What is the purpose of a visible tankmine??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dvine, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Dvine

    Share your toughts!
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  2. RomulusX

    To destroy tanks!
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  3. RobotNinja

    Are tank mines supposed to be invisible? Are any mines in the game supposed to be invisible?
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  4. iShootCats

    I logged in threw a tank mine on the floor and burst out laughing. I mean it's a good thing they're visible now I can actually see them on the floor now! But really the tank mines now look like a giant pizza slice they're so cute
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  5. CHDT65

    In real life, there are two sorts of tank mines.

    Those in "fields of mines", visible, often signaled, in fact not to destroy the tanks, but to empeach the enemy tanks to take precise paths. Very useful when in front of a superior force, when you are not numerous enough to defend all the possibly attacked areas.

    Hidden mines, aimed to destroy directly the tanks. Not in fields.
    It is this sort of mines which should be used in PS2, so the "pizza mines" are quite ridiculous.

    As they cannot be put in "fields of mines".
    As they are too easily destroyed, contrary to real mines.
    So use 1, nope.

    As they are too easily seen, use 2, nope too.

    Basically, tank mines are useless now.
    Sorry for your certs, guys ;-)
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  6. Morpholine

    The answer you're looking for, OP, but refuse to see in any of the threads where you've brought this up, is balance.

    Too small or invisible/buried might be realistic, but in a game environment it is hardly balanced. And before you go off on mineguard being a direct counter, one or more engineers can drop multiple invisible mines in close proximity and totally negate even that.

    Now, it may be that the current size is too visible. They certainly seem to be 3 to 4 times as large as they were yesterday. I'm sure we'll see how they work out in actual play, however.
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  7. Dvine

    I propose to rename them:


    "Mildly Annoying Waste of Certs and Infantry Resources"

    I hope in GU8 they will come with a red flashing neon sign attached with "-HINT-MINE-HINT-" flashing in yellow on them.
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  8. Robert Patrician

    I've lost a lot of sunderers to tank mines as I'm rushing to get into deploy position.
    The mines were not nerfed, only the previous tactics. Find the new tactic and use it.
  9. Hovis

    If you want a mine that you can arm and through, news flash, it's going to be big and visible.

    You want an invisible mine? Bring a shovel.

    Just to add, have been spending the evening getting battered from pillar to post by an oncoming TR Zerg and I've picked up a few good kills with my mines along the way. In the heat of battle you still get the kills.
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  10. Asmotron

    Since you ignored it in the last thread:

    Having not really had a problem with tank mines on either side of the isle, let me answer your question for you Dvine:


    Right now in the game every type of plantable explosive is visible, as far as I know, and if someone tosses a grenade at you you get a shiny grenade icon bobbing around your screen.

    The game pays HUGE dividends to players who are aware - Dots on the mini map for enemies who have fired, listening for foot steps, watching where fire is coming from, tons of audio cues, shadows, etc. The game also punishes players who are not aware. Its the reason people plant explosives in spawn rooms before a base flips - they know people are going to rush in, throw caution to the wind, and get popped. Any of those players could SEE the explosive if they were looking.

    If a tanker is going out of his way to look for AT mines then why shouldn't he be able to see them? And he shouldn't be required to equip thermal optics or a mineguard to find them. A lot of times when I am rolling around in a tank I am looking everywhere, watching for ESF's, enemy troops, tanks, and NOT watching the road. This new tank mine isn't going to change that at all. However if I was rolling with my barrel down and straight forward LOOKING for tank mines, which are designed to be visible, I should be able to see one planted in the middle of the road. It shouldn't randomly vanish into the ground or render late.

    Are the new ones too big? I don't know, the screen shots don't look bad to me.
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  11. UrMom306

    i'm guessing this is about the new size of tank mines? considering the power they have and based on the scale of the maps and the size of the tanks I think the mines are sized perfectly.
  12. LonelyTerran

    They should be made 50% stronger to compensate for the size increase.
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  13. Revel

    What is this balance you speak of? Certainly not in a game with 1hk shotguns.
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  14. Dvine

    So what youre saying is that tank mines aren't supposed to be anything but a mild annoyance in game.

    Whats next? A foam rifle making -pew-pew- sounds instead of killing stuff so noone gets hurt? Can we have ponies and unicorns instead of tanks please?

    People who refuse to use mineguard, die to mines.. Its a novel concept I know in this day and age.
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  15. Joram

    They are not easy to see if you are driving, put the mines in a corner or a narrow road and you will kill vehicles.
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  16. Asmotron

    People without mine guards can STILL be killed by mines. Its not like this change made the mines shower confetti on the target.

    Just because one element is unbalanced doesn't mean that all elements should be.
  17. Torok

    these new AT mines are ******
  18. CHDT65

    When mines were invisible, I drove my tank cleverly, avoiding the areas where an engineer could have put one.
    Now free ride everywhere.
    I don't see the gameplay advance?

    For instance, no more possible to strategically place mines just before the coming of a motorized attack, as they are useless now.
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  19. CHDT65

    Except the fact that every infantry guy around will have shot it before.
  20. Dvine

    What preplexes me to no end is that people like you are completely disregard any sort of logic or god forbid common sense in this.

    The very purpose and the whole point of a tankmine is to be hidden, as if its not its just a waste of certs & resources that is completely avoidable by simply steering away from it. Noone will go and say "Oh lookie a big white coffer sized triangle on the road! Lets drive over it YOLO happyfuntimes wheee"

    A visible tankmine is an oxmoron, I cant understand why its so hard to get.

    Also: Mineguard
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