To use a T3 implant will cost......

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SharpeShooter, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. AdamRah2

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  2. Hatesphere

    71 certs per hour? so unless you like to farm certs or have a boost why bother?
  3. Stormsinger

    eh, personally I think they should turn the tier 1's into a subscriber perk. Give the player an option: 500 station cash a month, OR infinite battery for implants. If they are looking for a good way to increase guaranteed income, this is a good one.
  4. DashRendar

    Do you know you can combine TWO implants of differing tiers and get a healthy charge out of it? For a tier 3 implant, a charge made from a tier 1 implant and a tier 2 implant will last you 90 minutes, 3 hours if powering a tier 1 implant. For a tier 3 implant, a charge made from a tier 2 implant and a tier 3 implant will last you 10 hours, 20 hours if powering a tier 1 implant.

    Yes, it may not be ideal, but these things can be gotten for free by drops. I agree that the charge drain time could and should be dropped by about half of what it is now, but it's far too early to be calling anything pay to win. This system is 500% better than the first system, which was indeed pay to win. One of the major fluctuation points in this is going to be how often random drops can be acquired by free players. This will determine how reasonable the system is. If you haven't noticed, the PAID implant packs purchasable in the depot give mostly tier 1 implants with one or two tier 2 implants per pack if you are lucky, and never a tier 3 implant. It's not like a paying player is on ez mode if he buys one pack, he could have gotten the same thing probably by playing for a few hours.

    If random drops only happened very rarely, that would be lame. If they happen pretty frequently, like a few or more per play session, you could just say that you need to be mindful of when you are using an implant and when you are not. I think SOE is trying to tell us that power comes at a price. The drain speed still needs to be lowered a significant amount.
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  5. ashen

    To be honest, all the implants in their current form have a 'meh' effect. They all 'might' give an edge in a specific situation, but these situations will be pretty rare.

    So the question is, when nobody uses them, will SoE take the route of reducing the costs, or buffing them to OP'edness to see if they can profit.
  6. squarebug

    this game is a cash cow
  7. AdmiralArcher

    its PTW, but if you have a T3 and a T2 implant, combine them to get an ultra charger which is 36000 energy


    i said it

    ITS OVER 9000!!
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  8. Sebastien

    71 Certs in an hour is actually pretty easy, even when you're not running Boosts or Membership.
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  9. KAHR-Alpha

    A SPM of 300 just to feed the implant? You're kidding right?
  10. Sebastien

    Maybe it's because I'm good at the game.
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  11. Wecomeinpeace

    Yupp, lockboxes didn't work (because it was too obvious even for the "upgrade now" guys running the show here), so they are now trying to sneak in their cash sink ******** in a different way.

    Because that's what this is going to be, make no mistake about it; You have an item that requires a constant supply of another item which you can purchase for cash. Now sure, you can also get this supply by other means, but that allways means sacrificing on your gameplay experience in one way or another, be it grinding or spending otherwise valuable currency on this. just pay a little bit of money (come on it isn't that much, and the benefit isn't that great either so you don't even have to AMIRITE?) and bypass that annoyance. Because in the end you want to be as competitive as everyone else who has those T3 implants, right? But don't worry, they are just "sidegrades" *wink* *wink*

    And you know what, i would be even less up-in-arms against stupid **** like this if it wouldn't have been for the poor development so far with missing core features, a totally rushed release and a constant cash over content mentality. But at this point it's just laughable how "in your face" their approach is here. It's that combination of questionable marketing / monetizing (while not being downright PTW) and the lack of pretty much all of the features that were announced in beta and before.
    I just feel sorry for the designers and programmers who never seemed to have given a chance to deviate from the godawful F2P formula and mass-appeal restrictions that are dragging this game down.

    And if this implant stuff goes live in its current state i can tell you it will drag the game down even more. And that pains me the most, seeing that incredible potential so wasted and just used as a testbed for bad marketing and poor F2P management...and possibly as a testbed for the forgelight engine...
    Oh PS2, i hope there is still time for you to redeem yourself. BUT DEFINETELY NOT WITH THIS ****!
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  12. z1967

    That is a bit excessive for something that I am gonna guess they expect you to be running your full playtime. 71 certs an hour is achievable, but most are not going to be able to obtain that. And it will likely promote more vehicle farming which will end up with another HE/HEAT nerf. Don't nerf HE/HEAT, reduce the certs per hour requirement of Implants. (this is a reference to those DirecTV commercials found on American TV. They might pop up on youtube or in European media every once in awhile.)
  13. SharpeShooter

    I know how it works! However, I played on the test server killed 25 people and 4 sundies and I got nothing! Whether that part of the implants is not on PTS yet I'm not sure! However, SOE need to release what you get and how many people/how much xp you need to earn before you get a drop.

    Furthermore, the randomness of making implants is not crafting like SOE have said it is! Its nothing more than gambling!

    The system they have in place on the PTS at the moment will not work ingame! There will be so much hate when people realize they need a 300xp a minute just to run an implant, the game will be in an even worse state than it is now!

    player name?
  14. Crayv

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    Before this flooded the forums we had high BR players complaining on here about how Certs become useless after a while. So maintaining higher ranked implants will be an excellent Cert sink for them. As long as the lower ranks are easy enough to have running most of the time it shouldn't be an issue (the lower ranks have most of the effect).
  15. Wobberjockey

    your numbers are wrong

    with 100,000 energy max charge, a t3 implant will last 27.777... hours of actually play time.

    i.e. not counting time waiting to spawn
  16. AdamRah2

    yeah this math is for a 37,800 (default) charged one, under a day
  17. AdamRah2

    so my numbers are right, just not the circumstance, and trust me, i doubt the f2p will be buying power
  18. SharpeShooter

    apart its not 150 certs for 10 hours! its 710 certs! and you say you collect the low level implants from players you killed? They said that indeed, however, that's not how its working ingame at the mo! Plus we don't even know how often they will be dropped even if its not implemented yet! You might have to kill 100 people before you get an implant!

    I have been BR 100 for a long time! and I can tell you this is NOT the cert sink I want!
  19. AdamRah2

    Double paragon here, BR 200 i guess? i don't want this **** in my game
  20. NinjaTurtle

    This game is free. How do you expect them to pay their staff and continue support of the game without putting stuff into the game to sell?