Why do people hate KDR so much??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LT_Latency, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. LT_Latency

    If you don't care about the stat don't look at it, problem solved.
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  2. Wintermaulz

    Because other people here seam to think its the be all and end all of skill judgment in this/every FPS game out there. These same people then act in game like their KDR is extremely precious and will do anything to keep it high, like sitting in spawn shield/teleporter rooms and not pushing out. The reality is that you can be killed from any angle, at any time, by a sniper, lib, tank, and not even be able to stop it, therefor KDR as a measure of skill is irrelevant and toxic for the game-play.
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  3. Vaphell

    - even if you don't care, it still influences behavior of players in aggregate
    - it's a convenient base for ad hominems in discussions - kill the messenger, ignore the message
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    The problem is not us looking at it...
    The problem is with K/D players being useless to their faction because they don't want to risk dying as it would hurt their K/D.

    If there was no K/D stat, you would have no reason to camp spawns, camp on a hill, or farm with a tank..
    You could instead be doing something actually useful like helping your team take or hold objectives.

    Look at my sig ↓ 5,000+ cap/def, KDR .49. I am useful to my faction, while high K/D snipers are not.
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  5. XRIST0

    Because K/D gets the ladies , when girls come over i show them my K/D .. they cant resist me afterwards
  6. LT_Latency

    This is all silliness IMO.

    If someone says your bad because of a stat you don't care about what does that matter???? It's like someone telling me I am bad because my shirt is blue I don't care that my shirt is blue so how does it affect me??. "I don't focus on KDR" There your done.

    People who don't like dieng won't change that with or without the stat. The will still play to kill as many people as possible with or without the stat
  7. Jac70

    There are some people who seem to think that if the KDR was removed, everybody would run around like headless chickens - specifically they would run onto the enemy guns without a care in the world. This would mean all battles would then turn in their favour because people staying alive in spawn rooms are not helping their faction. People who leave the spawn to be cut down by a million enemies are!

    See some people don't play the way the experts want and if the KDR stat was taken out they would start playing the game properly.
  8. JokeForgrim

    Basically this, I dont have a "above 2" KDR on all my characters because I care about KDR or like to stat w ho re at people who dont. Doesnt change their point or topic imo.

    The reason is because I hate dying, I hate sitting and waiting for 20-30 seconds to get back into the action only to find the sundy is gone or other such annoyances. I logged on to play the game not look at the Deploy screen.

    Im still a team player and the reason its only "above 2" is because I run with my platoon and die a lot in hardcore massive fights... repairing vehicles + maxes, getting air farmed trying to bring up sundies and so on.
  9. Mythicrose12

    The issue is that those with high KDR (not all mind you) lord it over people with lower ratios as if it is a meaningful representation of skill. Those same people give little regard to the "underlings" views on matters such as weapon balance, tank balance, ESF balance, etc. A week ago someone posted a screen shot of a 500 KDR from planetsideplayers. Can't remember who did it, but it was done to mock those that think KDR is meaningful. The guy basically hid behind shields and used a BASR the entire time.

    But yeah...KDR is meaningless of a player's skill or even team work. KDR doesn't make one person's view points stronger than someone else with a lower KDR. KDR catered to those that wanted a random BS ****** booster while (typically) using aircraft and/or tanks against "enemies dected" (12 or less enemies) for quick kills for little risk of death.
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  10. Vaphell

    It does matter when someone pulls your stat to undermine your otherwise valid position - ur bad, l2p, k?

    death averse people or people not liking the feeling of being a worthless trash would have to write kills/deaths down to keep track of their kdr, which is infinitely harder than pressing TAB that instantly tells them how much they suck and feed xp to the enemy.

    Also subconsiousness is a thing, many might try to ignore kdr, believe they ignore kdr when in reality they do not because it's still somewhere in the back of the head and influences things.
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  11. DirArtillerySupport

    It's the only reason I play....it's a game within a game and it never gets old and never ends. With every change SOE makes the game within a game gets more and more challenging with every update. If I didn't have a KDR to maintain I might actually find myself getting bored with this game. It is after all a TDM where the only redeemable value is to come out on top. SOE created this meaningless toxic waste of a game and I am content that this is all I have and all I have to look forward to.
  12. LT_Latency

    Again if you feel KDR is pointless them saying that means nothing. Tell them to address your point if they don't do that you are being trolled.

    The point of a FPS to do things with out getting killed yourself. With or without the stat most people always try to do this.
  13. Tristan

    Ok let me explain why it's a useful stat to look at in combination with others and why the stat you try to prop yourself up with is useless.

    The useful stats to look at when judging how 'useful' a player is are K/D, SPM, and Kills per Hour, and what class they play. Any one of these things in isolation is not very helpful. Someone with a low K/D, low KpH, but high SPM either drives a sunderer around or is a medic.

    Lets take you for example.
    K/D: .49
    SPM: 68.2
    KpH: 5.6
    Class: 72% Light Assault

    Looking at K/D and KpH, you rarely actually kill someone and when you do, it's only after dying a bunch. You somehow manage to do this with the class whose main role is to kill people. You're also not capping many points or otherwise being useful with sunderers or healing because a SPM of 68 is one of the lowest ones I've ever seen.

    My conclusion is that you dislike a lot of stats because you're bad at Planetside 2. Meanwhile, you run around with a zerg to bases that are being attacked/defended, don't actually contribute in any meaningful way, get a +1 to either of those capture stats, and claim that you're 'helping' when you're just soaking up bullets. The experience you're giving to the enemy might actually outweigh any benefit you bring to your faction.
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  14. LT_Latency

    It's only really useful If you actually know the person or have some context of what they like to do maybe his little brother little to play on his account
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  15. Sock

    Maybe he plays support LA. Flashbang all day baby.
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  16. Tristan

    He's never thrown a flash or smoke grenade. Hypothesis invalid.
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  17. Sock

    From what I've seen, KDR only matters to players with bad KDRs, because they can't stop talking about how much KDR doesn't matter. I flip flashes and run head first into prowlers on a daily basis, but I maintain a positive k/d because I don't have to have all my food pre-chewed for me.
  18. Xhaleon

    Because it reminds the Bads of how bad they are at the game.

    KDR is placed right next to the SPH box on the player's website for a reason. You look at the person's K/D, then at their SPH to determine if they're a well-rounded player or not.

    For example, an engineer who's really good at keeping tank zergs columns buffed and pristine but is terrible at shooting his gun might have a fairly high SPH with a low KDR. Every tank in the column appreciates him, but outfits that like to the hard gruntwork might not want to bring him along.

    This doesn't say that he's not a useful person, if he can really keep the troops supplied then he's a great asset to his faction, but it does mean that he isn't someone you can rely on to watch your back. Getting rid of effective KDR tracking is removing a useful measure of the player's performance, and serves no good purpose.
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  19. sunjo

    Now this is exactly how one should view stats in any FPS game. You have to look at the whole picture, not just one part of it (KDR).
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  20. Mythicrose12

    By your own example, you have a little over 5k kills and the majority of your time played as an engineer. About 2k kills have been made while in a vehicle of some type. Does your KDR mean you're a better, more skilled player than the guy you're calling out for bad stats? You are using your KDR to belittle someone else. This is one reason people dislike KDR. Your stats would be looking different if you weren't in vehicles so much.
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