TR/NC need drastic balancing if VS is to regain pop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. jdono67894

    On Briggs VS is the largest population, buff them and watch Briggs become a one empire show.
  2. Korimer

    SOE is biased against your faction? They aren't trying to balance everything and at no point was TR/NC worse off then VS? Our reaver didn't work right for months. The scythe beat us in air to air non-stop. Our vanguard can't go over a mound that isn't even as tall as the Vanguard. The Magrider could climb to places that the Vanguard couldn't even dream of. You had a anti-tank sniper rifle on the Mag. You had the best warpgates. But that was all because SOE was biased AGAINST YOU? Get a clue. Are certain things on each faction UP/OP. Yes but they get worked out sooner or later. Is a faction clearly better than others? No.

    Everyone needs to stop complaining when their faction is on the low end. They will eventually be on the high end again. Enjoy it while you have it and bide your time until you get it again. It is the way of trying to balance an MMO.
  3. Krayus_Korianis

    I want Higby's favoritism! NAO!
  4. The Milk Man

    OP is kind of correct. This issue needs to be fixed because its very important that populations for each faction are relatively equal. On Waterson, I don't even want to fight the VS sometimes because I would feel bad if all of the TR just demolished them since NC and TR pops are way higher than VS. In fact, I actually want the vanu to have at least one continent to make them feel better since they never have any continents anymore on Waterson.

    NC are pretty popular for a variety of reasons such as the Freedom/America feel. The overpowered scatmax, which higby himself said needs balancing, is also a reason to join NC. The high damage, but lower fire rate is another great incentive to join. More damage = more kill :D

    TR have the empire kind of feel and are pretty popular, but NC are surpassing TR in terms of population. TR have prowlers with 2 barrels to farm infantry better. The high fire rate, but lower damage is a great incentive to join because more bullets fired faster = more kill :D

    Then there's the vanu.. Who used to have the overpowered magrider and therefore is what made them super popular. After the much needed nerf, they lost their special aspect.
    So I played on all 3 factions, but I pretty much only play TR where my character is BR 58.
    Here is the reason why I wouldn't join vanu if I was a new player:

    1. The VS have no bullet drop and compared to the TR's high RoF and NC's high damage, that just sucks...
    2. VS have the lowest populations on a lot of servers? Yeah I'm definitely not gonna join them.
    3. The Vanu Sovereignty do not have any unique weapons available to them when compared to the other factions. You would freaking except the Vanu to have some sweet alien weapons, but all they have are basically aesthetic guns that shoot plasma, which is cool... But that's it. There's nothing else. There aren't any special effects such a area of effect or anything. It's just like any other regular gun, but it shoots plasma >.>
  5. Tekuila

    You sure do love trolling.
  6. SgtBreastroker

    Not exactly. NC are often the top population until prime time where both VS and NC will sometimes equal. I have only seen VS taking top population a handful of times with NC taking the top again shortly after.
  7. HellasVagabond

    It's funny to hear the VS whine about population when they have the most on some servers. Granted it may not be during the day (although i don't play much during the day so i can't comment) but during the night at least on Miller the VS are always more than the TR/NC.
    Even as we speak that is the case on Esamir.
  8. Teegeeack

    Yeah, highest population at 5am on Miller. I guess that makes it even then.
  9. Czuuk

  10. TintaBux

    Apart from Scat max, nothing on NC needs balancing. VS/TR are the dominant factions in terms of weaponry/vehicles, all the facts and stats show that.
  11. TintaBux

  12. LanceHavenbay

    Nah, you guys left cause you were not OP anymore. Your own fault. You want higher pop, bring some friends to play the game that aren't snoody children.
  13. Zapon

    if the VS looked like this in-game, but with purple tints adn hues-

    that would make a MASSIVE difference.

    So it seems we need a re-imaginaning of how badass the VS really are

    Hope SOE thinks of this one
  14. Teegeeack

    The funny thing is that those same snoody children are now all your teammates.
  15. LanceHavenbay

    Yeah, I know. They troll the warp-gate and tk all the time...
  16. drNovikov

    VS needs to whine less, because it scares good players away.
  17. freeze

    you should sotp posting until you have at least the slightest idea what these numbers ingame mean.

    VS on Miller is sometimes 15% lower than TR during prime time.
  18. Grendel

    I don't have an issue with the TR. They have their high points, and their low ones. My issue is with the NC.

    Seriously, does no one else see the bias? What TR or VS carbine is the equivalent of the AC-X11? No other carbine in the game can kill in 5 body shots. The Reaver shotgun? Seriously? It practically instagibs anything--ESFs, tanks, whatever--in its path. You don't even have to aim.

    While these things are bad enough, what really grates on my nerves is the fact that the NC are engineered to be the "good guys" of the game, while the TR are the "cool bad guys." The VS? "Oh...uh...they're weird transhumanists. And purple." That's why VS is now and has always been the underpopulated faction...because SOE treats the VS as an afterthought, whatever the topic at hand.

    The persistent lack of interest by the devs in doing anything to bring empire numbers more into balance just proves it.

    Oh, and lol at the NC forum brigade (who, as in-game, vastly outnumber everyone else.) "nuh-uh, I saw the VS had hiest pop once!" just makes you sound stupid.
  19. Aegie

    Some other thoughts on VS aesthetics (and aesthetics in general).

    Make everything grittier- darken everything a tad and add some signs of battle to the characters like dirt, scratches, etc.

    I know a lot of people complain about VS being dark by default but a darker purple and/or darker green (instead of teal) may make them look a little less cartoonish.

    Also, I realize the general design of the VS is supposed to be smooth curving lines, the TR round armor plates and the NC chunky everything but some variation and choice in this area would probably be welcomed by all factions.

    The green plasma stands out an awful lot compared to the NC and TR tracer effects. I would darken this green as well and perhaps add a few splashes of dark purple.

    I used the Lasher before and after a sound effect overhaul and that alone made an impact on the feel of the weapon. It went from sounding like "boing boing boing" to more of a "thump thump thump" and while I do not necessarily think the updated sound is quite there yet it was a dramatic improvement. Perhaps adding a crackling or crunching noise with some real bass or just tweaking the bullet sound effects from TR/NC a little could help- anything that will make the plasma sound less "pew pew" and more like it would have some punch would probably be an improvement.

    By the way, the images I posted earlier are not among the best representations of futuristic armor they were just the easiest examples I could find. I know PS2 likes the idea of having cosmetic options SC only but honestly I think adding some significant visual differences for the characters with the option to purchase with certs would be a step in the right direction because, in all honesty, unchanging visual appearance in one of the things that can contribute to a perception of staleness.

    Just my two cents.
  20. Revanmug

    I just wish you had a brain and realise how stupid your post is...