So this just happened on Miller during an alert (4:20 pm)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keelin, May 13, 2013.

  1. Flag

    Oh GhostAvatar, you are my hero.:eek:
    I know people replied to you alredy, but eh, have... to ... post.

    And you're "proud" of it? That's a scary thought. The fact that you seem to think it's "good" to steamroll a continent alert is actually frightening. But if nothing else, it forces us to either have to do more with less, or "die" trying.
    A luxury of sorts, that TR don't get.
    That's not to say TR are bad, far from it. But you don't have the same urgent need to develop(though some do try regardless), so in the end, TR could fall behind. Which would be boring should the population ever even itself out.

    You are amazing(*).
    And you don't seem to get that for all the hassle it is to maintain the Indar lock, it has turned into a VS pride thing. To defiantly hold it. The longer we do, the bigger the extruding middle finger, covered in tron lines, spandex and bleepy lasers becomes. And it's great.
    By all means, win alerts. As some mentioned, we can get better +% at almost all times, and that meager few K xp/score in the end of alerts when TR does this tactic, doesn't mean much. We're busy defending the VS faction honor, while you are busy chasing alerts that you win, if NC don't show either, due to skill, but by numbers. You may not care, but there's no pride to be had by numberstomping.

    They aren't -The Goons-(goon swarm, goon fleet etc), but another outfit/clan that decided to call themselves GOON. Nice and confusing. Afaik, the real goons are called BURP, and play VS.
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  2. GhostAvatar

    I am starting to think you are nothing but a typical troll trying to provoke an argument where none exist. My comment had nothing to do with the population levels, more the desire of VS to defend Indar over that of taking part in an alert. So go sell your tears someplace else, I ain't interested at all.
  3. huller

    how about you VS let us TR have the Indar cap? then you can double team on us again all the time, fun guaranteed for everyone. Spec ops was a beast, let us attemt to murder the server hamster again.
  4. Xasapis

    You're seeing more than there are there. I'm not complaining, nor trolling you. Personally I think defending Indar is the sensible thing to do. Alerts come and go each day, the cap will only be lost once and the continent will be really hard to recapture after that.

    Don't see how that will be possible. In any case, it was great fun when you had us down to one base at Bio Engineering. The thing is, you had 38% on Indar and 42% on the continent once the alert started(forget which one it was, didn't go there) at the same time.

    The only thing that VS can pick is how higher than 20% they want their exp bonus to be in the continent they play ;)
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  5. henpara

    With the same argument you can argue to a 2meter person that the clothing for him must fit, because the clothes fits for 1,80m people and overall a human is 1,8m in size.

    Great argument.... well of course i meant: BIG FAILARGUMENT!
  6. Arquin


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  7. CaptainYamerica

    Said it before. Will say again. Only let people make character(s) of ONE faction per server. Bingo fourth faction eliminated. Will this be a cure? nope. But it will slow things down. Can people make multiple accounts? Yes but I have a feeling not as many will unless they are simply uber-douches.
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  8. RF404

    I don't know where you would get that idea from (maybe you're at the wrong front all the time?) but 252V is certainly alive and kicking.

    I'm not quite sure what has happened, but we have been recieving loads of applications daily since about a week backt or so, through our website, and now we're close to breaching the 200 mark of the member count (probably some time tonight).

    And given that our activity levels usually hovers around 70-85% over a 7 day period we are even starting to rival the CONZ in the amount active members.
  9. SnuggX

    u tried to double team us at camp connery 1 month ago
    and u tried to double team us last WE

    and u failed both times

  10. VSMars

    Last Saturday TR failed twice: First in taking Highlands Substation from the NC, thus cutting them off from the VS and making sure NC would go "Oh, fine; we'll just attack you instead", and second in not securing Sandstone Gulch properly and allowing us to break out there.
  11. Rockit

    How about 60 of you go buy something us yanks can continue to play for free?
  12. TintaBux

    Your forgetting Syndicate is the most active outfit on Miller.
  13. GhostAvatar

    Ahhh, my famous fan club. How many members do I have now?

    Am I proud of it? No. Do I partake in it? No. Does my outfit partake in it? No (unless forced to due to long queue on alert continent, then it is only those that come to the party late and not the whole outfit). Do I think it is "good" to steamroll an alert? I'll reserve judgement on that since there is no real metagame.

    Simply making a statement that not only have I, but also a lot of TR as well, have already picked up on the fact that VS place a higher priority on the Indar cap. And that there are certain factions of TR that use that against the VS population. Take from that what you will, but it is happening. But not all threats to the Indar cap are actual threats, but simple tactics to divert your forces. Its up to you guys to decide whether to take the risk that it is a diversion and get involved in the Alert, instead of steamrolling Indar (gaining certain defensible bases) during an alert to ensure that the cap stays once prime time/night shift starts.

    Oh no, I do get it. The metagame is what we make it at present since there is no real metagame. ATM the VS metagame seems to be to hold Indar at all costs as a matter of pride. TR is to keep capping back Esamir and Amerish after losing it during the night shift, plus win the alerts since the warp gate rotation (prior to that is was to stop NC winning the alert). While NC seems to be about breaking the caps on Amerish and Esamir, more since the warp gate rotation to do it during alerts. Prior to the warp gate rotation it was to win the alerts as well.

    The real issue I have with all this is that none of these self made metagames seem to be confrontational by any means, except in the odd times when Indar is the alert continent. The result is that VS roflstomps Indar, TR roflstomps the alert continent, and NC roflstomps what is left = boredom for all sides and more douchebags in chat claiming victory through skill when it was nothing but numbers.

    And unfortunately this game is mostly about the numbers, something the lattice system is only going to exacerbate. Unfortunately there are very few force multiplying tactics at present, which seemingly get reduced with each GU that caters to the CoD cry babies.
  14. Schwarzpferd

    Waterson has been nothing but TR everywhere last several weeks. They control all continents and as some VS were saying this morning, "We are warpgated everywhere." Everyone wants to be TR it seems then they have the nerve to tell us we VS suck in alerts....:mad: Right, say what you want, but it must be nice to have 50% or so pop and fight against vs which is usually around 15%-10% when I play.

    I can deal with being outnumbered it is just the insulting of my faction when they win that is getting frustrating, and don't get me started on the hateful tells I receive.
  15. RF404

    No I'm not. I'm just not comparing us with them.

    Besides, Syndicate are rocking a steady 25% activity rate. They may have the most members online at any given time, but they are not the most active NC outfit (and by what I've heard; far from the most organized) and they're not quite as numerous as their impressive member count might indicate.
  16. Mhaza

    Current alert population:


    Esamir (alert):


    TR sure get's rewarded for easy wins
  17. Flag

    Just me still. :rolleyes:
    (Calling me a fan is pushing it though. ;p)
    Btw, congratulations on your most cohesive post yet.

    Hey, at least we have something around which to rally the miller VS. :p

    Sad, but true.

    Scumbag forum decided to split a quote at the (snip) part.
    *shake fist* Grrr....
  18. maxkeiser

    NC/VS should fight together against the TR horde. It's the only way. If we join up and ONLY attack red people we can crush the Terran dogs into the dirt.
  19. Mhaza

    I do agree, but then again you can never guarentee that people won't fire each other with such agreement.
    You can make announcements all the type, but people will profit from the truce and abuse it.
  20. Rockit

    PS2 sucks balls