Scout Radar nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lynoocs, May 21, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni

    So don't SIT in a flash?

    Radar is supposed to be there when you're driving around so you can respond to infantry threats while driving.

    Parking and sitting on a Flash for radar was dumb

    I use scout all the time on my ESF, it was OP, this nerf was required and no refund necessary.

    I was hit by this nerf 10x harder than flash seat campers. I'm not compaining

    Quit yer bellyachin'
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  2. Ronin Oni

    You're thinking of Prox radar not Scout.

    Scout is still utility slot. Prox was moved to defense (as it only works for that vehicle)

    In any case, I agree the change to radar (both Prox and Scout) to not detect stationary targets was mandatory.

    Should have been done a long time ago actually.
  3. LibertyRevolution

    You seem to be an apologist for SOE, I am tired of reading post after post from you saying that everything SOE does is fine.
    Welcome to my ignore list. You are person #5 to reach it, you should feel "special".
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  4. Trebb

    This game seems to like to change 20 different variables at once. By nerfing scout radar in the same patch they add implants to make anyone invisible to the same radar, they've double nerfed it. Now there's no *real* counter to permanently invisible, crouched stalker infiltrators. Flashlight doesn't count :p
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  5. Ronin Oni

    It doesn't? o_O
  6. NC_agent00kevin

    Ive said this before and Ill say it again:

    In a game with client side hit detection and a TTK as short as it is, undetectable players have no place at all.
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  7. Vinny

    it doesn't count because it not practical . You have 6 hex's to search with a directional location ability for cloakers ( the darklight ) that has about a 10m range . The point is radar is now worse then a maxed out infiltrator motion detector.. Don't have to use mech or air resources . Sure they have better range , but the dart gun is spammable , doesn't require me to move , and have the same effects , and i can cover a larger area with relative safety compared to vehicles , all i need is a ammo pack or a terminal
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  8. Codex561

    I like getting certs back :D
  9. Blackinvictus

    Not true man, I've seen cloaked INF's on the mini-map all the time in my Scout Reaver that I definitely could not see with the naked eye.
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  10. Erendil

    Sigh....... Yet another example of SOE not knowing how to balance a particular aspect of the game so instead they just remove it. :rolleyes:

    The only way I could see this change being remotely balanced is if they also:
    • Fix Low Graphics settings so cloaked infils are as visible as they are on Medium and High Graphics
    • At least double the effective range of the Darklight flashlight. The current distance (10-12m) is way too short
    • Revert the Scout Radar occupancy requirement so it remains active if the ESF/Flash owner leaves the vehicle, so long as they stay within its Radar bubble. They probably should still need to occupy the vehicle to receive the radar xp bonus though.
    • Fix the empty cap point flipping bug
    • Remove a cloaked infil's ability to cap a point
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  11. Spoprockel

    I was not talking about parking and sitting in a flash. There are many disadvantages for a flash driver in general:
    • You render much further while driving a flash
    • You have no means of protection since you've dedicated your utility slot to scout radar
    • Any rocket, tank or turret shell that connects ends you immediately
    • The bad traction doesn't allow you to react fast enough to effectively evade threats
    I could live with all those disadvantages, because Scout Radar also provided the unique ability to highlight stationary infantry.

    Without that, imo, it has too many disadvantages when i compare it to my dart gun.

    In it's current state i just wouldn't cert into it. Not with maxed Darts and Motion Spotters already in my arsenal.

    That's your personal opinion, and i don't share it. But i don't tell you to shut up.

    Instead i'm asking you WHY you think that there should be no refund.

    My argument for a refund is that they drastically changed it's functionality. What's your argument against it?
  12. Spoprockel

    Are you talking about Scout Radar (Flash, ESF) or Proximity Radar (MBTs, Harasser, lightning, Sunderer)?

    Those are two different cert lines, and as such they work in a different way.

    I've been hunting down stationary stalkers with my Scout Radar Flash until last weekend, so i'm not surewhat you are talking about here.
  13. Ravenorth

    As a scout radar flash user I think this was a fine change and improves the overall gameplay a lot. Now you can actually avoid detection if you play cleverly. It was utterly bull$hit that you see ESFs approaching from the distance and take your precautions by hiding behind a tree or some other obstacle for nothing, because the ESF was using scout radar, so he just turned around and lolpodded you. It was a bad gameplay mechanic since the very beginning.

    Its one of those situations where you simply cant do anything, there is no counter play, there is nothing that would provide anything good for the overall gameplay, so anyone who think it was fine are just mad their infantry farming tool is gone. Scout radar still shows every moving enemy constantly withing 100/200m range, you can park your flash inside enemy bases and still provide plenty of useful intel for your team, its not like enemies can defend their base/attack on your base without moving at all.

    I used my flash yesterday like before and hardly noticed difference on its effectiveness, unless the enemy know I am around they will keep moving and it shows them just like before, even stalker cloakers. Of course you cant spot them in corners anymore, but even they have to move when they think its safe. I killed plenty of stalker cloakers yesterday by just waiting in my flash for their move, marked the spot where their dot vanished and went collect the xp.

    People adapt and overcome.
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  14. Bl4ckVoid

    And now there is no counter play to stalker cloak. Mission accomplished, infiltrator whiners win again.
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  15. Jalek

    Oh the hours of fun waiting for people to play peek-a-boo with a lone infiltrator in an amp station.
    I think I've logged 10 minutes this month as it is.
  16. Vixxing

    Indeed i use sniper darts or recon device for moving targets, ONLY use for radar flashes is detecting infiltrators... (and they got implants for protection that would be nerf enough!)
  17. Ronin Oni

    It detects infantry.

    It's pretty similar. It's just a nerf to bring it in line with other detection devices.

    It's not a drastic change in functionality.

    Every time SOE nerfs anything there are dozens of people crying for refund because it's "worthless now"
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  18. Goretzu

    It's definately not useless, however since they messed with it not just detecting everyone (moving or not) it seems to be rather buggy on detecting moving targets - that is you may well be C4 faired before they even shows up on your map.

    I don't think they'll change it, personally, but I do think a cert refund would have been the sensible and decent option.
  19. applepienation

    This might be an unpopular opinion, but I would say revert it to detect everything in range but remove it from the flash.

    I mean ideally it would just go back to the way it would and SOE would stop being so underhanded, but if that isn't going to happen then we might as well try and reach a compromise.
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  20. HadesR

    The main problem with scout radar was not it's ability to detect non-moving targets BUT the range it could do it at .. 200m was seriously broken ..

    What they should have done for a start instead of change who it detect's was to half it's range across all platforms .. Along with making it a spherical radius rather than a cylindrical one ..