Air ramming should not be a viable AA strategy...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vadnais, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Vadnais

    So I took a break from Planetside 2 for a few months to do important things like graduate college. Now that im back it seems like the only way people in libs and galaxies choose to deal with an ESF is to simply ram straight into them because apparently there's no risk in doing so.

    This needs to stop. If a lib pilot can flip belly up and snipe me with a zephyr because a bomber is just as agile as an ESF, fine, but this ramming **** is getting ridiculous. At the very least my scattered remains should be doing an extremely significant amount of damage to their craft, but as of now it appears they come out completely unscathed.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    Liberators have nothing to fear...........

    that's the problem.
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  3. Brahma2

    They do often. Ramming is a risk if you do it wrong.
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  4. TheTickles

    The only wrong way to ram is if your not a lib.
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  5. Brahma2

    Tell that to the BR10 Reaver that runs into my cockpit killing my lib in the only way he's capable of doing so.
  6. TheTickles

    You must have been extremely damaged already. Ramming a full health lib with an ESF means death for the ESF but a scratched hull for the lib.
  7. SuperLexatron

    This is so stupid I am almost certain I have read it wrong, but I re-read it 3 times.

    Are you complaining about people ramming you in an ESF with a lib or a gal...?

    I could (and was tempted) to go on an entire rant about how utterly stupid this post is and how skewed your perspective must be to have the balls to complain about something which only the newest of pilots should die to... but I won't.

    You might have had a tiny point about ESF vs ESF ramming, but even that is avoidable.

    Instead I will say this, there is no problem with the mechanics involved in the situation you describe - but there is a serious problem between the chair you are sitting on, and the keyboard you are typing on.

    If you want some constructive advice... how about, hmmm I don't know - GETTING THE **** OUT THE WAY? What, are you playing chicken with libs and gals? Did the slowest (air) largest loudest vehicles in the game 'sneak' up on you?

    Incorrect as of late, depending on how the debris interacts with the lib you can end up both being dead even at full health. I've actually had to avoid most collisions now due to how many times the ESF have traded kills with me for the effort.
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  9. TheTickles

    Sounds like another version of the collision issue on galaxies. Sometimes some of the pieces of the ESF or lib gets stuck inside the galaxy and kills it from the inside.

    Much harder to do to a lib but perhaps some recent updates have made it easier. All I know is that NORMALLY a lib will almost always win out in an esf hull encounter.
  10. WycliffSlim

    I actually avoid ramming with my Liberator over the last couple of months except when I'm really bored.

    Collision has been super borked for the last month or two. Sometimes I run full speed into ESF's and it hardly hurts them, sometimes I run into them and we both splode. Sometimes I blow them up and take not a single speck of damage.

    It's super random feeling so it's usually not worth it. Also... if you get rammed by a Lib/Galaxy while in an ESF you have only yourself to blame. lrn2dodge
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  11. Flag

    Sky-whaling = op?

    This is news to me.
  12. Vadnais

    Believe me, i've been TRYING to dodge, even afterburners usually isn't enough to get me out of the way in time :-/ Just last night I had a galaxy chase me down and ram me and then he went on his merry way like nothing happened.
  13. WycliffSlim

    pro-active. Dodge before they're on top of you because with clientiside they might have already hit you when you start dodging. Seriously, there's no reason to get hit by a Galaxy in an ESF unless you're not paying attention.
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  14. reydelchicken

    When someone does this to you, remember what base they were farming when this happened, and ram them with a galaxy.
  15. DrBash00

    I think Ramming is FUN, and Planetside 2 should be FUN... So it should stay as it is.


    It lies on the ESF to dodge the Lib, the Lib needs to dodge a Galaxy... and the Galaxy can RUAAAAAAAAAAAARR!! :p
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  16. D3GGY

    OP can't dodge a Galaxy in his ESF, and the problem is definitely the Galaxy.

    Not his fault, nooo. It's the Galaxy's fault.
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  17. Cswic


    You have no clue how debris works at all and the rest of your post is equally absurd.

    And yeah, I'm bias as sh-i-t obviously.

    EDIT: If a galaxy is chasing you down, you're not actually running away in your ESF / lib. Enough of the lies.

    What server do you play on?
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  18. Pikachu

    I dont fly but i lve seeing a nice ramming. Seeing a poor friendly liberator being attacked by an ESF. Then he manages to crash into his enemy and turn him into burning wreckage. :D
  19. Gundem

    Oh man, if ramming was removed I could fuel an entire armada of Liberators with the tears of this man alone.
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  20. D3GGY

    If vehicles stopped taking collision damage Cswic would find other uses for his Skywhale that might even make up for the lack of ramming.

    Imagine forcing an ESF into the door of a Bio Lab because you can't hurt it, so you just push it :p