HALLOWEEN 2014 - MASTER DIRECTIVE - COMPLETE - Left feeling scammed by SOE..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GamingExports, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. GamingExports

    So I completed the Halloween 2014 Master Directive... pretty disappointing...


    The Auraxium Slasher looks exactly like the regular Slasher, except that the regular Slasher looks more badass:

    Regular Slasher: [IMG]http://imgur.com/SkzyzjX

    Auraxium Slasher: http://imgur.com/LlHc7S7


    The Auraxium Slasher doesn't glow or do anything special.. it's just like the regular Slasher but a bare-bones non-textured blank copy of the non-Aurax Slasher.
    (video was still uploading at time of post)

    The to make things worse.. the Auraxium Slasher doesn't even play the sound that the Regular Slasher makes when you kill someone.... what the **** SOE? I'm left feeling scammed and pissed off I even spent cash on the Slasher just to get something that looks exactly the same with less features (no Slasher sound).
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  2. NyaR

    How were you scammed, exactly?
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  3. GamingExports

    Guess I was just expecting the A.Slasher to at least have some resemblance to the decal/picture assigned to it; similar to the expectation one may have getting a different version of the Commissioner based on the appearance of the image assigned to the different versions. Basically, I was expecting something along the lines of a Silver version of the Slasher as illustrated in it's selection image (which is a reasonable expectation, given the above example). Furthermore, the A.Slasher does not play the sound that the regular Slasher plays when killing someone. Not saying that "I was scammed," I stated that I was left feeling scammed (clarified by the above listed reasons) and feel that it this is complete bull ****.

  4. Jeslis

    My understanding of this was;
    The slasher is ONLY usable during the halloween event time.
    The auraxium slasher is usable all the time... hence the *special-y* of it...

    if that made sense?

    Either way. Grats on the effort.. and I hope that you eventually find it worthwhile or interesting.
    Personally.. ever since I did the whole *All the seasonal achievements* bit in Wow... and then stopped using the *reward* a month later... I just gave up on any grindy/annoying achievement **** like this. Never again.
  5. TraatAdmiral

    I don't believe that's the case. The Slasher should be useable all the time, like every other holiday weapon.
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  6. LibertyRevolution

    Slasher does not say it is a limited time item, just like the candy cannon doesn't.
    I think it is only the cosmetics that are limited time.
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  7. GamingExports

    That's correct; the Slasher and Candy Canon can be equipped anytime (like the Firework gun).. which makes the A.Slasher **** since it doesn't have a skin to match it's illustration.. I'm pretty upset.. gonna go outside and do something for a bit...
  8. MotionBlured

    They probably didn't expect anyone to actually bother getting it this year.
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  9. gary the sewer hobo

    Wow, that really sucks, it doesn't even play the noise? **** it, I'm not finishing that directive now.
  10. Raap

    Toss this to SOE's attention and I'm sure they'll call it an oversight and fix it, it pretty much has to be an oversight.

    Hey at least you completed the directive, something not many will accomplish.
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    someone cares for this superfluous stuff?
  12. CuteBeaver

    Hang on, we can fix this let me get my nail polish out... Seriously how very misleading... I thought it was going to be a shiny knife. :( Like glitter and sparkles. Or maybe some ghostly aura. Not just the same thing with less work.
  13. z1967

    Maybe a random halloween sound upon kill during october and full moons? Like goblin laughs or something.
  14. GamingExports

    That's what I was thinkging.. I was like that pic of the knife is epic.. I'm gonna get my silver shiny knife.. and the sound that the regular Slasher makes is awesome!! can't wait to hear the sound the A.Slasher makes.. NOPE.. got a Slasher with no textures and no sound... **** my life..
  15. Morti

    Looks like the texture is bugged.

    And how the hell did you achieve galact-o-lantern, I must've gathered over 500 seeds and haven't seen a single one
  16. MaxDamage

    Perhaps it is not the destination, but the journey.
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  17. GamingExports

    Currently at 750..
  18. MetalWolf1

    they still need to add more pumpkins I am sick of only getting 2 per alert it's a Fing joke they increased the admount but it's nowhere near enough
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  19. Halo572

    Maybe it is aimed only at the hardcore of player base, which in itself is misguided as that reduces its accessibility.

    I did consider logging in to see what it was all about, but having read something about it only being alerts I really can't be bothered.

    Playing other games now I would resent spending any of that time being dictated to that I had to play alerts only in a game I care nothing about, along with the amount that would have to be wasted across the whole month.

    And if it is like the snowmen and on all the time I don't care either, I think I got 6 of them and gave up from sheer boredom.

    I can't even be bothered to look up how it works nor understand it, but it would seem it would take some dedication and a lot of time during one month to achieve whatever you get.

    Therefore it would only appeal to a niche player base prepared to put in the time and effort to get the achievement, which I would have thought will only be a small percentage in a title like this and everyone else doesn't care.
  20. EGuardian1

    SOE probably didn't finish skinning the A.Slasher yet. I mean, you've completed it pretty damn fast.

    I can see them doing an update soon to give it a nice shiny glow like the other Auraxium stuff. I also see them staying only a step ahead of content.