TR - Soltec - Mattherson. What to Expect?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bryony, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Badname2490

    Smedley Butler said War is a racket...

    These forums prove that to be true.
  2. Kortez12

    Just to show you that most of what you read should be taken with a grain of salt. I've seen it stated multiple times in this thread that AT mainly uses magriders and max suits. I'm in AT, have a large amount of playtime, and have spent less then 5% of my total time in game in either a max suit or magrider with nearly 50% of my time purely as a heavy.

    Most outfits use pretty much the same tactics and have the same types of players. Different numbers of people but all of them have about the same percentage of good players to bad players and I'd imagine it's the same with most of the outfits coming in from Soltech.
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  3. Kedyn

    TR has population issues late at night. What's it like on Soltech between 1 and 5 AM?
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  4. Dalek

    I speak solely from a TR perspective...

    My name is Genesect on server... I lead an outfit called: 'Indar High Command'. Our philosophy is different to the standard outfit. We believe in maintaining a low key presence and recruitment to a minimum. What we aim to do is simply guide the entire TR force to places where we believe it will benefit the TR the most. How we do that? Via the /orders command.

    Numerous times, many people aren't aware that somewhere is under assault, we simply seek to enlighten other TR players to where the TR is losing ground. As a fighting force, we're minimal, not even 10 members but our impact from strategical input? Means the difference between us being warpgated within an hour and warpgating the other factions within an hour. We believe that anyway.

    As to other TR presence?

    We are officially neutral towards other factions in TR and most have co-operated in /tell chat towards a common goal with very few overrides from leaders.

    When you come to TR, you will find that while people are following a strategy, TR will win even with inferior numbers. When they are being silly and massing at a facility which we haven't been connected to for several hours, we can be nearly warpgated before they see sense. The time of day determines which TR you see. Night time is generally best. I am English which means that where I live, we are generally about 5 - 8 hours ahead of America.
  5. Koopak

    I see I'm not the only GOTR member to stumble onto this, but hey ill throw a few comments out there.

    I'm Koopak, Tactical Officer of Death Angels, out Infantry Division. All that really means is I'm an officer, I'm not in charge of DA that belongs to my Division Commander and his Executive Officer.

    When I'm not rolling with DA during raid night I'm on my infil, out prowling about, so the two perspectives of silent observer/sniper and on the ground tactical commander give me a well rounded view of us and the other divisions. At least I think so. *shrug* So here's my personal overview.

    (I mean no insult, just my honest opinions uncensored, take it as you will)

    Terran Republic

    TE - The Enclave is a blob, a big one, they move quick, and they strike hard, however tactically and strategically speaking they are inferior to most other outfits on the server. Their Tactical organization is such that in a strong defensive position DA can take them on 2-1 favoring them, and hold. Read that as one and 1/2 platoons, usually little less than 6 squads, holding off 2 - 3 platoons.However they rarely run anything but infantry.

    They also tend to annoy me with their tendency to fall back when they get into a really fight where they arn't steam rolling, they tend to fall back and hit another location, which strategically would be sound if it didn't leave the TR weak in the original location due to their shear size. That said, they have some amazingly skilled individuals, but the best players cant make up for lack of organization. They also only seem a credible threat when BCP is on.

    BWC - Black Widow Company is very skilled and organized, but they seem tiny almost, its very rare that I get into a fight with them, but they have proven themselves to be some of the best opponents i could ask for.

    AOD - Don't know the acronym, however they are good sized, at least a platoon or more and they are better organized than the TE, tend to be good about mixing their weaponry. See good combined arms operations from them, if somewhat disjointed.

    zerg - There are other outfits, some decent, but not really big enough or effective enough to leave an impression, nothing agenst them, i just personally haven't seen much for them to be ingrained in my mind. The TR no names are pretty, zergy, forming good sized blobs and stomping one faction before getting cut off and falling back, less they get wrapped up in a Biolab.

    New Conglomerate

    GOON - Zerg, by another a name, not much to say, I feel they are detrimental to the NC, prior to the cont rotation they were the 2nd largest empire, and the least effective due in part to the fact that every NC was a GOON zerger. Luckily the NC are getting better outfits.

    SG - Sterm Grenadier these guys are the BWC of NC, but a bit bigger, well organized, always willing for a fight, good player, good guys, I have a lot of respect for them, they don't field much in numbers, usually whats seems to be 1/2 a platoon, but they do a lot with it.

    SMG - Again don't know the acronym, basically AOD's NC cousin, but slightly less organized it seems, usually augments the zerg rather than operating on their own.

