self-balancing thing and would return to approximately current levels after the novelty wears off. I have a feeling a lot of new flyers would get frustrated by repeated maulings at the hands of experienced pilots, nevermind flak AA and lock-ons.

    That said, if it leads to things needing to be rebalanced, so be it. I feel strongly that all aspects of the game should be readily accessible to everyone. Sample size is obviously extremely small, but it seems like the control scheme is keeping some players from flying. That's bad, IMO. But then a lot of people would probably say I'm bad, so it all works out lol.
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  12. GaBeRock

    Long story short, no. That being said, that's probably for the best- ESF's are basically space helicopters, where you want more control over pitch and roll during hoverduels. I only use yaw to speed up turns.
  13. GaBeRock

    The funny thing is, yaw to mouse would actually be a disadvantage in groundpounding, as hitting your targets isn't the problem, escaping afterwards is, and for that you want precision roll. I can see a lot of new pilots angry that they're being anhihilated by older pilots aho've gotten used to the superior mouse-roll system.
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  14. See0507

    For exchange the dev´s could raise the decay time of planes, so that the easier flying isn´t a reason for a plane-spam in the world.
  15. Goretzu

    It was and is a strange one. I'm still confused as how it is going to work on the PS4 as well.
  16. Thurwell

    The issue won't affect the PS4. Console controllers have 2 analog sticks, each of which can control 2 directions. ESFs need 4 analog controls. Roll, pitch, yaw, and vertical thrust. It's only on the PC where we only have 1 analog control, the mouse, that we have to prioritize.

    Sadly, new players refuse to believe us veterans when we tell you that you do not want yaw bound to your mouse, so they continue to make these threads. People nowadays are weird, they always think their uninformed opinion is as good as an experts.
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  17. TheBlindFreak

    Umm, what? These controls aren't strange. They aren't irrational. They are based on actual flight controls. They make perfect sense. Now if you want to complain about an actual issue, why not whine about joystick compatibility?
  18. See0507

    How do you mean, they aren´t strange, of course they are. In every other game with planes you control the nose of the bird with the mouse, except PS2.
  19. TheBlindFreak

    I guess you've never played any flight sims. Or any game with decent flight controls. Yaw on the x axis may work in arcade style space shooters, but not here.

    Trust me, you have so much more control over the plane with roll mapped to the x axis of the mouse. Once you understand the relatively simple concept of roll+pitch to turn, you'll wonder why you ever wanted to map yaw to the x axis in the first place.
  20. Goretzu

    Hmm.... I don't know have you ever tried using Joysticks in PS2? :eek:

    If the support is 10x as good as the PC version, it will still be rubbish. (all I can pictuce is lots of people flying in the PS4 version like they are drunk, which is basically what happens in the PC version with a Joystick :D )