PS viewer App material crash

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by Reaperop117, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. Reaperop117 Member

    i have looked, so if this has been answered please link it. My model works fine in PS view, but when i go to make a new material and then apply it to the model. the program thinks really hard for a second then crashes. no errors or anything. Any work around?
  2. Lobstrex Member

    I had this issue, what solved it for me is checking my FBX export settings. I had to user an older FBX export with Maya (2016 iirc), and that solved it for me.
  3. Reaperop117 Member

    I tried every iteration Maya has from 2011 to 2018. I also tried to bring in my helmet that recently got put in the game to test it. that helmet works for sure. that also crashed the player studio when i applied material. Might try to delete playerstudio and install again.
  4. Fuzz Active Member

    are you using the standalone PSview or the one thats in PTS

    the PTS one will always crash its bugged, theres a link on these forms for the standalone one
  5. Reaperop117 Member

    i completely got the two versions of playerstudio mixed up, lol i had to look at the modification date. Thank you

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