    TAS - Big outfit, more organized than GOON, (not hard) but still rather lacking tactically, they got it strategically, as far as where to hit to take the most ground, but in a fight they are a lot like the zerg.

    zerg - Super heavy, you regularly see the NC pull massive armor columns and roll two or three territories before getting bogged down and destroyed, and doing it again a little later.

    Vanu Sovereignty

    TEST - Seems to be the biggest VS outfit, decently organized but much like TAS they are strategically sound but seem to lack tactical organization. Does a good job of aiming the VS zerg in the right direction, provided they don't get bogged down in a Biolab farm.

    AT - Azure Twilight, good group, large, and decently organized, fairly strategically minded, and actually are some what tactical, however their tactics are mostly just organized pushs. GOTR maintains a very tight relationship however, so if you are kicking their ***, expect us to flank you.

    GOTR - Ghosts of the Revolution, Good size, average 150 members on raid night as you heard, probably the 3rd or 4th largest VS outfit. We work hard to maintain combined arms organization, and regularly hold out and even push agenst superior numbers. In DA we use squad tactics and tactical maneuvers from flanking, covering, and using smoke to storm an enemy position, to organized method of breaching buildings. Im not as clear on the tactical ops of the other divisions and i wont share more than I have ;)

    I personally feel we are the most organized outfit on the server, and I take pride in that, but again iv only seen the inside of GOTR never the others, so I'm somewhat biased.

    NNG - No Nonsense Gaming, good group, might tie GOTR for 3rd biggest outfit, or might be bigger, good all around strategically and tactically, good combined arms to.

    GOKU - Another good sized unit, surprisingly tactically for a group that models themselves after the ginyu force from dragon ball z.

    zerg - pretty small lately, largely just those outfit members not engage in ops now.

    Vanu Alliance - The outfit of the VS have a voice com server for the raid leaders to organize, probably a lot of why VS does as well as it does with low pop.

    Anyway hope this helps, looking forward to seeing you guys, love a good fight.
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  6. LowTechKiller

    Too damn funny! The forums need more of this.

    Wait, what? I've been doing it all wrong then.

    Our tendency to fall back when we get into a fight where we aren't steam rolling? Really? That's funny because I've never seen that happen. Granted, I don't do Ops every day, more like 2-3 times a week, so there might be times this happens when I'm not on. But it doesn't seem like something Buzz would do, seeing as he picks places to attack where he knows there will be a good fight.

    And as to our lack of organization... Have you watched Buzz's stream? Ever?
  8. EliteEskimo

    Actually it was 90% BWC that was holding you at your warp gate for 45 minutes. 2.5 squads of our outfit was there was there with no backup for the grand duration of the time. We held Crater Firing Range and you guys didn't push us back until you lost Rashnu Bio Lab and then all of NC on Mattherson came out of the warp gate at once lol.
  9. Madmojo

    This is just my opinion but I believe Mattherson has some pretty high caliber players and outfits. No matter what faction, Soltec players will be challenged by a new level of play. And maybe you can teach us a thing or two. I welcome you all.
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  10. Serevn

    The Enclave is usually spread out taking different objectives, we often drop en mass if there is a large percentage of the enemy population at 1 place, but we quickly split back up again. If there is a really large battle going on, buzz might dedicate most of the outfit to the fight. You really think the 12+ galaxies taking off from the warpgate are all headed to the same place? Those who describe us as a mere blob are either ignorant, or just hate our guts.
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  11. TeknoBug

    I think TR was finishing VS' job on warpgating NC, I logged off when we were in the procceess of WG'ing them earlier this afternoon after sitting at mining supplies facility forever taking out tank after tank after galaxy after galaxy. :)
  12. Kypster

    Ensue Indar queues next week. :eek:
  13. Dr.Destro229

    Good some people in TAS like me are sick of Indar.
  14. Kypster

    What do you mean? There's more than one continent? :rolleyes:
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  15. Talizzar

    2am eastern, NC is 43 percent vs 28 for VS and TR. This is becoming pretty common after midnight east coast.

    TR missed an opportunity to cap Easmir but the VS were able to rally their troops faster and we failed at Mani :( Fun fight and we got it about 1/2 done before we were pushed out.
  16. Dr.Destro229

    oh you:D
  17. thrikerr

    The part where he said AOD was more organized than TE made me laugh a little.
  18. Apis

    Take the impressions on different outfits with a grain of salt- you'll see what they do after you join the server. Overall Mattherson may be considered a hard mode server so get ready for some intensity.
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  19. Famif

    This is very true, This is all I see happening day and night from the TR.
  20. Degrifter

    I'm not totally sure that you're correct on that issue. there's a lot of good outfits out there that don't zerg.
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