Top Player Kills: Mostly VS/TR and Faction most Killed: NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue_Shift, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Blue_Shift

    So I scroll through the top 50 or so top killers, and they are mostly tr and vanu. Then I go to which faction they have killed the most and it is NC 95 percent of the time. Its bad enough that it is disproportionate in top kills but it also says something that both tr and vanu kill more NC than eachother.. Could it be that NC are easier to kill?

    If it is an unbalanced fighting issue then why wouldn't it be changed?

    Could it be that SOE doesn't balance the game based on fighting potential but bases it on solely population evenness?
    So if it gets highly uneven between population then can we expect a buff to nc?

    Think about it .. it makes sense to balance according to maximizing numbers. Perhaps NC is the type of people that believe in the philosophy of the NC (LIberty centered) and Instead of seeking power (TR/Vanu) they just want to do their own thing. So something is appealing about NC to more people aesthetically or philosophically, which keeps the population high without receiving as many goodies.

    That's my theory anyways.
  2. breeje

    i fight the NC and VS equal
    don't ask me why but killing the NC comes easier to me
    the fights against the NC are faster done then the VS
    unless the NC have a overpop
    as far as i can remember the NC only defeated us is with overpop
    once again don't ask me why, i don't know
  3. iller

    NC have needed a bunch of brain transplants ever since Nov 2012...

    People have been asking for character "Faction-Migration" for 2 years now. Not sure why SOE won't just give the people what they ask for (and refund the certs on any E.S. upgrades that wouldn't be moved over)
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  4. BadApple

    Fighting for Liberty, that's why I am NC. No overlord worshiping, boot licking TR, or freak human/alien hybrid :)
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  5. breeje

    only time will tel if u gain your freedom or kneel before our boots :rolleyes:
  6. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    The side with the least ammount of coordination or thought put behind their decissions tends to be the one who is easiest to kill, yes.
    I've seen a lot of Nc who seems to be in it purely for the whole freedom thing, which considering the NC's actual existance as a supercorporation is rather funny.

    Though this is a pattern i notice in a lot of games. Any side which is all about "freedom' or "liberty" tends to attract a kind of person that plays the game purely to shoot people, and complain if their attempts are foiled. Heck i've seen many fights on miller where the NC starts crying loud because we destroyed their sunderers so they couldn't kill stuff anymore.

    It's a real shame as the NC has the best of everything, they just need to actually work together. I feel a lot of people, me included, left that faction behind because of that same reason.
  7. Fellgnome

    NC doesn't need buffs. They already have the strongest MAX, the best overall infantry weapon selection, and arguably tied with VS for best tank and ESF for AV/AA purposes.

    Only thing they lack is infantry farming stuff, but with HEAT/HE having been nerfed so much over time Prowler isn't what it used to be, while the PPA nerf will remove the main VS farming weapon. TR still has Banshee I guess but it's not as extreme as the PPA.
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  8. Frostiken

    Ex-NC here. Can confirm, bunch of morons. I quit the day I had a platoon leader get angry at someone for suggesting they defend a base they were losing and kicked out every single person in the squad. All the PL wanted to do was farm the Biolab. It summed up the NC experience just so concisely.
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  9. William Petersen

    I do this sometimes, mostly internally, though. I just don't understand it. I usually play late at night and seek out the smaller fights, so when we're playing like 5v5 or fewer, blowing up a sunderer is basically like saying "I don't actually want to play this game and shoot people, I just want to screw up everyone else's fun." Boggles meh mind. Like showing up to such a small engagement with air. Or tanks. Or MAXes (though less so on the MAXes, yay C4/Decis). I have to fight hard to resist blowing up my own air that comes in to spoil such fights...
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  10. James Lyon

    I am on the briggs server, we see the NC over pop with a common 40% to 45% over pop, and it is the same here, the NC do not seen to use tactics to overcome but rather dump 2 platoons on top of 1 platoon. William that does not make scene when the game is about gaining ground. The issue I have is there is no reward for pushing to the enemy warpgate, and not reward for winning under popped. This does not mean the weapons are OP it comes down to fast redeploys tight teamwork and strategy. Take it from Briggs VS we live underpopulated, and we have learnt to win this way.
  11. xDesideratus

    I occasionally see NC that play well and make good decisions, but then I notice that it's just DA's NC alt outfit.
  12. CipherNine

    NC - Freedom from tactics
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    On Connery there are some NC Platoon/Squad Leaders that do try to use tactics & whatnot but it's like herding cats. Sometimes ppl do what they say, sometimes they don't.
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  14. nehylen

    On Cobalt i have 56%NC killed to 44% TR, and yes NC is usually easier to kill: While there is a NC overpop (not too pronounced though) TR seem much more organized, and the Gauss SAW is a horrible weapon in the hands of a newbie, making their HAs much less of a threat than the same newbie with a CARV.
  15. Robes

    From TR perspective, vanu is the noobtube faction so i do fight mostly NC, not due to them being weaker overall just do to them being equal.

    Count in overpop problems (good job fixing this soe!) and it explains a lot of your "problem"
  16. Baffin

    Could it be NC are easier to kill because they have a stubborn pleb mentality?
  17. AFK1

    TR has more NC kills, because the TR does not fight the Vanu. VS has more NC kills, again, because the TR does not fight them, ever
  18. MuNrOe

    You are joking right. PG Recursion Outfit X just to name a few Connery outfits who's tactic's would put any top level VS or TR outfit to shame. Best of everything my ***. NC has been the whipping boy of the devs since day 1. The weapons are sup par and the players who are on top have to work their ***** off to get to the level where they stand on equal ground. If you forced every Vanu or TR player to play with NC guns for a week they would get farmed just as hard. The Orion and t9 are the EASIEST weapons to use in the game bar nothing. Add a skill cap to these weapons and you have the gause saw. ADAD with it and expect to land maybe 2 bullets out of a clip of 100.

    As stated in many posts
    VS = Easy mode
    TR = Medium
    NC = Bring It On

    People play NC for the challenge.

    Do NC need a buff, hell no. I enjoy the challenge just makes the winning all that more rewarding.
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  19. Bape

    Again join NC if you're gonna praise everything about them.
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  20. EGuardian1

    I've thought about it. The TR and VS have a single goal they follow. TR follows 'order'. They want to unite everyone and fight who fights them. VS want "Enlightenment" which comes from Vanu Technology.

    NC on the other hand is after the vague idea of "Freedom". What does that actually mean in this context?

    Psychologically, are the NC doomed to infighting, trolls, and **** disturbers because these are exactly the kind of people who want "Freedom" along with the others who are more 'Capitalists'?
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