Game Update 04: Coming soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 1, 2013.

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  1. DeadmonTellEm

    What is the VS RL damage going to be like fully charged? Hopefully no more than 150%

    Vanu Lancer - Going to (similar to magrider) have an absurdly high K/D average against hostile tanks at first
    NC Phoenix - Flight time because of camera guide will take forever, but will blindside tanks in obscene damage.
    TR Striker - Will be super pretty and scary, but will be like throwing firecrackers at an abrams.

    Vanu can charge behind cover, snipe from distance, and do increased damage. Minimal exposure and maximum damage.

    NC can hide behind cover moderately (presuming it works like engie turrets) and hit hard. Minimal exposure and high damage.

    TR have to be within LOS constantly, remain on target constantly, and hit with weaker rounds each time. Maximum exposure and low damage.

    seems fair.
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  2. Torok

    okay, but i was really looking forward for the Regional Empire Priority System :(
    np i'll slap my face now, you've already done BIG STEPS with this incoming Game update, Thanks!

    p.s. and thanks for the CLAW, maahahah
  3. disky00

    Because that would be dumb. Did you pay for that weapon? No? Then you don't get it for free. Please keep in mind that there are no inter-factional variants; each faction has their own designs. Some weapons have characteristics of the design philosophies of the other factions, but there are no direct copies from other factions.

    P.S. - Higby, I love you. This update looks great. So many things to be excited about. My *****in' Flash just got even better!
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  4. vulkkan

    There's only one way to balance this! Make the phoenix rocket slower than a walking max, and every time a VS fires the lancer they should be flung to the map ceiling. In all seriousness though, these new launchers AND tank nerfs sounds like very bad balancing.
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  5. Varyon

    I'm loving this. I'm really looking forward to the Lancer, and surprisingly the Striker as well. The Phoenix has the potential to be game-breaking in the hands of an organized outfit, though. But FINALLY we'll have a way to properly test weapons and vehicles without getting the shaft.
    And tanks needed a nerf. Connery's TR Tank Zergs are... ridiculous.
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  6. Chardros

    Sounds good Matt, thanks for keeping us informed. First game in years that is still interesting after a few months, don't listen to all the complainers or they will ruin it for everyone.
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  7. Torok

    tank aoe damage nerf is simply the best we could ask for, wondering how much the game will change, maybe not so much, or maybe yes, we'll see
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  8. TheBloodEagle

    Like I said, I know it's based on PS1, but I feel like there's a bit of a bias since Higby is NC, so NC get a ridiculously effective launcher. They have all the other launchers, including this guided camera one for w/e situation they get into. It's going to be very OP. The TR already have guided missiles (lock-ons) and our engineers already have the AV turret. I was hoping we'd get something more unique like a MULTI-lock on that the swarm missiles could split up and hit. Something more inspired, different or something else.

    Don't get me wrong though, happy to see updates, etc.
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  9. Ghodere

    Not entirely true. Bolt-action sniper rifles and lock-on launchers, for instance, are exact copies. Shotguns and semi-auto sniper rifles are the same except that VS has no drop and possibly harsher damage drop off.
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  10. Phaselancer

    Now I want to see how many 4th faction people go from TR back to Vanu.
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  11. Lazaruz

    Any news on the battle rifle tuning pass?
    And what options are you considering for the people that have bought the same items for multiple characters? SC refunds or something else entirely?

    Otherwise, I'm excited about the update!
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  12. Gary

    • VS - Lancer: an extremely precise, super-high-velocity, anti-vehicle energy weapon with a unique charge mechanic, the longer you charge the weapon the more damage it deals.
    • TR - Striker: launches a series of mid-damage guided missiles at a single target, the Striker's user must maintain the lock by keeping the enemy in the crosshairs while the missiles are tracking.
    • NC - Phoenix: A high damage, slow firing camera guided missile which must be guided by the Phoenix's user. The Phoenix is capable of dealing high damage with very little warning since there is no lock on.
    So NC and VS get a weapon which provides no warning and deals high damage with minimal chance for avoidance.
    TR, Get shafted.. With the sheer amount of lock on launchers everyone is certing counter measures. Not only do they have to lock the target then fire and risk losing the lock due to a counter measure they must also stay in the fire line and keep the target locked...

    Granted the NC is not likely to take down an ESF with it, due to the movement of ESF's, VS will likely be able to based on speed of projectile and predictability of the pilot. But even against ground targets having to stand in the open after firing the missile is ahuge disadvantage =/

    Anyone got any ideas or comments =/
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  13. Phaselancer

    CAN'T WE HAVE A FEW NICE THINGS?! All we got is shotguns man, SHOTGUNS ON PLANES, MAX'S, EVEN OUR FUTURE HEAVY PISTOL! (Actually surprised we don't have a big buckshot for our tank.... Higby get on it!)
  14. Sinoby

    Very nice info! I jst hope that vehicles don't get overnerfed against infantry.
  15. Qaz

    While i can understand not including equivalents, i'm a little sad too as this means that NS equipment will always be the 'best deal', which is unfortunate because faction specific weapons help with identifying enemies. and we as vanu should of course always be using vanu tech, not some heretical nanite systems stuff.

    Anyway, i do hope that really obvious stuff like tank primaries will be included. The equipment has different stats and names, but it's still AV or HE and excluding it would be a bit silly, imo.
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  16. centurionvi

    More goodies for Heavy Assaults, oh joy. You don't see enough of them as it is. I have a hard time seeing these launchers as being anything other than wildly OP, especially the Phoenix.
  17. Naehloseht

  18. Bloodmyth

    They need to make cash to pay the bills. You've got to be a little realistic with the f2p "Business" model ;)
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  19. disky00

    Even still, it isn't the same weapon. Believe me, I'm a big advocate for account-level unlocks. Mine was one of the first and largest threads on the subject. But the fact is, it's a different weapon, and it's a bit silly to expect a company to give you something you didn't buy for free just because you think they should.
  20. RaTzo

    Infantry needs to be protected, but nerfing vehicles to do it is not the way. It just makes the vehicles taxies that are scary dangerous to be in.

    I only ever see Infantry getting farmed in two situations. Around the crown 11 hours a day because the continually run up the hill over and over again... and at spawn points where they die, spawn, run out, die, spawn, run out, die spawn, run out...

    The vehicle isn't broken or OP if it farms the least skilled infantry... perhaps those people who get killed over and over again doing the same thing ought to be motivated to LEARN and change what they are doing.

    I want the game to be fun and challenging for everyone but 2013 hasn't been a great year for that now has it?
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