Cheaters in PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. dngray

    It is a sad day when I must make that this thread. I grew up on Counter-Strike and the game was ruined by hackers. I have noticed some interested behavior amongst some people that frag me and it is awfully reminiscent to CS aimbots and wall hacks. Has anyone else been suspicious? Does SOE have an anticheat system in place?
  2. smokemaker

    Yeah they exist.

    Question : Do you ever see ANY FPS not having cheaters?

    Yes = How?
    No = So another cheater thread will solve what?

    Report them and then ignore them.

    Personally, this is one of the more cheat free games I have ever played.
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  3. Sock

    Everyone I kill is bad and everyone that kills me is hacking.
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  4. dngray

    NONONO! I was expecting someone would reply with this. This is a very serious concern of mine. I do not accuse anyone that kills me a cheater. However sometimes when things happens that makes me suspect a cheater, I will not sit quietly and twiddle my thumbs saying "OH GOLLY GEE GOSH he was just better than me".

    I ask if SOE has an anti cheat system in place to deter people from cheating and I don't know.... ruining the game for everyone else.
  5. TrainerS2

  6. Kimble

    Be prepared for forumsider denialists to carefully scrutinize your k/d ratio and your post history. If either of those do not check out be prepared to be savaged as a bad player who's opinion is invalid.

    If you are lucky enough to pass that test. Then be prepared for the " less than 1% cheat in planetside" argument. Now even though there is no proofthat it is under 1% and there are droves of cheat sites with thousands of members, no anti cheat by soe, and some of the most questionable things you will ever see in an online not argue with them.

    If you do they will invariably insist that your just bad...and if you continue to protest they might accuse you of being a crybaby as well.
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  7. Sock

    To give you a serious answer, I haven't seen a blatant hacker in months. SOE has its faults, but this is one of the better games when it comes to that. As far as the subtle hacking goes, I used to buy into it, but recently I've found I enjoy the game more if I just take suspicious deaths in stride and use it as room to improve my play. Do they exist? Sure, but questioning every death that strikes you as suspicious in this game just gets tedious.
  8. KnightCole

    I dont suspect every guy who kills me of cheating, but when I unload 30 rounds into a guy who is running straight at me, he stops and kills me in like a fraction of a not going to go and say that was just skill....

    Or my favorite is the guy who is 20m away and were both ADS and ADADADAD like maniacs and he nails me in hte head dead on like hes got no bloom or recoil.....yeah...not possible given this game has recoil and movement drift and bloom and other stuff.
  9. Pikachu

    Come to Europe.
  10. Flapatax

    Is this a Pretty Woman type of proposal?

    For perhaps the 20th time in a month: I've seen 2 obvious botters in 8 months. Everything else, no matter how suspicious, I chalk up to luck or getting outplayed and move on.

    The reality that the best players in the game rarely cry foul about hackers, whilst most of the complaints I see are from statistically bad ones, should just be ignored?
  11. HadesR

    Looking at the bigger picture, I would have thought that not having an inbuilt Anti-cheat system would make a mockery of any type of MLG aspect unless it's set in a Live location ..

    Note: Not saying those players cheat, but it would only take one to invalidate the whole concept ..
  12. Littleman

    Cheats are fairly active in PS2. Some more blatantly than others. The real crime is when they actually make it to BR100 because people are so much more willing to give the player the benefit of the doubt. Because being BR100 immediately equals having an elite skill set of snap aim, perfect aim, and seemingly extra long life pools. Even if One isn't BR100, I would suspect if after a few hundred hours of actual time logged in and fighting, they can tell when the guy their shooting just isn't dying as fast as the rest under fire, or when they're aim is just unusually good.

    Had this happen to me yesterday. I swear I put an unnatural amount of ammo into this person, even for an HA, a bunch of people were unloading into this HA mind, and they had no issue gunning down player after player after player while under fire. The icing was the way they moved when they swapped to their handgun, like watching an 8-bit animation despite sitting at 60fps, and I go down to find this person is only down half their shields. I get how adrenaline shield works, but the shield itself doesn't absorb dozens of rounds, much less the portion that is recovered.

