Any Air sunder shood be able to easy kill liberator!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Randomplayer11, May 14, 2014.

  1. Huxer

    Hey guess what, your post here. It provides no facts, no agreeable common knowledge, and no supported theories on gameplay in this game. All I am reading is a guy who is arguing for the sake of arguing. Iam luaghing at "what smart player do" I guess now too. Just to add a little Bukowski to the thread, define good :p
  2. Arsonix

    Are you sure you don't have them mixed up? Because I've fired the walker at other sundies and done no damage at all. It wont even make hit markers. The ranger is the gatling gun and the walker is the flak canon.

    Also OP I wonder do you even tell your passengers to get out and deploy burster maxes?
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  3. FactionTraitsFTW

    I could not agree more.
  4. axiom537

    I don't know what to tell you. I have been playing this game for about 2 years now. Every thing I mentioned was based on fact, common knowledge and is supported by actual gameplay, try it, it works...Feel free to point out one thing I said that is not possible...

    I have a tremendous amount of experience in Sunderers and Liberators I know exactly what each vehicle is capable of and how they match up. I've been in pretty much every situation imaginable and this is how I have countered sniping Dalton Lib's and it works well.

    Ask any experienced players in here that work in coordinated groups and they will tell you a well maned sunderer is a beast and is in no way easy pickings for a liberator. But most people do not defend there sunderer let alone play in coordinated battle busses or have they gone head to head with one in a liberator and I can tell you from experience it is a pretty evenly matched fight...

    Have you ever coordinated with other players in a dual walker/ ranger Sunderer? Or even a coordinated battle bus, with 2 Maxes & an engineer? If you know what you are doing you can pretty much take out anything in this game 1 vs 1 and not even break a sweat..
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  5. axiom537

    unless they have changed it and they might have as I have been using dual Basilisks for the last few months...

    I run mostly with 1 kobalt and 1 basilisk and like to have 2 maxes in my bus. I just deploy when we come under attack and they swap load outs either burster or AV as needed...
  6. Tentakewls

    Because if the lib can leave, he can repair, rearm and come back and try again, as much as he wants. As for throwing more people into the equation, I'd say a lib with guns that can't kill ground targets wont last much against any amount of LAs or Heavies, especially when also dealing with a lib. Also, most platoons don't have air around to chase down libs, they are just infantry platoons with some ground at most.
  7. axiom537

    You lived, he lived, you repair, he repairs, you re-arm, he rearms I honestly do not see the issue. You held your ground and forced him off you won the engagement. If you think he is coming back, then re position the sunderer and ask a few people to stick around with AA. 2 bursters with 1 lock-on will easily to the trick...

    AS for most platoons don't have air around and they are just infantry platoons. That is the problem, those are poorly built platoons. If you are going to go into a fight with a platoon and you do not have a few players in the Air to provide air support, they deserve to die.

    We have a saying in our outfit for players like that "You are doing it wrong"
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  8. Tentakewls

    So you now have 5 people that have to stay on guard in case a lib comes again, while being defenseless to anything on the ground, which probably will get them before the lib even comes back.
    People that succeed are doing it wrong?
  9. DirArtillerySupport

    The ranger...what does it look like from a Lib gunner's point of view? It seems when I open up on them their shots go wild and end up flying away. Was also curious about how it looks from a Gal gunner's point of view? Sometimes I focus on one of the guns that is hitting me and same thing happens. When I divert to the belly the gun I was focused on seems to find me again.

    Also I read that certain configurations of computer hardware experience lag when large flak bursts start exploding in their view causing their FPS to drop drastically. Has this been fixed yet? If not what is the most feared AA weapon to cause FPS to drop? Does the ranger still produce the largest flak bursts and does flak size play a role?
  10. axiom537

    2 bursters and 1 Lock-on = 3 players (more then enough to kill a liberator) FYI it is a sunderer deploy it and the maxes and switch load outs if a ground vehicle shows up or put at least 1 kobalt on it for infantry, that's what I do.

    People that complain about liberators flying off to repair, when they do not have any friendly squad members in an ESF or liberator to provide scouting, air support and be available to chase down injured Air vehicle that are attack friendly ground troops... are doing it wrong...
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  11. Ronin Oni

    because a Sunderer isn't an AA vehicle?

