[Suggestion] Remove XP for SCU & Terminal Destruction.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eyeklops, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. GhostAvatar

    Come on, be honest now. What you really mean is a off switch for your farm. There is no tactical reason to keep the SCU up, unless you are so close to the base flipping that it might hinder your side once it flips. Which is a rare case as there is normally an AMS sunndy near by (from the attack) that can handle things for the 30 seconds until the SCU is back up again.
  2. VSMars

    On the other hand, almost all of the time you can't know before the battle is over if taking down the SCU changed things in your favour or if it didn't matter. Often you can't even know after you've taken the facility if there was a significant enough enemy relief force underway which would making "not taking down the SCU" equal to losing the facility. So it's a safe bet to just kill the damn thing as soon as possible.

    Which I consequently do and will continue doing, even if it costed me XP instead of giving some. Playing for strategic objectives > all.
  3. Sock

    You just want to change the color of a box. You can do that much more effectively in MSPaint, and there are fewer hackers. But I want to actually shoot people in an FPS and that's a problem? **** me, right?

    Gonna drop a bomb on you here (not a liberator, don't start drooling yet) but "farming" is the right way to play this game currently. There's no inter-continent strategy and no benefit to holding territories. Enjoy flipping your base that is just going to flip back in 45 minutes while I keep dumping more certs into my liberator and lightning. Now you can get mad.
    • Up x 2
  4. VoidMagic

    Eye... after the SCU breaks...
    it's time for Disco!
    get down...

    sadly we never got any dances...
  5. FateJH

    I would destroy the SCU even if it didn't give XP. That's a path to taking control of the base away from a defending force.
    As much as I want to promote base defense and mechanics improving base defense, I'm not going to cut base defenders slack if I'm the attacker, just because the base is poorly laid-out. There's no gaurantee it will ever get better.
  6. Fivetide

    Its sad but you are right. Thats no reason to push it even further in that direction though. The game needs changes that make it more than a cert farm.
  7. Eyeklops

    This thread is full of "meta-game" starved people that actually think having fun and fighting out a base is a bad thing. The meta-game is coming, and it doesn't have to give incentive to prematurely end the base combat.

    To all the people who call me a "farmer"..or say I just want my "farm": Your wrong, I want combat. It's a shooter game with tactical elements, yet many you are acting like shooting and killing people is not how the game is supposed to be played. Really? Guess SOE just wasted a ton of money on creating an FPS when you guys really wanted an online boardgame. Maybe you guys should be playing this http://www.pogo.com/games/risk instead.

    EDIT: Also, the whole problem with farming in this game is mostly a matter of map design. The new spawn/teleporter rooms should help reduce one-way-shield-farming.
  8. Sock

    My KDR would be better but I always start on Asia.
  9. VSMars

    Now you're just constructing straw man. Who claimed that fighting for (or "out") a base is a "bad thing"? It simply might be - and in my opinion, it is - less important than actually gaining territory. You can fight everywhere; when one base's fight is over you can skip to the next. You can only get the territory bonus or take it away from someone by taking objectives and preventing your enemies from doing the same as efficiently as possible.

    That doesn't make it a "bad thing". Just not so important.
  10. orthus2

    so its a lot easier to defend?
    so your saying all stock equipment is equally power to fully certed equipment
  11. Vorpal

    Replace all instances of 'fun' in the OP with 'farming the spawn room' and it will make sense.
  12. Tasogie

    He wants people to farm kills ala COD.. No an jsut no!!. The aim of the game is to take the enemy bases. Working as intended. As for the gens etc etc exp, Hell no.
  13. Mootar

    People blew the gens/spawn tubes in PS1 because taking territory was the objective of the game and the entire gameplay reflected that. Killing people was just a neccesary byproduct on your way to achieving your objective.

    People blow the gens/scu in PS2 because it gives xp, taking territory makes no difference to anything and you would be far better off just having a permanent stalemate killfest in an amp station, never leave just spawn-kill-die until you log off.

    In fact I doubt the gameplay would be affected at all if they removed all the bases and just had one base in the middle of Indar.

    It is apples and oranges.
  14. Eyeklops

    Planetside is an FPS at it's core. The meta game elements should not work to destroy the core gameplay, but enhance it.
  15. VSMars

    How does effective strategic-level game play destroy the FPS aspect, exactly? There's never a shortage of fights, no matter if you take a facility 5 minutes quicker or longer. If you're bored to wait for the take-over time to end, go somewhere else, don't wait it out, "Redeploy" takes all of about 15 seconds.
  16. Rayden78

    Talking about seconds .. a redeploy takes about 25 seconds (10 to die, 15 to respawn)
  17. VSMars

    Well, /suicide is instantaneous though.
  18. wowie

    And half the time it doesn't show the spawn you want to be at, so you have to spend 5 minutes hopping from spawn to spawn.

    And now we're off topic.
  19. VSMars

    That actually seems to be the case more now, because the "improved" respawning system utterly fails at predicting where the threat actually is. When I'm standing in Allatum and there's clearly a TR attack going on at Quartz Ridge and we have just Hvar as our Tech Plant, Hvar should be the most important location to be at. Instead, I usually need two "jumps" to get there, and typically a third to get to the Hvar Watchtower where I plan to do AA and guard duty ...

    This game really needs personal "hot spots" which you can set and redeploy to no matter where you are on the map (as long as your faction holds that point).
  20. Deathcapt

    the Ability To hack and repair Destroyed stuff, is Greatly needed. Additionally, why can't an Infiltrator hack facility Shield generators? Maybe just the vehicle ones? Make it take a long time, liek the same timer, but instead of it exploding after, it switches to your team.