Ok played couple hours as NC...again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Slyguy65

    I don't get all the whining.

    ya their LMG is crap at long range (omg one bad thing ooooo)

    But wow none of your guns shake and are perfectly stable when firing.

    It is also official, the TR snipers are the worst in game.

    And TR weapons are worst overall by default.

    NC and TR are way too similar to be whining that NC suck.


    The vanu are just OP, the distance they can shoot is crazy especially since they kill just as fast (Lower their RoF FFS).


    Whatever they did to reaver...IDK what it is but it is very nice to drive.

    Im sure with hover frame i would love it much more than my ****** mossy.

    But ya you whining NC have no idea how good you got it with your non shaky guns and stable sustained firing.

    TR can't hit crap past 50m...which is ironic since NC have the best CQC weapons *cough* hacksaw.

    Their tanks are nice, but can get ***** just the same as prowler cause they can't strafe...


    TR is still hardmode due to them NEEDING attachments to match the DEFAULT NC guns.

    And VS are still the most OP. Soooo ya.

    Before you do the one lined

    STOP QQ'ing


    TR have stuff to complain about and NC have stuff to complain about...why?

    Look what they can compare themselves too...hover tanks, perfectly accurate guns with no recoil (IN AN FPS)

    They are OP...if they weren't then the other two factions wouldn't always be comparing themselves too them, and saying how better certain things are over theirs.
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  2. HerpTheDerp

    I see your favourite button is Enter, mine is Alt

    What's your favourite movie?
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  3. An Hero

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  4. Kracken

    LOL, right.
  5. Banick

    What you've just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, in-coherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

    Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no like, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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  6. HadesR

    There is no hard mode in this game
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  7. Chowley

    Right I struggled to get past your first point here. The NC LMG is fantastic at range, worthless up close.
    The second point, just, wow!

    Complete and utter imagination. Go away please.
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  8. JohnnyMaverik

    I came, I read, I lol'd and then I left.
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  9. Slyguy65

    IDK, beauty and the beast maybe, Blame the people that encourage me to space out each line so as to detter TL;DR

    Bunched words apparently causes the first time glancer to say "nope"

    But single lines make them say...meh k...

    It has worked, I have not seen any TL;DR since i started spacing everything out.
  10. Slyguy65

    Dude, they don't shake, i was using the LA and compared to default TR gun...IT, DOES, NOT, SHAKE...
  11. Slyguy65


    You commented then left, GG im out

    P.S The points go from ok to good to bad to good again...i just pointed things out in a random order.

    But im sure once you saw the first point you didn't like you stopped reading and posted a comment solely on what you read and not the entire post, but its k.
  12. ScarabParamit

    Well...if playing with 25 fps in dynamic mass battle shooter is not consider "Hard" ...then i agree ;-)
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  13. Xasapis

    VS and TR weapons are practically identical mirrors, but sure, VS are super op and all and TR is hardmode while NC isn't. Funny thread is funny by a regular TR forum whiner.
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  14. Playful Pony

    I play primarily NC, second TR and VS third... Where does this "no recoil" thing come from? That's simply not true, is it?... It is no bullet drop they have... I'm not getting into the whole "VS is OP" thing though, I personally don't feel their weapons are a problem. Maybe there are problems, that I don't honestly know. I do know that the "no recoil" thing is nonsense though...

    No, there is nothing wrong with your average NC weapon. There is also nothing wrong with the average TR weapon. And can people PLEASE stop crying about the Hacksaws? They are massive automatic shotguns, why whouldn't they be effective in CQC... More importantly, how come no other shotguns for any infantry class are effective at the very ranges they should be the ultimate choice? How come the favored CQC weapon is NOT a shotgun, but a high-ROF Carbine?

    Why are TR snipers the worst? They get bolt-action ones like any other faction, and they feel just fine to me. I honestly cannot tell the diference in performance between any of the empires bolt-action rifles...