    You've got 2 AA deterrent guns on it.

    And yeah, having DB MAxes for gunners (on ground focused funs) is the better way to go really.
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  12. Ronin Oni

    ? Rangers are stupid easy to use.

    Their "problem" is that, being flak, Composite adds resistance to them.

    TTK on Walker and Ranger are pretty close against both stock ESF's and Libs. Composite armor gives advantage to Walker (particularly with the Lib, less so with the ESF) however it's easier to hit with the Ranger.

    Also, that TTK assumes direct hits. Ranger can get a lot of glancing blows which do less damage (Walker only hits with direct hits).

    Rangers are better for hitting ESF's, while a Walker is better against a slower target like Lib or Gal where you can really lay into them with streams of direct hits. Rangers also have a tendency to scare off pilots faster than their damage might otherwise cause, whereas Walkers have very little visceral effect and they won't leave until they notice their health getting too low.
  13. YoloSwaggins

    Why should a 3 man vehicle like the Liberator be able to kill a 12 man sunderer?
    It should take at least 4 Liberators to kill 1 Sunderer.
  14. axiom537

    It has a driver and 2 gunners, which is the same as the liberator. And if you fill that Sunder with 12 players all being Dual burster Maxes, those burster maxes are literally going to vaporize those liberators in seconds...
  15. maudibe

    I love the Walker. I get hits at ranges as long or longer than lock ons will get with it. My Sundy has a Walker with night vision and a Bull Dog with Thermal. Its a general load out to deal with a little of everything but loses all the time to any concentrated effort to kill me. That is because it's survival depends on an infantry helping, like an Engi healing it and LA's taking out rocket HA's shooting at it. I seldom have ANY help. So I guard the Sundy and jump seats from Walker for air to Bull Dog for infantry and tanks. The Walker will deal significant damage to a Lib who comes in close for a kill but will still die with only 1/2 of the libs health gone. Now....If i had a second gunner on a second Walker and had a Dual Burster Max helping out, I beilieve the Lib would get smoked. In situations where the Lib is not concentrating on me, the walker will deal significant damage to any Lib and will easily shoot down ESF's who come in for a rocket pod kill if alone, ( more than 1 ESF rocket podding me will kill me). The night vision can see farther out than the Thermal and will make it easy to see thru all the explosions and smoke and is a necessity I think for anti air. The Bull Dog will do quite a bit of damage to a tank up close but the skill level to hit them at 100 meters or more is considerable. Once I went as gunner in a Battle sundy with 2 Bull dog gunners and the driver doing hit and runs and we ended up killing 2 MBT's and 1 Lightining (with stops to heal up each time) before we got killed).
  16. maudibe

    Actually what happens to me more often than not is that I will shoot at the Lib with my Walker (as he is attacking someone else) and he will notice me and fly off and come in low from some unknown to me direction and start firing on me BEFORE i can tell where it's coming from and by the time I figure it out, I already am damaged and only then can I return fire. I think the intelligence sucks in this game, the minimap should show where ALL the planes are ALL the time, it's not rocket science and since the ESF can get scout radar (which is rediculous as an advantage to kill off loner troops and cloakers) a proxy radar on the Sundy is almost worthless (I have it)..
  17. DirArtillerySupport

    Honestly...I'm not really into causing damage or getting kills while I'm in the Sunderer. I'm more interested in annoying or blinding so others can concentrate fire or I can escape. I've watched people around me with walkers and they almost immediately get counterattacked by whatever they are shooting at. I seem to be able to shoot at anything I want and not get it because they can't see me or are they ignoring me because I'm firing a ranger?
  18. TorigomaSET

    Battle-Bus absolutely wrecks Armor.
  19. Govedo13

    It is beast if the Lib is at range.Dalton at 500-600m would kill you unless you 3 go to repair/ fire suppress. If one takes buster Max then the lib should run. Everything is as axiom mentioned.
    Liberator is fighting vehicle and sunderer is spawn point the have different purpose.
    The single not fine thing is the low amount of damage output of walkers and rangers at point blank range. Both are close range AA anyway so they need more close range punch.
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  20. axiom537

    Unless you have 2 or 3 other people to either man your sunderers guns or pull AA, I wouldn't poke at a Liberator with a single Walker.

    I agree it would be cool if we had another cert line for an Air Radar...