Shotguns ruined the TTK/Skill required/Close Quarter Combat of Planetside 2..We need higher TTK!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rustler, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Badname2490

    I want the ability to paint tear drops on my night hawk for ever hate tell I get.
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  2. Gustavo M

    I know that you are obviously randomly trying to mock people In your post (No, that's not trolling.), but It's really sad on how people does enjoy reflexes/luck (i.e one-hit kills) over tactics/strategy (gameplay goes beyond luck and reflexes). Maybe It's that feel of superiority and how the other guy died In a silly/sad way: "HAHA I JUST KILLED THAT N0OB RIGHT BY HIS BACK IN A SINGLE HIT!THAT WAS AWESOME!".

    Oh, well.
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  3. smokemaker

    You see "skill" in your aiming.
    I see "skill" in tactical positioning and staying alive in a dangerous place.

    I like fast TTK's
    They reward lazy with death.

    I do not want squirt guns and circle jerks till someone finally dies.

    If i sneak up behind you and blast you with a shotgun. There should only be one result. Your death.
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  4. Gustavo M

    You seem to enjoy "fast" things over everything else. Why don't you play a racing game, instead?
  5. Vikarius

    Flawed argument is

    If that was the case then if I sneak up on you with my knife, 1 hit should kill you, nanoweave or not
    If that was the case then if I headshot you with any of my bolt actions, 1 hit should kill you, long or short distance shouldn't matter, nor should nanoweave levels. Heck going by your philosophy one could EASILY argue that any hit to the upper torso from a Bolt action should 1HKO, they still have to account for drop (and leading on moving targets) at long range anyway
    If an explosive rocket or 2 from an aircraft, each being the size of half your body if not bigger, should kill you, flak armor or not
    If a main cannon tank round even hits near you, you should vaporize, flak armor or not
    Starting to get the picture?

    Might want a change of tune there buddy
  6. smokemaker

    Because I like to kill people.
    In RL it would be a short career.
    But here in game. ALL day every day.
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  7. Gustavo M

    Killing pixels Is not the same as "killing people", you know.
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  8. smokemaker

    "If that was the case then if I sneak up on you with my knife, 1 hit should kill you, nanoweave or not"
    Agreed, never seen a FPS with 2 knife hits to kill before.

    "If that was the case then if I headshot you with any of my bolt actions, 1 hit should kill you, long or short distance shouldn't matter, nor should nanoweave levels. Heck going by your philosophy one could EASILY argue that any hit to the upper torso from a Bolt action should 1HKO, they still have to account for drop (and leading on moving targets) at long range anyway"
    Again I agree. In nova logic's typhoon rising. They had a 50 cal sniper rifle. One hit kill at any range on any body part. I miss that weapon. Was a great game. Killed by hackers.

    "If an explosive rocket or 2 from an aircraft, each being the size of half your body if not bigger, should kill you, flak armor or not
    If a main cannon tank round even hits near you, you should vaporize, flak armor or not"
    You bet. I wish this was true.

    I side towards the ARMA side of gaming. The more realistic the better. BUT I also like PS2 and realize there are many players that dont like the TTK of ARMA. SO you will not see me calling for buffs to weapons, but you will see me arguing against nerfs. Nerfs do more damage to this game then any "OP" weapon. But thats another issue all together. I like the current game and TTK as is. Shotguns and other 1 hit kill mechanic are in game now. I vote no change. I fight all nerfing threads.

    The alternative is squirt guns and circle jerks.
    Some think their "skill" starts when they start to get shot at. They should have the time to respond. I say your "skills" should start the moment you spawn.
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  9. smokemaker

    Oh unfortunately, you are right.
    But the alternative is.... not acceptable.
    So i will just have to accept this digital murder simulator.
  10. miraza

    Games can be fun with low or high TTK. What matters is consistency and balance.