    25 FPS?! You elitist dog! I get 18 FPS in a reasonably large battle, on a PC that handles Far Cry 3 and any other recent game on the absolute highest graphic settings without dropping bellow 45 at the worst of times...
  15. Soylent

    And here we have, ladies and gents, another topic where the OP will just stick to his opinion classifying everyone that disagrees as trolling or stupid.
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  16. RF404

    I've heard that vertical scroll is starting to become the new fad in web design, now that touchscreen browsing is becoming more and more regular, so I suppose OP might just be a little bit ahead of his time.
  17. Xasapis

    For some reason the shotguns used to have abysmal hit detection in big battles (unloading a 10 slugs magazine at point blank hitting nothing), while carbines were always reliable. Things have improved but you still get hit detection issues if you click fire your non auto shotgun faster than the game can cope.
  18. Intruder313

    OP you are reasonably close to accurate when it comes to the LA gun: the NC default Carbine is good and does not fly all over the screen. It was a revelation to me coming from Gauss Rifle.

    But HA is the most popular class by a huge margin and that's where the biggest issue is for new players: the Gauss SAW needs hundreds of Certs spending on it to make it useful where the TR and VS start out with "point, hold down trigger until all targets are dead or you need to reload" guns, especially the VS one.

    The Reaver is absolutely proven to be the worst Fighter by the way, I don't care that you think it's "Nice to drive".
  19. JohnnyMaverik

    Actually I started to Skim read at VS is OP. Problem with this game is people treat it like an MMO over an FPS, keep dying? Something must be OP. That's not necessarily the case, when you sit down and think about it quite often it was your bad positioning, being over whelmed by superior numbers and the enemy having a better weapon for the situation, can be a combo of all three, can be just one. I got some guy flaming me yesterday calling hax and insulting my mother because I killed him from 150m relatively easily (still took about 7/8 seconds of back and forth), thing is I was using an SVA-88 with 3.4x scope forward grip, compensator, and semi auto mode toggled on. I imagine he was using a Carv with a standard 1 or 2x dot reflex and maybe a forward grip... VS weapons OP? Only when your fighting with the right one vs. the wrong one.

    Not saying there isn't some unbalance between factions in certain areas of the game (over all I wouldn't say any faction is particularly stronger or weaker than the other two, and if that makes you laugh you haven't spent enough time playing as the other factions), but it isn't this BS Easy, Medium Hard that people are talking about... until people educate themselves with some facts and reason it's very hard to tell what exactly does need tweaking and what doesn't.
  20. Jurav

    Ok, yes I laughed at this and have no idea what the OP was playing, but I will give a rational reply for his benefit.

    The NC SAW is just the opposite of what you said. Up close the weapon is only good if you catch someone unaware. If you are in a 1 on 1 duel, you are dead. It is MUCH better at long range, due to it's huge ammo supply and accuracy (When fully Cerrted). I think the SAW is the best weapon the TR have.

    The Carbines of the NC are pretty much garbage, they fire slow, have bad recoil and as an LA, your screen shakes all over the place when you get hit, when in a close up fight it is so hard to hit anything. As TR it is a bit better, but as VS there is almost no recoil or screen shaking.

    The NC tanks are about on par with the TR's, I have taken out Prowlers with a Vanguard and they have taken out me, but the VS Magrider is sick. Watch the video posted today about the VS stopping a TR zerg with a single squad. What that guy is doing with a magrider from the side of a hill could never be done in any way with a TR or NC tank.

    Yes, I'm not sure what was done to the Reavers, but they do seem to be better than they were a few weeks ago. Still not as easy to fly as a Scythe, but better than they were. Not sure though, it may just be me.

    Where the huge differences come in is when you go beyond the default weapons. The NC higher tier weapons do not gain much of anything over the default, where the VS and TR weapons get fairly nice boosts to Damage and Fire Rate. the other issue seems to be with either the hit locations or the armor of Nc vs TR and VS.

    I have so many cases while playing NC that I have dumped fulls clips into an enemy and not register a single hit, only to have them turn around an plaster me to the wall with two shots. I just dont understand what is going on with this because it does not do it all the time, but alot. It's like my NC's bullets go right through them when standing 10 meters away and behind them. I have never seen this happen when play VS or TR.

    If you really want to see what the NC are griping about, you will have to play them alot longer than a couple of hours.

    Honestly, I am starting to regret putting so much SC into my NC toon.
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