Extreme drop in VS population on Ceres server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NightmareP69, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Moumoulle

    Vanus on ceres don't know the team play, ( in my opinion) that's why i leave the vanu side for the terran side, more teamplay.
  2. pisu

    Yeah, I've got some screenshots of this famous TR teamplay. Of cource if by teamplay you mean getting 30 tanks and camping them at the watchtower waiting for the cap.
  3. Nyscha

    As one of the officers of the largest VS outfit on Ceres I disagree with your statement.

    Very often we move across the map and suddenly a 30 prowler zerg comes and then roflstomps you to nothing, not including the mega swarm of pod spammers which usually comes with them.

    That's not teamwork that is just hive minded zerging.

    THIS is teamwork, a squad mate going to take a base and having two sharpshooters cover him.

  4. ShayeUK

    You do realise that VS are guilty of that too? Although not as bad since you got gimped, which won't last long. Have a taste of what TR/NC suffered from VS for so long.
  5. Nyscha

    Magrider has and will always suck.
    The prowler has always been the best tank but the TR wasn't intelligent enough to use in a AT role they used it to farm infantry.
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  6. Markelot

    Holy ****, someone who knows Dune and can quote it? just WOW!

    Ceres facts :

    - the faction that got the crown looses the rest of Indar or at least big portions of their territory
    - big fights on Amerish and Esamir are the exception
    - VS pop is usually the lowest (my impression) but has stabilized compared to immediatly post patch, even pops happen too

    It is my opinion and its shared by mates that the TR on Ceres has been the most organized faction of the 3 since I started playing . pre and post patch.
    And mentioning the numbers that are often spread in the forums with gazillions of tanks and libs and stuff. 30 prowlers either means 30 single tank drivers -> prey or 45-60 ppl -> usually several outfits coordinating because tanks dont come alone and THAT is teamplay.
    I concur however that TR probably has the largest air force.

    No its not. Its a screenshot of an infi who killed a BR 14 NC. Maybe the teamplay is hiding inside material storage but this pic is no proof of it.

    I'm tired of posts like this that insult the entire playerbase of a faction. It shows a lack of respect and understanding that every nickname stands for an actual person. What I want is a game that everyone can enjoy and that challenges me.

    VS had an advantage for a long time and now has to deal with the crappy warpgate and the fact that ur MBT is hit hardest by the mass lock-on spam. it will separate the wheat from the chaff and hopefully drive WHATZOMGOMFGPWN kiddies from the game.

    And with the server merge the pop should even out a bit more.

    I will conclude my post with a but.

    As one of the officers of the largest NC outfit on Ceres : when I see IPT or another major TR outfit rolling towards me, I know I'm going to have a hard fight ahead of me. If I see VS....well, I'm not that impressed anymore.
  7. Nyscha

    Sure go ahead if you want to admire hackers.

    SakinGER from IPT.
  8. pisu

    You don't have to lecture me on what happens on Ceres. Besides, what has this got to do with what I wrote?
  9. Babylon Rocker

    yeah well, soon Ceres and Mallory VS will be united and then.... are we all ****** because Mallory VS is equally underpopulated lol
  10. Cull58

    We were hoping our new Mallory friends would be bringing reinforcements to our fine server lol
  11. Babylon Rocker

    Dude have i bad news for you :)
  12. Cull58

    Allow me to give you the low down before you get here.

    We always have the lowest population, though quite often we hold Esamir and Amerish, or at least one.

    There are two or three quite large VS outfits including TFDN, VQD and DORA. I am apart of TFDN myself.

    Nobody really notices any large NC outfits as they rarely cause anyone trouble but the TR have IPT who mass zerg a continent with mass air. Most of our time has been devoted to fighting these guys lately.

    If any of you Mallory VS bro's would like to open communication with TFDN to start planning alliances/ops together post merge then feel free to sign up at thefoundation.eu/forum

    There are a number of VS outfits signed up there.
  13. Transvestosaurus

    As a VS player on Ceres who hasn't logged in (but to collect certs) for about a month and a half, I suppose this topic is about me.

    I played PS2 everyday when I started. I spent a bit of money. I joined an outfit. Not sure what BR I am, 20-30 something. So, y'know, I played quite a bit.
    But I hardly ever enjoyed myself. After the new game glamour wore off, it became a strain to play.

    I should say it upfront - I am not good at FPSs.
    If I was running around trying to fight, I'd just get pwned over and over again in increasingly annoying situations. So I'd settle for grinding certs and supporting with a medic/engi. But... you can probably see the problem. Just grinding for the grind, because it's there and it's The New Game that Everyone is playing... all a bit pointless.

    Then there was nothing keeping me playing. No meta, painfully slow cert grinding, non-existent community, nothing to do but cap back and forth because capping and shooting are the only possible interactions in this 'massive' game.

    I can see the lure of PS2 for a die-hard FPS fanatic but for someone more casual, like me, who doesn't really care about the minutiae of FPS dynamics and just wants to get involved in some epic sci-fi ****, it all feels so one dimensional.
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  14. Jessy

    we run a small outfit on ceres and it's right, we're outnumbered these days. But no teamwork? no. Everytime we open our squad we get new players, and most of the time, they come with us and follow our orders.

    And when we find pandora or tfdn guys, it's often piece of cake and we all have a good fight. Problem is, if you can't find anyone to fight.
    Prepatch, Indar was mainly TR, esamir was ours and amerisch was blue most of the time. Now, Indar wasn't capped since gu2 and esamir and amerish are empty most of the time or really low populated. Consequence is, one outfit of any faction ghost caps a continent and you can defend that whole continent with maybe one squad of people (if you find these people). That is great teamwork because of the needs for it, but it's frustrating to get roflstomped and kicked out eventually.

