Squad Leaders and Platoon Leaders, STOP muting/ignoring Command Chat- and use TEAMWORK

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zapon, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Zapon

    Interesting, I've run with Outfits who operate loose and tight structures, and "organization" can vary

    I've seen varying levels of organization from complete attack plains for building by building when assaulting a base, to dedicated roles for certain members in squads- to divided up tasks and roles for certain people to fulfill- dedicated tactics that must be used when going about an area, time-set tactics-

    The thing is, I've seen this done by the handful of non-dedicated-outfit leaders on Waterson in the Sovereignty.

    I think i know what I'm going to do- after this response, i'm going to , perhaps in a few months time,take a break from my dedicated leading of Platoons(which I've done for years across more than this game), and actually start touring Outfits , and then perhaps months later, return to my position, and see just what a tight Outfit can do that a platoon of randoms can't achieve with teamwork.

    I will say straight up that I don't think a Outfit Squad or Platoon can out-tactic a Non-Outfit squad in terms of following directions , from what I've seen from some very tightly run Outfits I've run with on Waterson, or mentality in how to handle threats on a battlefield- or even effectiveness* in battles , but I am making it a Project goal now of mine to test that out.
  2. Luighseach

    In my experience or running outfit platoons, non-outfit platoons and a mixture of everything else I have found that Pubic platoons made up of many different outfits and not using 3rd party coms) tend to be loosely organized and rarely function or communicate properly.

    A public platoon that communicates properly and has every member working towards the goal can do just as well. However this is rare and, in my experience, does not happen very often.

    Having a outfit that uses 3rd party coms that is playing together with specific goals will always outperform a platoon full of randoms even if the randoms have more skill.

    Now I have seen some dedicated SL/PL that can be active and kick unresponsive members and do really good jobs of organizing public squads, but I have never seen them be as effective as just 1 squad of really organized players(usually in the same outfit). They work well but tend to lack the element that outfits that run together have which is cohesion. In the outfits I've been in we don't even have to speak at certain times because we have played together for so long that it is not needed.
  3. Bortasz

    Sorry, but when I enable Voice it screw up my laptop. It heat up faster and lower my performance. When they will optimize it, and allow me to be just on command channel I will use it. Not sooner.
  4. Zapon

    Never heard that one before- My laptop' doesn't heat up based on usage of voice

  5. Zapon

    Bumping this because Leaders doing this, is what's making the difference on Waterson right now- Vanu Sovereignty Strategic Command has come a very long way....keep up the good work guys!

    You know, I mainly lead platoons and fly gals secondarily---but now, one of my main reasons for playing this game, is because i get to work with some very great leaders....new , long time, outfit, and non outfit alike
  6. Mittens4kittens

    I true hero of Vanu Pubbies. Press on brave solider.
  7. Zapon

  8. Badname707

    Getting command chat to work on your server is actually very possible, depending on who actually runs outfits, squads, and platoons on your server. On Waterson, a bunch of outfits got together and decided that we were fed up with command chat ALWAYS being a ****show, so we'd just use it properly and mute whoever needs to be muted. Once we made the effort to use it correctly on a daily basis, other people started picking it up.

    We also had tons of meetings and stuff, which may be necessary, but should be approached casually. The best thing to have come out of any of the meetings was that we got together in a setting where we could stop hating each other.
    • Up x 1
  9. Imij

    I have Command disabled in the ini, because the only thing going on in it is play-by-plays of useless people ghost capping and annoying nerd voices whining about something or other.

    You want me or my Outfit to use Command? Stop filling it with annoying BS.
  10. Takoita

    Command voicechat? No thanks, I'm never certing that and recommend you guys never do. The text messages are enough in the vast majority of cases and you'll start recognizing the folks who'll just suggest all your continent population go die in the Allatum (for example) instead of attacking from different directions to disperse the enemy a little and who actually know what they are doing.
  11. Zapon

    gonna bump this- a night ago, I was on Waterson, in command of a full platoon- Alert came up to cap indar- i went to the chat window, leader tab- lists all leaders with command channel on server

    I update command on the indar situation- then proceed to do what i can- no one answers

    eventually, one person updates crossroads is missing- by ORDERS

    I ask him how can we coordinate , in leaders- no response

    and that cycle repeats for the majority of the alert

    at the end, one leader finally gets on command chat- I send forces his way- but it didn't matter

    then, with like 5 mins or so left to go- we see not one, not two, but

    THREE ORDERS send out on INdar from the 11+ leaders active, all saying "X location is under HEAVY ATTACK, SEND SUPPORT NOW!!!:


    ..Guys, I know you have command chat, i can see your names. I know you dont likely have it muted, because i worked with YOU during some prior alert, and recognize the majority of leaders on the continent now- and I've likely helped out in the past

    So, whats the deal with running off solo?

    If you've been watching mapside 2 during some of these alerts, ...for example, we can SEE the TR moving multiple forces of platoons of not-necessairly outfit -people into different spots

    and it takes command chat to move four public platoons as a unit in a massive redeploy..

    Yes, you don't have to participate in the alert- but When the other factions are in lockstep teamwork, you need to know that with the population at times, if we don't get ever single man and woman we can spare to help out at times- we're not going to be as effective, even with 33/33/33, when the enemy has 96, or 144 people (3 platoons) at a base- then 144 people at THREE OTHER BASES on the same continent, and the queues are filling up

    TLDR: Don't dismiss the macro game- when things get very large scale, and the lattice forces your options to very few- you sometimes have to bring the numbers. And it takes teamwork out of this world- to have a chance of countering teamwork out of this world.
    In more cases than the above outlined scenario

    Oh, and for the devs- this is why we need bigger maps and bigger pop caps.

