List the best outfit on your server?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, May 8, 2013.

  1. AdennTM

    I was going to mention you guys mate :)

    Best NC outfits IMO are 252v, DL, Conz and JnJ. Off the top of my head anyways.

    WASP have never really made an impact one me. Sorry to you guys :/ you're good. But not that good.

    As for the mercs, while on an individual player basis they are good, as an outfit they simply aren't. They have never defeated FU in a fight :/

    For vanu it would be FRC, MDK, MYTH and I'm sure I'm missing several :p

    TR side it would have to be DEIM (Love you guys!) and BRTD off the top of my head.
    BMC is good as well. INI Elite and the GOON Brigade are both overrated (Whilst being good, my point is they are not THAT good.) Ruffnex, CLF and MM also deserve honorable mentions.
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  2. HellionX


    There are some angry people out there constantly attacking me and my squad. Although I know I shouldn't feed the trolls. I sometimes want to call these people out. You will get no more from me on the matter.
  3. orrk

    no love for the GODS on woodman?

    TR. YAAR

    VS. KOTV also known as 1/2 of VS
  4. pluton

    Our dear and glorious leader is Stanis.
    Basti just likes to flirt with Higby
  5. Flag

    Oh, hahahaha, no no. I'm just taking the piss at his expense. :D

    And thank you, sir. :)

    Btw. some shameless self-promotion.
    I can see UBAD is fairly well known(for good reasons too), but about.. 7-8/10 times they do ~science~, VC tend to be there with them. :)
    However, the master scientist is EuroBob. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  6. LordMondando

    Ah, good to know. Apologies if I have rustled any jimmies.
  7. Flag

    Nah, it was just too good of an opportunity to let slip by untouched.
  8. LordMondando

    Honeslty with WASP it could be down to pure chance more than anything else, they tend to spend a lot of time running around in half squads recapping ghost and back caps. Trust me they are extremely useful to the NC on miller. Again its just an issue of them being felt but not seen.

    MCY are definitely good, the issue if there is one is that until very recently, they largely kept themselves to themselves and tended to play more in large but strategically irrelevant fights.

    Well yes, you've mentioned outfits there which I've glaringly omitted earlier.

    Its more back to my point though. Its getting increasingly difficult to distinguish who is 'the best' as by and large the bar of quality if very high and there is a very healthy array of small-medium sized outfits on Miller that have impact in virtue of running together. It would almost be easier to mention the 'bad' outfits, but doing so wouldn't be very Miller.
  9. pluton

    I don't like DL because one of your guys camped me with a phoenix when it was op against infantry...
  10. LordMondando

    I don't hold the month or two of camping every base with over 9000 magriders against the VS.


    NC: In terms of ratio of numbers to productivity? Probably 82IN. On the larger side I'm not sure. A few of the Outfits are pretty much neck and neck.
    VS: Probably VAST. Seem to specialize in Offense more than Defense.
    TR: EXE- People give EXE a lot of flak for appearing to be the "zerg". In reality, they do have 2-3, self confessed, zerg platoons, but they always run one Outfit only platoon that absolutely wrecks it. I've had a lot of good sparring sessions with these guys.
  12. Shanther

    To be entirely frank. For a lot of people rapidly pressing ADAD is a habit generated from playing a lot of FPS games. When I play I am not aware of how fast I may be mashing buttons. So if I am somehow abusing the netcode problem with ADAD, I do apologize but it isn't something I am going to stop doing because I am not really aware of it. Strafing is part of the game, I'm not going to stop strafing just because I may press my buttons faster and have better internet then some. That isn't my fault. And honestly, when I get killed by someone ADADing while I am, I just got out played, I don't chalk it up to game abuse.
  13. haldolium

    XMAN is a ninja-invite "outfit" They do not have structure and kind of abused the invitation system. They suck tremendously therefore.

    Ceres doesn't have any outstanding VS outfits, a few TR which I do not remember and a few good NC like MACS and AFTI or what their name is. WDUH was great once one Mallory, now they lost a bunch of better players (though from what I've heard not the greatest people) and became mediocre.
  14. MNO

    Honestly GODS is too large and unorganised to be recognized as a "best" outfit, you might have a good squad with vet players but they're not remembered because of all the other random squads that are practically pubbies.
  15. ({x})Kyoji

    hells yeah!

    VS: SENT and WnX are all also solid outfits

    NC: UNIT

    TR: IR

    There are a ton more, I am just too lazy to go over them all.
  16. Pella

    INI Elite are over rated... That Coming from a person of an outfit that aim's with its arrow keys. And are most known for TKing and the mass amount of players that have absolutely no idea what they are doing. So dont give me that over rated rubbish, Then hide it by saying we are good.

    In all fairness we don't skulk around here wishing people would mention our outfit. We know we are streets ahead of every TR outfit on Miller. What we do with 12 Guys takes anyone else 48.

    Go cuddle up to TRAM.

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  17. Pat Cleburne

    Thanks man! The 903d is one of the smaller TR outfits on Mattherson, but I think we pull our weight quite well most nights.

    My opinion on Mattherson would be:

    TE for most organized even though they don't usually seem to play for territory or alerts much.
    BWC and the Honeybadgers for team play and working with the 903rd a lot.

    As for NC I guess I'd say LWTX is their best outfit.

    VS I'd say GOKU
  18. Jrv

    That's an...interesting way to look at it. Here's how I see it:

    When you play, you obviously ghost cap with a zerg and acquire tons of territory. Anyone with considerably more attacks than defenses is someone who isn't used to bunkering down with teammates and defending facilities. Nah, you can't do that effectively unless you're in a good squad, and, well, JENK being what it is...

    Your low kills, generally low accuracy, and high reliance on shotguns and NS weapons (easy mode), along with a large amount of time spent in galaxies and sunderers with virtually no kills to show for it, suggests that you frequently spent time outside of combat to, as you say, "Advance" your empire.

    You see, =VX9= is a combat outfit. We don't care about the map, we want to go where we can have the most fun in combat. Our squads are drilled, skilled, and full of talent, and we spend most of our time on defense because it's fun, it develops teamwork better, we get kills, and we gain chemistry because we stay alive longer. The zerglings are off ghost capping so it's not like anyone else is going to do it. If =VX9= is in force at a defensive location, you better believe we're going to be the last squad doing anything relevant in that facility, that's just the kind of people we are; consistently accomplishing what others had failed to do with their larger numbers and being painfully blunt about how much better we are at doing it. That's not to say we're only a defensive clan, we're just as good at storming facilities as we are at defending them, it's just that we hate overwhelming the enemy with massive numbers and prefer to be outnumbered so that we have more fun. Please don't pretend like you haven't experienced our reputation before, there isn't a single VS clan we haven't stomped on at one point or another, apart from maybe Black Plague because they pretty much do what we do and rarely do we cross paths

    You point out that I have around 3000 MAX kills. What you don't point out is that I've got like 8000-9000 kills with LMGs, 5268 of which are from my EM6 on Heavy Assault, the class I've spent 79% of my playtime on.
  19. LordMondando

    What an interesting combo of self-deprecation and arrogance you have going there.
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  20. PrimalSausage

    AT - Despite the amount of whining I see come from some of their members, I know the core members just put up a tough fight. It's always a guessing game with these guys. Respect.
    GOKU - Every time I run into these guys I know its gonna be a slog.

    NC: Nobody really stands out.

    TE - My outfit, bit biased but we get **** done.
    BWC - Its always nice to see these guy show up to the fight, they know how to put some fear into the enemy.