    When some guns have a relatively high ttk they fare very poorly, and you get power creep like with the recent One Hit Kill shotguns, forcing people to spend money on them or get left behind. Enforce consistency instead of such a high variance.
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  11. Vikarius

    I agree with just about everything you said there. The problem is that the game has 1hko shotguns and the now "occasional" 1hko sniper headshot (was guaranteed until a few updates ago) and you have some half a second TTK carbines/LMGs

    The gap between those and everything ELSE is what is throwing off balance, that is what I was describing with how bolt actions should 1hko on any upper torso hit, if they wanted to keep the current TTK levels of spray (+pray) and shotgun weaponry. Just like aircraft rockets (aka lolpods) should kill an infantry in 1 or 2 hits and a tank main cannon should basically vaporize infantry even in splash damage. But those examples dont function like that in PS2 currently, so why 1hko shotguns or half second ttk spray weapons? It is like the devs flip flopped in designing TTK and weapon balance without taking a steady direction... I mean no wonder some weapons feel drastically overpowered and others drastically underpowered.... you got a portion of the game that seems to be designed like a mil-sim and the rest like a "Squirt gun dance fest" as you put it
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  12. Xind

    *sigh* I hate seeing eye to eye with you.
  13. cfnz

    Considering the other comments in your opening post describes close combat ttk without the prevalence of shotguns as "reasonable" and "more skilful", changing the ttk across the board seems to be the wrong approach to me.

    If shotguns are the problem, than change the shotguns. Reassess after that.
  14. Revanmug

    Medical kit? Medic nearby? Medic Yourself?

    Not like the tool are missing...
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  15. smokemaker

    Not sure. I did not like any of those nerf's. The whine was strong from the forums. So they went into effect. Thus I now make sure to show up in all and any nerf threads to atleast show support for the other side. And Indeed, the new weapons they started to release have come out powerful. I like that, and have notice the change. My fear, is they make them powerful to sell a lot of them, then nerf them later. If this becomes a pattern. I will no longer buy the weapons until after the nerf. Or not buy them at all. Its a wait and see approach.

    I think nerfs in general are bad.
    I would rather see new armor come out ( would need to cert into ) to offset the new weapons vs. nerfing the new weapons.
  16. smokemaker

    I understand.
  17. smokemaker

    Not one part of me is trolling.
    I am laying out my beliefs in regards to my gaming style.
    I hate the "nerfers" mentality with every bit of my gaming soul.
    I think they have nerf'ed their brains and no longer have the ability to think "out side of the box".

    "It kills me, nerf it."

    should be:

    It killed me. How can I go about changing that through playing? And then figuring it out without a game mechanic change.
  18. Warlyik

    People like you think "Skill" should end the moment either you or someone else opens fire on a target. You don't want players to be able to fight back because you know you aren't as good as you think you are.

    Your gameplay philosophy relies mostly on dumb luck to get the drop on people so that there's no exchange of fire, and thus no way for you to lose in that situation.

    You're opposed to a richer experience because you benefit from the way things are. And as much as you moan about how it's bad for the game for things to be rebalanced (you say nerfed), it's people like you that end up killing games. People like you move like a plague of locusts from one FPS to the next, abusing any and all exploitative features of the game to make life miserable for others, thus becoming part of the cause of an exodus from that game to the next 'promising' game, only to yet again devour any potential.

    If you were really good at this game, if you were skilled all-around, you wouldn't be afraid of raising the TTK.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people are in it for the cheap kills/thrills. Balance, Fun, and Interesting Gameplay be damned.
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  19. Rustler

    Your right, maybe we should only address shotguns....but I doubt SOE will.

    Addressing shotguns and raising ttk a tad bit could work however...obviously I dont want TTK to be as much as PS1 lol.
  20. Gustavo M

    But then again, First Person Shooters Is based In all that: luck and reflexes over everything else. So I'd say that this guy, Is your "common FPS gamer", where he enjoys having fun In the cost of someone else's.
    That aside...couldn't said It better myself. Nice post.