To use a T3 implant will cost......

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SharpeShooter, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Wecomeinpeace

    Yeah, how do we expect them to manage and monetize their game without resorting to mechanics that would make any social game developer blush?

    This crap combines the worst aspects of MMOs; It's grindy, sitting on that questionable line of P2W, and with RNGs involved even mimicks these shady lockbox mechanics. Implants in their current form are a goddamn disgrace and how anyone can defend this is beyond me. Do you like crappy mechanics brought into your game with the sole purpose of sucking your wallet dry?

    There is a very simple solution to this: Remove the constant need for resupplying your implant with batteries. If Br100 players not knowing where to spend their certs on is really such a big problem (which i am sure is a complete non-issue) create a not-game-interfering way of adding cert sinks. Make special glowing decals that require batteries or whatever.
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  2. Jrgsubzero

    As a BR100 that doesn't have SC, you're never drowning in unneeded certs. You're keeping a new weapon savings account. People usually point out that I have 6,000 certs and that I "hoard" them. But what if they come out with 6 new weapons next update?!
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  3. Ronin Oni

    Even charging your Implants you'll still earn certs over time, just not as fast because you'll be spending some of your earnings on charging implants.

    Crafting Implants is for people who really have nothing to spend certs on :p Otherwise just slowly upgrade as you earn them. I imagine earning one every 1-3 hours. (Yes, I know the frequency is unknown.)
  4. Latrodectus

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  5. Llaf

    This smells heavily of P2W...this is one of the few F2P games out there that really isn't P2W, really hoping it doesn't go down that road. If I start getting killed by wallet warriors or BR100's with thousands of certs just because of an advantage they gained through an implant that I can't get, I'll quit. I've been playing since release and have spent a fair amount of money on this game, but this whole implant system just seems wrong.

    Close. But a cash cow is something that actually makes a ton of money. PS2 is falling extremely short of it's projections. So the term cow dung would fit more properly.
  7. AssaultPig

    the proposed implant system sucks, and it's sucked ever since they first proposed it. But they've been through so many iterations of it at this point that I assume they've decided the pay-per-time system is just gonna be how it works.

    meh. It's awful, but at least most of the implants don't seem to have particularly large gameplay benefits, so maybe they'll wind up just not mattering much
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  8. Revanmug

    I'm not really sure why people are already crying about the implants when we don't even know how often or even how exactly you earn them from gameplay.
  9. Phyr

    Really? And you know what their projections are? Are you an accountant at SOE? I'm going to bet you're talking out of your ***.
  10. BOOKEN

    Hmmm. Let's see.....

    Pushing the agenda to earn money and taking that agenda to the extreme.....

    Meanwhile where is HOSSIN, where are the bug fixes, where is the Briggs fix, where are the crash fixes, where are the FPS fixes, where are any fixes that actually matter?

    Oh and SOE says we are going to be seeing LESS updates.

    And isn't a fact that a large number of the PS2 cast has been disassembled and/or put on other projects?

    You see, when you make the money you thought you would, you have new content, hire new people, and flourish.

    When you miss your mark, corporate brings the hammer down.

    You probably think higby and Smed actually run the show don't you. That's ok you got a lot of other learning to do too.

    Now please, show me 1 piece of evidence that PS2 is actually making money.

    Have you actually read the forums? Have you actually seen the amount of players drop? Do you have eyes? Do you have a brain?

    I don't need to be an accountant to see this. It's right in front of your face.
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  11. Phyr

    A company trying to make money. Yep, that definitely means they're failing financially. Someone should break the news to Walmart, or Apple, or EA, they can't be more than a few weeks away from closing the doors based on how many sales and products they're trying to push.
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  12. BOOKEN

    See now you are putting word in my mouth. I didn't say failing, I said falling short.

    All those companies you mentioned are publicly traded just like SONY. Some quarters they show profits, some quarters they don't. All those companies have divisions, and within those divisions are even smaller subdivisions. SOE is a subdivision and PS2 is yet an even smaller division.

    PS2 is NOT making its mark and that is very evident. It was evident when they reduced the amount of servers.

    And to any rational thinking person the player pop drop should even be more evidence that PS2 is falling short.

    Also you failed to address pushing the sales and meanwhile not providing us with the new content or fixes. You misquote and fail to bring an argument back with any reasonable comment. You lose.
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  13. blag

    This game is on a worse path than most Nexon games.

    So now paying players are going to have even more an advantage over their peers. Because they didn't already thanks to all the weapons and attachments they've got.

    This was my first SoE game, could very well be the last.
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  14. Phyr

    Evidence based purely on speculation and shaky data.

    more speculation. Every game has a drop in player base. You can't say PS2 is falling short if you don't know what the goal is.
    Every store since the history of ever, has sales. You made a statement, I asked you to back it up. Burden of proof is on you.
  15. Tommyp2006

    this is something that actually worries me. The ability to keep implants charged will be a huge advantage to those of us with more certs than they know what to do with, it's going to widen the gap even further between the new players and the veterans. I guarantee within a week of implants being out I'll be sitting on Health Regen 3 running at all times, or Sensor shield 3, because I always have plenty of certs on reserve.

    Why wouldn't you want a tier 3 implant on all the time? It's a straight upgrade to the lower teir ones, at the moment. There's no reason to intentionally run a lower tier implant unless you cannot afford the charge cost for the higher levels.
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  16. blag


    The only way for lower-level players to compete on equal footing would be to spend money. It's yet another threat of being outclassed to make them open their wallets.
  17. BOOKEN

    Looks like popcorn
    Taste like popcorn
    Smells like popcorn

    Must be popcorn.

    Considering that what I believe is enough evidence to make my case of "PS2 is falling short", is not enough for you, please show me otherwise.

    What I see shows me that the money isn't coming in as expected.

    Can you show me anything that suggests they are making as much money as they thought they would? Could you provide me with any evidence, speculative or otherwise?

    You seem to be telling me that I cannot have an opinion and make a statement based on speculative evidence. And considering the topic of conversation, you seem to think PS2 is happy go lucky and earning mounds of cash and obviously are making their mark.

    So you in fact do have an opinion as well, and it's based on some sort of speculation, and I am curious what is that?

    Have you ever had an opinion based on speculative evidence? Do you have a political opinion? Do you have a religious opinion? Do you have a universe opinion? Do you have a why are we here opinion?

    That is all speculation just like every minute of your day.
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  18. Phyr

    You didn't state it as an opinion, you stated it as a fact.
  19. MarkAntony

    You guys have less than 50% of the information necessary to compute how hard it will be to keep an implant running. Random drops are huge factor. As is the fact that you will only ever need one implant of any type. all the others you can craft away for power or other implants.
    Because of this it is way to early to speculate and you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
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  20. Clapeyron


    And never ever ever ever buy any SOE game ever again if this system goes live... I'm serious, I've played this game since december 2012, and stuck through all of the thick and thins

    But now the thinner is much more prevalent than the thicker, and combining the OP-liberator patch that has been live for a month and these implants (money sinks) goes live, I will leave this game and never look back

    Worst managed piece of property ever owned... a beautiful game, that is being ruined monthly it seems
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