    The cherry was when I actually managed to down them once, and literally within roughly 10 seconds of their death, as I was marching down a hill exposed to the spawn room along with over a dozen other people in sight, not a single round from this person I just killed misses me. The instant they respawned, they were firing at me. That's a program picking me out of the crowd, no doubt about it. That was just too big a coincidence. What only further convinced me of this was the fact this person seemed to be exactly where I was going, even in out of the way locations where an "elite" kill-w**** had no business being.

    I came back yesterday to see if I'd enjoy coming back. I did... until I met this person. Pretty sure if they made it to BR100, SOE ain't doing $#!% about it. Honestly, I'm debating either name and shaming (which I know won't get $#!% done,) or just uninstalling (which might get $#!% done eventually.)
  13. Alzir

    There are people who automatically assume cheat, and those who generally let things go, and generally speaking, in my own personal experience, those who automatically assume cheat are not particularly good at the game they're playing. I'm not implying the OP has not seen a cheater, because I wasn't there, but when I look at the forums sometimes and the complaints about cheaters I do find myself wondering where they all are. I've hardly ever seen a cheater in this game, but when you've been yelled at in chat many times by people you've outplayed, accusing you of hacking when you're not, it becomes quite easy to dismiss most of what you read in these types of threads and make the assumption that they are just not very good.
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  14. Nephi1im

    Ok, having seen a new one of these threads basically every day, I have to say, it's one thing to cal out possible aimbots or wallhacks, but the "I emptied a whole mag into his face and he didn't die!" thing is silly. In my years of gaming, "super health" or "matrix mode" has never been something I've ever seen or heard of. How the crap would someone connecting to a companies server trick the server into thinking they have 5000 health, or that other person's bullets didn't actually hit them? It's silly guys, just give it up. There's a 99.9% chance that it's lag or poor hit registration that causes it to happen.

    Next, in a game with spotting, people making wall hackusations every day is pretty silly as well. Again, there is a 99.9% chance you were spotted, walked into a building, and you had to come out of one of the couple of exits..... so he knew you were there. If you always play in such a way as to assume you ALWAYS have a red triangle over your head, you'll stop acting like you are bebopping around unnoticed.

    I haven't played a lot of PS2, but I have played many a FPS, including PS1, where everyone complains about everyone hacking. I don't think, in 10 years, I've noticed more than a couple of legitimate hackers, and they've been booted soon thereafter. The good thing about PS2 is there are usually 100+ dudes fighting in 2-6 battles across the continents. The chances of you getting cheated by a "hacker" over and over are slim, and even if some dude is beating you up you can just redeploy to another battle. It's not rocket science guys.
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  15. Goretzu

    You're pretty lucky then, Miller has probably been averaging at least 1 blatent hacker incident a day for the past few weeks, they may well be all the same person however (although sometimes there is 2 of them).

    Subtle hackers...... well there's just no way to tell (or at least prove it to SOE or forum standards).
  16. Typhoeus

    There are definitely hacks but as for an active anti cheat I don't know. I know SOE reps claim they do but they can't give more details then that. I was watching a dude on twitch just last night hacking it up for over an hour on connery even after I'd reported him and a couple other people. He had a clever name like lll111llllllll1l1111 to make it super hard to report him except all you had to do was check his victims killboards and copy paste the name in the report thinger. Anyways I stopped watching him after about an hour figuring SOE was allowing this to go on... draw your own conclusions I guess.
  17. Utrooperx

    Oh no!

    The "There-are-no-hackers-L2P-U-mad-cus-bad-latency&lag-Low-KDR-denial" brigade are firing up their keyboards when you post stuff like this...

    Besides, I'm sure they "haven't seen a hacker in...forever!"

    Until enough players complain directly and extremely publically (Redditt/Facebook/Twitter), nothing will be done...

    Take a moment, click this link----->

    Send Smed a short polite note and personally ask for certainly can't hurt!
  18. GrantMK2

    I always wondered how many of the forumside denialist are actually themselves cheaters.

    As the old saying goes "thou doth protest too much".
  19. come1l

    You probably just don't know anything about client side hit detection. After u are in a cover, on the screen of the enemy you are probably not.
  20. Alzir

    The perception that masses of people are cheating, when they are not, is just as dangerous to a game's longevity as masses of people actually cheating.
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