Stop hating on SOE for a few mistakes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ProGamerGov, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. ProGamerGov

    They are all probably going to sleep right now because people do that at night oddly enough. They seem to always fix problems and fix their screw ups. This was the first livestream, things never go right the first time. This remind me if the incident were Notch said some things about the yogscast, who then could not respond because they were on a long flight back to were they live. The SOE are going off to sleep, tomorrow they will fix past wrongs, they actual listen and they listen intelligentally. If your freaking out now then you have issues, go to sleep and things will be better tomorrow!
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  2. VSDerp

    soe can fix this and that but these people won't appreciate nothing soe fixes's always something to whine about.
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  3. VexTheRaven

    This is a joke right? it's not SOE's first livestream, not by a long shot. It's not even their first live event. Plus, there are these wonderful people called 'consultants' that wave magic wands around and help you do things right. SOE? Listening to their community and fixing things intelligently? Surely you're joking.
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  4. ProGamerGov

    I have many times said something or did something wrong which until the day or two after it did not click that it was wrong.
  5. Talizzar

    All the hype and they fall on their proverbial faces? Big events you usually don't wait till the last minute to setup and test.

    The biggest failure was that the servers could not handled the load. This is very concerning to me.
  6. ProGamerGov

    First big livestream event of planetside 2 and yes they fo listen. They are making bases ten thousand times better and are doing tons of stuff the community wanted in their road map.
  7. TheShrapnelKing

    I will admit that they listen to player feedback way more than any other dev team. That said, I still think the Vanu are badly designed, and their livestream was absolute ****, not fun to watch.
  8. Riekopo

    Too much hate from immature little kids. You don't appreciate how amazing this game is and the effort the devs put into the game.
  9. ProGamerGov

    They stress tested in the beta but did not test for everyone on the server to be in one place, this was a problem because of lag but would have been really fun without the lag. Mistakes mean their human and not some money sucking robot.
  10. ProGamerGov

    As a Vanu people always say we have no recoil which anoys me because our weapons are the same as TR only with less ammo.
  11. ProGamerGov

    Games these days cost way mire to produce and they technically sell for less because of inflation. This is a hard industry.
  12. TheShrapnelKing

    But higher accuracy. 10 more bullets in a clip does not really make up for being able to put more shots on target.
  13. VSDerp

    people must've forgot it was twitch tv's fault also why the stream was so horrible..
  14. orthus2

    except you have no bullet drop?
  15. Talizzar

    They have known what happens when a bunch of people are in a zone. So far the optimizations have not helped this. The event gets an F because people could not participate do to all the issues and two sides on our server decided that we would rather play elsewhere where the lag was not as bad.
  16. ProGamerGov

    The bastion battle for me was very epic, 10 full NC galaxy's and 11 full TR galaxy's airdropped on us and chaos ensued until it look like an atomic bomb went off.
  17. VexTheRaven

    Right. Because bullet drop is such a HUGE issue. I mean, your bullets might actually drop 1mm from one side of the room to the other. Whoopdydoo! Of all the arguments against the BS, the bullet drop one is by far the worst.
  18. Nikushimi

    i take it this is your first SOE title, SOE has a vary long track record of game breaking/killing mistakes.
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  19. kungflu

    customer satisfaction comes first guys

    seems like it's the other way around or maybe you just can't aim
  20. TheShrapnelKing

    Higher accuracy weapons are easier to use. Combine that with comparable ROF to your enemy and very managable recoil, and it's easier to use all around for anyone. I keep trying to explain this to people but I guess everyone I talk to seems to be a pro who has no trouble at all using any gun of any type.

    Let's put it this way: your average player is probably not the best shot. Would you recommend he use VS or NC guns?

    Case closed.