This is why we need longer spawn timers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkwulf, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Teshrrar

    A death punishment would help the game so much. I don't know why die in PS2 is so banal. It's wrong, players should care for their lives, think, plan. I think if you die you should lose all you got X seconds before. So the exp/cert should be given only after the player really accomplish something, what makes sense: how a dead guy can earn experience?

    With death punish:
    - no more the annoying kamikaze scenario which we have today, what's almost a lifestyle;
    - no more stupid rushs where a faction can see your entire force be obliterated because the players are more concerned in get the own points at any cost (or in the today case, no cost);
    - no more dumb soldiers trying leave a beleaguered base/spawn room;
    - more tactical fights, more teamwork, because in a combined arms game you will want to use that feature, since alone you can gain nothing;

    Well, I can add a lot more benefits for a punish for death, but I think my point is clear.
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  2. Regpuppy

    Pre-UI optimization; the vid is pretty old. :p
  3. Kanil

    The last thing this game needs is to encourage more passivity and low risk play. Spawn room warriors, rock cuddling snipers, and HE spamming tanks do not make good gameplay.
  4. LT_Latency

  5. Yaesu

    It's ideas like this, especially if they get implemented, that added up and persuaded me to cancel my premium membership. WE just want to play the game! Doing things to make it harder and more frustrating during game play and people tend to say, SCREW IT! If that's what SOE wants, then by all means, keep doing it.
  6. Teshrrar

    You cancel, another bunch of tactical players join. I canceled my membership in 2012 exactly because the lack of tactical game which PS2 have. I stayed away for more than 1 year because that. I back to play 2~3 months ago and I'm playing less day by day. I have a lot of friends who I tried convince play with me who never played again. So your membership matter very little here.

    The only reason why I still read the forum is because some roadmaps which show some tactical potential interest me. With they implemented I will see if I play or uninstall and keep only my ARMA games, while you maintain your membership.
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  7. Champagon

    he is committing suicide to cert farm more like it.....
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  8. DeusExForever

    Wait until folks get a 6 minute rez timer; or worse, die and can't be rezzed until a boss fight is over.

    WoW has that and other MMORPGs. AA has the once dead until round is over death penalty.

    Remember PS2 is a MMOFPS, and MMOs are suppose to have harsher death penalties (I'd laugh if they bring in ghost walking too!).
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  9. Champagon

    PS2 NEEDS a punishment for dying, I completely agree with OP. I die a lot as well, and this is completely needed to improve the tactics of this game
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  10. Paragon Exile

    I'm of a mixed opinion on this. Could be very good or very bad.

    On one hand, players would be more keen to stay alive and play conservatively, on the other, they would likely take up less risky "professions" (useless sniper, spawn camper) to play for a longer time. Or perhaps they would do nothing I just said and go on like they always do.

    I would need to see the effects in person to see the ramifications and form a coherent opinion.
  11. LT_Latency

    PS2 does not need punishment for dieing.

    No one is going to fight a massive tank plane, zerg.
    No one is going to fight against 3 to 1 odds.

    They only thing you will end up doing is standing outside a spawn more often doing nothing.

    The want to extend battles outside of the spawn. With strong sunides and fast respawn timers bigger battles will happen for longer away from the spawn
  12. Yaesu

    That total crap dude. Pops a way down because of this nonsense. One only has to read these forums to see it. To the handful of you, who'll be the ones left. Oh well. You got your way.
  13. Nerovox

    Horrible idea!! I mean c'mon man we want to get back to the fast paced ultimate super duper carnage extreme taco bell mountain dew baby jesus murica red bull spawn camping action as fast as we can...
  14. Tacom

    I'm in favor of longer spawn timers to add a little cost to death and give the player some time to think his next move, instead of spawning to a instant death again and again.

    But I am againts penalizing players who die frecuently. In this group you have suicide charge people, but you also have noobs and below average skill players, who would get frustrated by being penalized. I prefer just the contrary, that is, give an advantage to people who dies quickly due to lack of skill. I dont know how to discriminate people who lack skill of those who are simply reckless, but probably something that only reduces spawn timers for people under a particular BR could work.

    On the other side, there is a particular kind of suicide that is easy to identify as is when one dies because of his own C4/mine/whatever. Those deaths I would penalize with an increased timer. I'm not againts that tactical resource, but I think it needs some cost added.
  15. DeusExForever

    With continent locking and queues, bigger battles would mean little when the area is already full.

    With continent locking and queues -- lag and VOIP doesn't work even with port forwarding -- heck will I pay to play, too (especially having spent almost 5000 SC on nerfed weapons -- stuff like that kills trust).
  16. WarmasterRaptor

    Wait for the resource revamp where spawning cost a base it's resources. You'll see people thinking then.

    Otherwise, this idea is not newbie friendly at all. -1 buddy. :(
  17. GhostAvatar

    I would hardly calls those suicide runs. That aside, the use of vehicles as throw away tools is the bigger issue. Hence why the resource revamp is vastly needed.
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  18. LT_Latency

    Huh, it still doesn't change the fact that it going to take much longer to destroy a sundy which means you will be fighting for spawn points that are not the main spawn point for longer.

    The battles will feel bigger with less people playing as more people will be comming as they respawn quicker. Just treate the players as more troops comming
  19. MrJengles

    With resources becoming a little more scarce with the RR taking vehicles out will be much more worthwhile.

    Actually, I'd much rather fight 3 to 1 odds when successfully killing brainless, zerging players over and over takes them out of the battle for longer and longer - so that odds aren't so bad. Instead of just being constantly overwhelmed.

    Effective players and squads would be rewarded so that taking on larger numbers is more achievable (right now zergs are heavily favored) and more enjoyable. Unless, of course, you're both outnumbered and outmatched but that's not a good situation no matter the system - your best chances would be force multipliers (vehicles).
  20. MrJengles

    I've yet to see the developers say they are tying resources to the spawning or redeploy systems.