Stalker Cloaker Fully Invisible?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LocalUser38, May 13, 2014.

  1. LocalUser38

    If I am using a stalker cloaker crouched in a corner, how is it that only a few select people can see me? For example, I've been in a room where 12 players run past/on top of/through me indoors in daytime. Then one level 100 comes in finds me almost immediately and kills me. What enabled that player to spot me so easily?

    In another case it was night time and I was outside at night time fairly far from the player and was immediately spotted by a 20 BR when crouched in a corner.

    So, how invisible is a stalker cloak? 100% with some players using cheats? Or more like 95% and some players know the distortion to look for? I'm trying to determine how safe I am if I don't move when crouched in a corner.
  2. Aelyn

    Darklight flashlight.
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  3. Leftconsin

    It is pretty obvious when you're being looked at by a flashlight.
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  4. ironeddie

    Darklight, cloak visible on high graphics settings, good awareness and knowing what to look for. Take your pic.

    I think most players who run past me do so not because I'm invisible but because they are distracted by other things.

    I suppose it's also possible that there's a hack that just shows up cloaked players.
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  5. Spude

    The way i spot stalker cloakers is by bumping into them OR hearing they spot someone.

    Protip for stalkers: Never spot if you are close to enemies and dont go to obvious places like on boxes or into corners.
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  6. Dtswiss

    Crouch stationary stalker clocked is not visible on high setting. High setting only makes it easier to spot moving clocked targets not stationary ones.
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  7. jiggu

    If you're crouching and stationary then you are nigh invisible. Very very hard to see, however if someone has figured out that you're there they might still find you in a a heartbeat just by having experience dealing with cloakers. Also darklights
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  8. LocalUser38

    In the first scenario they were specifically looking for me in the point room because I was stuck too close to it and kept tripping it, but couldn't move since I knew they'd defiantly see me then. No one was using a darklight in any instance.

    Curious. Does this mean if you run through a cloaked stalker their cloaker flickers or something to make them more visible? Also does this imply that spotting makes you show up on the mini map or something?
  9. Dtswiss

    A lot of time when u run into a stalker clocked it creates collision. As if you push against an invisible wall and the light blends a little bit. At this point it can either be a game glitch or cloaker. Shoot 1-2 bullets at the invisible wall and if you see the red x (hitting target indicator) appear then you know its stalker there.

    You cant spot a cloaked
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  10. Spude

    Well, you cant run through enemy that is still. My movement just stops if i hit stalker infiltrator.

    No, you can hear the enemy faction spot sounds and they are different, i have played for long time and recognize VS, NC and TR spot yells. And its actually easy to pinpoint the location where the sound is coming from ;)
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  11. LocalUser38

    So this is what I always thought too. If this is the case how come they are still able to spot me. If you have low or ultra settings does this affect the cloak and allow people to see me? Maybe only people with really high-end systems can find you as a crouched stalker? heh.
  12. Fenrisk

    For 99% of players I never get found unless they use darklight.

    The other 1% know exactly where I am straight away.

    I call HAX!
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  13. Phyr

    Sometimes you don't enter deep cloak, and if you're outdoors it's easier to spot someone even in deep cloak.
  14. Krayus_Korianis

    I'd like to point out that you can move through everyone. Just not corpses as that creates collision, not sure why that's still in the game, but it is.

    I can be cloaked and crouched in a bush and have a ton of people go right through me and they don't get collision.

    for the OP:
    Also, the term, "nigh invisible" means, almost invisible...
  15. Ronin Oni

    If the stalker is crouched and perfectly still, they shouldn't shimmer even on high graphic settings...

    however, a DarkLight would certainly let them kill the stalker, quite likely before the stalker could even react to being found if they indeed even knew or noticed
  16. Paragon Exile

    Some people (like me) have been dealing with invisibility and active camouflage for years, and we've acquired the eye for spotting them.

    Then there's the possibility you weren't in deep cloak, that someone heard you, or that they lost momentum running through you, which seems to be hit-or-miss in this game.

    Word of advice, never turn around or move when you crouch, it makes you very easy to see (due to the movement). Only move when you're unseen.
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  17. Ronin Oni

    Why don't they have collision?

    Because holy hell this game would be nuts if it did. Also, extra processing, and lag delay would cause problems.

    Hell, it's an issue in Battlefield at times and that's only 64 players max
  18. Littleman

    Stationary cloakers seem to become solid objects as well. I've spotted LOTS of cloakers just bumping into thin air. Deep cloak is pretty effective when people aren't looking for a cloaker, especially when against an already chaotic backdrop like sand or grass.
  19. JorgeSarcos

    One thing to note though, the stalker cloak while crouched and not moving is still not 100% invisible, it might be 98% invisible, but its not 100% for sure, ive noticed it and im playing on Low.
  20. Trebb

    I use radar on my ESF, and until they patch it, it shows *everything*. I'm really kinda pissed they're nerfing it against cloakers, the last thing this game needs is permanently invis people with no counter or way to detect them other than a gimmicky flashlight.

    That said, I know there's plenty of BR100 hackers. It's hard to prove, especially those lucky '3 headshots while I'm jumping randomly' BS. But the real telltale sign is when I'm running to recap from a ghost capper, use my motion sensor (the stationary one, shows what direction the enemy is facing), and can SEE the guy change direction to face me as I switch which door I enter. While invisible. And there's a wall between us. He can somehow sense me behind the wall (no sensors/radar nearby, skies were clear, no flashes, etc).

    Sadly, I see this in a lot of well respected outfits, I wonder if they condone hacking =\
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