  12. Zapon


    To the rest of Sovereignty Command- don't think I don't know you guys are all on Command - i see your names on the leader tab window :p

    ..Sadly, Waterson is having periods where we'll have 10 - 20 + leaders, all silent
    during a alert
    .... :(

    Feel like i'm talking to myself when i ask if anyone else is actively playing and would like to start working together- and to think, against 48+ groups of NC and TR..... having forces no bigger than a platoon- you're not going to win any macro fights at all- and if the enemy has 3 platoons working together- it gaurantees us getting screwed...
  13. Kunavi

    Not happening. I have a RL friends squad and we're not there to abide to any TactiCool plan that involves lots of Deploying, MAX crashing and Zerg inciting. We just do our thing, which is often as silly as effective, and that's our fun in PS2 because there is no other kind. Goofs, stunts, absurd farming, occasionally giving our side the advantage totally unintentionally(We'll flank some MBTs, suddenly PUGs will flock to that area and start pushing the opposition back ETC ETC). No heavy conscience at all, since we also help with logistics if we can, we fix stuff, we supply others and so on. And since I barely ever play on my own, I don't start public squads making the OP's plea irrelevant to me.

    I don't often join others' squads, but when I do it's for the XP Boost(To which I contribute still, until I decide PS2 is a steaming pile for good) and because some people out there actually Heal, supply and have some semblance of logic in their actions without the need to spam VOIP or talk things over for 1Hr.
  14. Zapon

    The problem is- when the enemy is moving massive forces nearby and we're facing concentrated groups- this sort of thing will ensure us a net loss in battles on average, alerts and even non alerts....

    It takes everyone to stand a chance...
  15. Zapon

    Wanted to comment on this

    Took a break, came back after hte merge(break was only 2 - 3 weeks)
    and Emerald's Command Chat at first glance has sometimes 30+ leaders listed under leader tab, which has me happy.
    But when I specifically call out asking for a status update on how the Sovereignt's doing on any cont, nearly no one responds
    It's funny, I know other leaders were nervous the merges would cause people to leave because of obnoxious people on Command- but since the merge, nope- and Waterson's command was in a really good state before the merge, and from the looks of it(since i wasnt on Mattherson) mattherson's sovereignty command doesn't 'look' like it had issues,

    so why the silence guys?

    I suspect with all the Outfits, that there's cliques of 3rd parties with their own things set up- which causes them to not be linked in on the Sovereignty's command chat- and as a result it's what's causing the platoons i see go RIGHT BY outfits like GOKU or whoever, and not be able to really contact them ...
    Really hope that's not the case...

    Funny thing is, for those who do that, I doubt the revamp(when they add Companies, now coming in September) will change their minds even with the ease of use being enhanced greatly, just because they're used to whatever they currently do..
    well, I have my fingers crossed that's not the case

    I am sure the other factions as well might be running into this issue-
    so guys, what's it like on your Server's Command Channel?

    Emerald's Sovereignty Command (lol, can't resist calling it that xD) so far is
    tends to be
    silent, but currently pretty friendly*
    *note: I dont mean to start any arguments with this one, as I know in the past some servers have had bad histories with leaders arguing and fighting over control of how a faction goes about what it does on an entire server, or whatnot

    and 'seems' to be a little quieter than Waterson's was in the final days pre merge, although i play at late hours eastern daylight time
  16. iccle

    Most of the time the bulk of the comms on leader chat is completely irrelevant to whatever our outfit is doing, very rarely we will chip in our tuppence worth if it happens to coincide with what we are doing. Why the command chat is lumped into a single channel instead of per continent channels is completely beyond me and only serves to make command chat irrelevant for anyone not on the same continent.
  17. Sovereign533

    While I don't lead often (more then I'd like to) I dislike the leader coms in general.
    While I can see the strategic importance of it, I'm usually to busy with other stuff already. Because I don't only have to listen to my own squads feedback, I also need to listen to our leader coms on teamspeak. And then I also need to listen to leader coms in game.
    That combined that coms are usually to cluttered any way.

    So I mute leader coms. The only thing that I do use is the /orders command or /leader. This is because I DO think it's important to communicate with other people. However, I know from other squad leaders that they rarely or never look at the text based chat.

    On top of that, I didn't know that PL's can also hear / read the leadership coms. I thought only SL's could hear/read that for some daft reason.

    And leader coms can also be cluttered by random blue's with a squad that are thinking they are the next General Rommel or w/e.
  18. Zapon

    What would you guys propose then for the Leader Channel to become more widely used for it's purpose , instead of getting ignored causing missed potential as far as the macro scale goes?
  19. Sovereign533

    I can't propose anything really. The main reason I don't use it is because I have more then enough channels that I need to listen to at the same time any way.
    Removing squad leaders from leadership channel when there is a platoon might help.
  20. Zapon

    I do know the entire channel system will be revamped when companies and the leaders of the 192 man 4 -platoon groups are implemented...

    The issue then is that so many adopted those other channels without attempting to flesh out the game's comms ,in favor of just having their own method- and not using the game's custom settable channels...hmm