Detail Select Colour Keys

Discussion in 'Game Discussion: PlanetSide 2' started by Steveo, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Steveo Member

    I created this so its much easier for myself to work with, i like to share it with everyone - hopefully Syrah can sticky this and you guys can download it as well.

    So the way SOE's shader works is from below, i have a helmet piece on an area on the UV sheet , depending on what colour that area is on the sheet will recieve the detail normals in the colour key above. If i have a piece on a green part of the UV sheet for TR, it will get the detail normals of leather as shown by the bright green key above :). Pretty easy to understand. I would like to thank nicococo for the actual colour keys which i had been hunting for a very long time haha.

    Hope this helps you guys as much as its going to help me!

    UV1 = Diffuse/Spec/Normals
    UV2 = Detail normals/Tint
    UV3 = Decals (just copy uv1)
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  2. Nicococo Active Member

    Thanks for this steveo!
    • Like x 1
  3. Faven Active Member

    This is great, except I think you got the NC wrong. Couldnt understand why hexagons kept showing up when I ws using this as a reference, then extraced the NC one and voilla:::

    Not sure which color is which one though:S
  4. Steveo Member

    That would explain that ... Nicococo sent me old ones then lol :p
  5. Steveo Member

    I updated/fixed it and resized it (imgur was being poo poo)
  6. Lobstrex Member

    Detail normals is UV map2 right?
    • Like x 2
  7. Steveo Member

  8. Lobstrex Member

    Any chance you could do a similar thing for the Vehicle texture sheets?
  9. Steveo Member

    Soon as i get onto vehicles i will, got some vehicle armor to do, finishing up my TR helmet right now.
  10. Giz Active Member

    Ok tell me if I'm doing this right
    UV set 1 = _C.tga / _DS.tga / _S.tga
    UV set 2= _N.tga
    UV set 3= ?
  11. Nicococo Active Member

    UV1 is diffuse, normal and specular
    UV2 is detail normals (controls the scale)
    UV3 is for decals I think and TRay said that it was to be a full mesh pelt UVunwrap.
  12. Giz Active Member

    Detail Normal is the _DS file?
  13. JerreyRough Member

    Here's how I think of it:

    UV1: Controls the whole look. Most of what you need to worry about is here.
    UV2: Controls the scale of bumps on the surface and camo. Use your UV1 maps and scale them up (and/or use things like the UV Map modifiers in 3DS Max, such as shrink-wrap and spherical, for individual parts).
    UV3: Controls where decals go (important for armor and vehicle cosmetics).
  14. Steveo Member

    Yeah uv1 = looks / uv2 = scaling
  15. Giz Active Member

    How do I scale the UV2 to in blender? When I'm on the texture sheet. I scale it and nothing happens.
  16. Ponka Member

    So UV1 define the diffuse color, the camo on/off (through TM), and the type of detail (using DS) right?
    And UV2 the scale and only the scale of those details selected via UV1?
  17. Faven Active Member


    and camo/normal scale together so you its a balancing act to get those looking good without making the camo size uneven (like small squares at the jaw and huge squares at the head)
  18. Ponka Member

    That part is almost done! sortof
    I (or maybe we) still don't know the correct scale of the camo pattern (which square size is the right one?)
    Or, we just need to have a sample helmet fbx download with all UVs on so we can use it as a reference on blender
  19. gnunu Member

    What's _DS?
  20. JerreyRough Member

    Title of the thread :p. _DS = Detail Select (which literally means Detail Select, the texture is used to select the bump map applied to a given UV map in that color).

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