Question: Lib model with cosmetics

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by R1po, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. R1po New Member

    Hi. I'm not a real 3D artist (have worked with maya before) nor have i ever worked with the playerstudio.
    But i was wondering if it's possible to get to get the same model of the lib i play ingame.
    With the cosmetics i mean, which are playermade.
    I have the fbx file of the standard model. Can i use the playerstudio software to apply the cosmetics and export it as an .obj for example?
    I wanted to 3d print a little model for my desk.
    And before i install the software and try it, i'd just like to know if it's possible.

    that's my lib: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....851/207477DFAD4E531551C8BA83BDE3F3CF83D66359/

    Thx in advance
  2. LorrMaster Member

    The Liberator model can be obtained from the test server game files directly and the Player Studio models can be obtained using the program PS2ls. Perhaps someone else will know an easier way.

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