[Suggestion] Stop trying to tell me my username is political! Cmon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ROMNEYTRON, Aug 13, 2013.


    My name on Connery used to be GeorgeWBushTRON, it's been that way since the beginning, but apparently, this name is "political" and has caused some players to apparently get offended and force to change my name. The forced name change isn't what irks me, it's the fact that people actually go out of their way to report a name like "GeorgeWBushTRON". I mean what the ****?

    For the love of God/Bhudda/Allah/Zeus/etc. stop this nonsense at once! I would love my old name back, and I would especially love if SOE would stop trying to decide if I'm political or not.

    Thoughts forumside? Has this absurdity happened to you.
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    Apparently my name hasn't been changed YET. But still, cmon. How are names like mine even an issue?
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  3. The King

    It's not an issue.
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  4. Bill Hicks

    say hello to the new corporate pc culture. Where corporations avoid everything that might offend a potential customer.
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  5. XRIST0

    I cant see what is so offensive about that , some people need to harden up or just care less about stupid things .. :rolleyes:
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  6. Flashtirade

    I'm surprised I haven't met or killed someone named JesusHChrist yet.
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  7. LowTechKiller

    Maybe it's just you they don't like, and they're using your name as an excuse to complain about you.
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  8. LowTechKiller

    You probably would if you changed your name to PontiusPilate.
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  9. Cab00se187

    I'm pretty sure there was something in the EULA or ToS stating you cannot use celebrity names even with trying to cheat it. Your complaint is invalid.
  10. dBMachine

    Please quote exactly in the ToS where it states this.
  11. Excretus Maximus

    This is America, land of the butthurt.
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  12. Sordid

    Except making a game in which you literally do nothing else but shoot other people. Because, y'know, it's offensive if someone names themselves after a famous politician in our murder simulator. :p
  13. FateJH

    Hey, I think I've seen you before. I'm not certain whether it was my killreel or the killscreen but I'm certain I saw both of your names on the server at one point.
  14. Sen7rygun

    If you DO get forced into a name change, I reckon you should change it to "DickCheneyFacial" and then use nothing but shotguns.
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  15. Pikachu

    What do they think about all the players who's name starts with "AdolfHitler"? :eek:
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  16. Sen7rygun

    I reckon they should be forced to change their names unless they can pull a 5.2 million to 1 KDR.
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  17. PeanutMF

    There are people on Briggs running around with names like


    No one cares about them except when they find it amusing when they die or are killed by them.

    Maybe OP spends a lot of time around really sensitive special snowflakes.
  18. HellasVagabond

    He's dead so it doesn't count :p
  19. then00b

    They're just trying to help you from doing something stupid like tattooing a Romney sign on your face.
  20. Kociboss

    I see what you did there.