    TR on Ceres organized? If were lucky enough that there's an outfit doing some organized ops other than ghostcapping Amerish/ Esamir, they're usually busy with Hvar-Data Lab-Allatum whack-a-mole because the rest of the Terrans are, as always, stuck at The Crown. Hvar for instance gets snag'd by a single NC squad on a regular basis, even during prime time. Same with VS+Peris btw.

    Our organized outfits simply don't have the numbers to make any significant difference. Though sometimes, if the NC has yet again stuffed 2/3 of their pop into a Biolab/ TI Allois, our outfits manage to push north and grab Dahaka or even get up to Saurva. But after that that's it! Their operations always come to a deadlock at the latest when they reach the giant trench west of the NC Warpgate because noone has taken care of the Impact Site and for some odd reason they refuse to use Galaxies to hurdle the trench. So they usually just camp it out and then it's just a matter of time until the NC eventually abandons their Biofarm to form a massive armour/air zerg and push them back down to Hvar.

    Meanwhile the VS, although from time to time vastly outnumbered on Indar, celebrates a giant dubstep rave next to our Warpgate because our entire eastern front melted into thin air, nevertheless because everyone else is busy with sniping at The Crown.

    Hardly ever do we push eastwards. Sometimes the zerg hits Tawrich once Broken Arch got leveled by 30 Prowlers. Most of the time though it's like half a platoon desperately roaming around at the eastern frontlines.

    (Now I've taken part in some ops initiated by some of the bigger and supposedly more organized outfits since my current outfit hardly ever runs ops. Though each time i joined I decided to run solo again shortly afterwards because of one serious flaw in your operations. You're lacking spawnpoints. Especially decently positioned spawnpoints. If you force people to spawn in the middle of nowhere to footzerg through the plains just to get obliterated by enemy armour and air, but especially if you don't provide any spawnpoints whatsoever, and thus force people to pull a vehicle to get back to their squads each time they die, you not only massively slow down your progress as a whole, you also upset your members. Just as a hint ;) )

    B2T: Besides the fact that the populations are fairly even recently, the VS does and always did astonishingly well regardless. Imo you've got the most resistant frontline. You hardly ever lose Tawrich, Zurvan nor Rashnu. And as stated above, you take and took Peris and other huge chunks of Terran territory on a regular basis, even if you had like 25% pop. It seems that there's a couple of well organized outfits and a good deal of above avarage players in your disposal since we're having serious trouble keeping you guys under control. Same for the NC imo. Quite frankly, we don't have any control whatsoever^^
  16. Spineless

    If you read around VS has been loosing players on all servers. Its because of the state of weapon balance combined with kill delay. People tend to get pissed off when they dump 30 bucks a month into an MMO to shoot someone full auto in the back of the head only to have them turn around and melt your face off followed by a teabag session:)
  17. Markelot

    Then report him. I'm certain every major outfit has problems with that, GBX has been accused of harboring cheaters as well.

    It was not intended as a lecture and my posting was a little longer.

    Come on! We have been able to push for tawrich way too often these days. Pull out ur flashlights, ignore the crown and show us what you can do :). We will wait with cookies at the NC warpgate and we can greet all the newcomers from mallory.

    Its funny you write that cause I stated earlier that I barely recognize any major VS outfits though I know they are out there (seen u guys ofc). I think the warpgate positions pits VS against TR much more regularly.
    But NC has several outfits that are getter more and more organized : 418, the Realm, Warrior Nation, GBX. But its a slow going evolution ;).

    That 'single squad' is usually two or three major NC outfits working together. But yeah, since the main NC outfits have more or less put a ban on taking the crown its your pop that gets sucked into that abyss :p.

    I disagree. IPT is about as big as GBX. But Indar excavation is as defensible as Quartz and as I wrote the NC is getting more organized.

    That is simply not true. Rashnu constantly switches between NC and VS as it did before the patch. Zurvan not so much as we tend to avoid it because of its proximity to the crown. Which again is TRs main problem most of the days. You have the crown and it sucks all the randoms into it. And even a major outfit cant do much when the rest of the faction pop is having a party there.

    Regarding the game in general I have to say it again and again : this is a still very new game. It takes time for people to team up, for SOE to sort or where its going and how to get there.
    I'm very hopeful that the server merge will positively increase the dynamics and we see good fights every day a bit more!
  18. Rusky

    Last night ( around 2 AM EET) both the TR and VS pushed far north into NC territory and I had some fun with a nice three way fight around the Impact Crater. Don't usually see much fighting there so was nice, hoping to see way more action after the merge :)
  19. NightmareP69

    I was there too, actully i was part of the platoon that captured the impact site. Had alot of fun bombarding enemy players on the bridge with my scythe, almost nobody had any type of locks ons so i was extreamly happy.
    There was also a fun fight against the TR boys at the solar planet, there was a pretty funny moment when 20 TR guys were hiding inside a building (all heavy assaults) and waiting for me to come close to them with my magrider. When i got close all of them poped out of the building and fired their rockets at me, only one of the twenty rockets managed to hit me. They really need to learn how to aim lol, i wasn't even strafing, i was just going slowly backwards while shooting them with my mag.
  20. Nyscha

    If you are being sniped at from random places in your own territory even if its far away from vanu land then you can probably safely say its me doing that because all I've done lately is travel around the map on foot as a sniper blowing peoples heads off.